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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "icon.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "view.h"
#define BITS_TO_BYTES( x, y ) ( ( ( x ) * ( y ) + 7 ) / 8 )
#define BITMAP_SIZE( bm ) ( sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + \
sizeof(RGBQUAD) * ((1<<(bm)->biBitCount)-1))
* IconOpen - takes a handle to an icon resource file and returns an icon_file
* structure which can be passed to other routines in this module to load a
* given icon resource or extract a bitmap (XOR or AND) from an icon. Any file
* opened in this manner must be closed with IconClose (see below).
an_icon_file *IconOpen( FILE *fp )
an_icon_file *icon_file;
unsigned size;
icon_file = UtilMalloc( sizeof( an_icon_file ) );
/* read the header once to find out how many icons are in the file */
fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_SET );
fread( icon_file, sizeof( an_icon_file ), 1, fp );
if( icon_file->count > 1 ) {
size = sizeof( an_icon_file ) +
sizeof( an_icon_resource ) * ( icon_file->count - 1 );
icon_file = realloc( icon_file, size );
fseek( fp, 0L, SEEK_SET );
fread( icon_file, (long) size, 1, fp );
return( icon_file );
} /* IconOpen */
* IconCount - returns the number of differ icons in an icon file.
WORD IconCount( an_icon_file *icon_file )
return( icon_file->count );
} /* IconCount */
* IconResInfo - puts the info for a particular icon into the resource
* structure supplied.
void IconResInfo( an_icon_file *icon_file, an_icon_resource *res, unsigned i )
*res = icon_file->resources[ i ];
} /* IconResInfo */
* ReadIconBitmap - read in the bitmap information for an individual icon.
* NOTE: assume fp is positioned at the start of the bitmap information.
* we first read in the BITMAPINFOHEADER to get information about the
* number of quads needed, then we reposition ourselves and read in
* the entire BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.
static BITMAPINFO *ReadIconBitmap( FILE *fp )
long DIB_offset, bitmap_size;
header = UtilMalloc( sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );
DIB_offset = ftell( fp );
fread( header, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ), 1, fp );
fseek( fp, DIB_offset, SEEK_SET );
bitmap_size = BITMAP_SIZE( header );
bm = realloc( header, bitmap_size );
if( !bm ) return( NULL );
fread( bm, bitmap_size, 1, fp );
return( bm );
} /* ReadIconBitmap */
* IconResourceToIcon - takes an icon file and creates an icon structure
* from the i'th icon in the file. The structure must later be freed with
* a call to the IconFini function.
an_icon *IconResourceToIcon( FILE *fp, an_icon_file *icon_file, unsigned i )
an_icon_resource *res;
an_icon *icon;
if( i >= icon_file->count ) return( NULL );
res = &icon_file->resources[ i ];
fseek( fp, res->DIB_offset, SEEK_SET );
bm = ReadIconBitmap( fp );
if( bm ) {
icon = UtilMalloc( sizeof( an_icon ) );
icon->bm = bm;
h = &bm->bmiHeader;
// h->biHeight /= 2; /* code gen bug */
h->biHeight = res->height; /* they have height * 2 in this field */
h->biSizeImage =
BITS_TO_BYTES( h->biWidth * h->biBitCount, h->biHeight );
icon->xor_size = h->biSizeImage;
icon->and_size = BITS_TO_BYTES( h->biWidth, h->biHeight );
icon->xor_mask = UtilMalloc( icon->xor_size + icon->and_size );
icon->and_mask = (char *)icon->xor_mask + icon->xor_size;
fseek( fp, res->DIB_offset + BITMAP_SIZE( h ), SEEK_SET );
fread( icon->xor_mask, icon->xor_size + icon->and_size, 1, fp );
return( icon );
return( NULL );
} /* IconResourceToIcon */
* IconFini - frees up memory allocated for an icon structure.
void IconFini( an_icon *icon )
UtilFree( icon->bm );
UtilFree( icon->xor_mask );
UtilFree( icon );
} /* IconFini */
* CreateIconPalette - creates a palette for the colours present in an
* icon's bitmap.
static HPALETTE CreateIconPalette( BITMAPINFO *info )
unsigned num_colours, i;
LOGPALETTE *palette;
HPALETTE palette_handle;
RGBQUAD *quads;
num_colours = info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed;
if( num_colours == 0 ) {
num_colours = 1 << info->bmiHeader.biBitCount;
palette = UtilMalloc( sizeof( LOGPALETTE ) +
num_colours * sizeof( PALETTEENTRY ) );
palette->palNumEntries = num_colours;
palette->palVersion = 0x300;
quads = &info->bmiColors[0];
for( i = 0; i < num_colours; i++ ) {
palette->palPalEntry[i].peRed = quads[i].rgbRed;
palette->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = quads[i].rgbGreen;
palette->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = quads[i].rgbBlue;
palette->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0;
palette_handle = CreatePalette( palette );
UtilFree( palette );
return( palette_handle );
} /* CreateIconPalette */
* IconToXorBitmap - creates a bitmap which contains the part of an icon
* which is to be XOR'd against the background.
HBITMAP IconToXorBitmap( HDC hdc, an_icon *icon )
HBITMAP bitmap_handle = (HBITMAP)0;
HPALETTE new_palette, old_palette;
new_palette = CreateIconPalette( icon->bm );
old_palette = SelectPalette( hdc, new_palette, FALSE );
RealizePalette( hdc );
bitmap_handle = CreateDIBitmap( hdc, &icon->bm->bmiHeader, CBM_INIT,
icon->xor_mask, icon->bm, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
SelectPalette( hdc, old_palette, FALSE );
DeleteObject( new_palette );
return( bitmap_handle );
} /* IconToXorBitmap */
* IconToAndBitmap - creates the bitmap which allows an icon to have a
* tranparent border around the central image.
HBITMAP IconToAndBitmap( HDC hdc, an_icon *icon )
BITMAP bitmap;
HBITMAP bitmap_handle;
hdc = hdc;
h = &icon->bm->bmiHeader;
bitmap.bmType = 0;
bitmap.bmWidth = h->biWidth;
bitmap.bmHeight = h->biWidth;
bitmap.bmWidthBytes = ( bitmap.bmWidth + 7 ) / 8;
bitmap.bmPlanes = 1;
bitmap.bmBitsPixel = 1;
bitmap.bmBits = icon->and_mask;
bitmap_handle = CreateBitmapIndirect( &bitmap );
return( bitmap_handle );
} /* IconToAndBitmap */
* IconClose - closes an icon file which was opened with IconOpen.
void IconClose( an_icon_file *icon_file )
UtilFree( icon_file );