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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\b\f0\fs28 MSYS - Minimal SYStem\par
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\cf1\ul\b0\i0\f1\fs20\lang1046\f2 wiki/\lang1033\f1 msys\lang1046\f2 /\cf0\lang1033\f1\par
Welcome to the world of MSYS and MinGW. Minimal SYStem is a minimal POSIX system used in the Win32 OS to accomplish configuration and making of packages.\par
MSYS is a fork of Cygwin and is more friendly to the Win32 user. It offers only a user land environment for MinGW development. It converts posix paths before executing a "native" win32 program. This allows the users of the MinGW version of GCC to port and build packages in a GNU familiar way and removes the UNIX complexities that Cygwin adds.\par
MSYS has it's own mailing list, \cf1\ul\f1\fs20\cf0\ulnone\f3\fs24 , so if you have questions or experience problems ask on that list please. I have many plans for MSYS and MinGW and plan for a new release of not more than a six weeks span. Announcements of the new release will be done in both the news posts on the \cf1\ul\f1\fs20\cf0\ulnone\f3\fs24 web site and the mingw-msys mail list. \par
More documentation can be found in the /share/doc/msys directory. Please be sure to read the documents in that directory.\par