--- layout: text.vto title: Projects and Events --- ## Kunstroute 2024 Currently, we are organizing our next exhibition of interdisciplinary arts for May, which will take place as part of [Kunstroute](https://kunstroute-ehrenfeld.de/) Ehrenfeld 2024. ### The following forms of art will be exhibited * Graffiti * Painting * Embroidery * Illustration * Installations * Performance * Art * Tattoo ink. * Design * Graphics * Prints More information about the exhibiting artists and the exhibition itself will be available in the coming weeks on our [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/miom.space/) and [Mastodon](https://mastodon.pub.solar/@miomspace) accounts. ## hakken.irl pub.solar, a collective that provides digital infrastructures in a solidary and grassroots democratic way, regularly organizes a hackathon at MiOM, the [pub.solar hakken.irl](https://pub.solar/hakken/). ## Bisherige Projekte und Veranstaltungen * **Dimensioniii** as part of Passagen Interior Design Week Cologne (January 2020) * Art/- Design Exhibition **Gemischte Tüte** (June 2019)