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// --msgemit.h--------------------------------------------------------------
// API entry points for the msgemit static link library.
// Contains helper functions for converting MAPI messages to
// 822-style headers and 822-style ASCII headers to MAPI messages.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp., 1986-1996. All rights reserved.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef _MSGEMIT_H
#pragma option push -b -a8 -pc -A- /*P_O_Push*/
#define _MSGEMIT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
// Constants for the binary encode and decode functions.
const ULONG nBytesEncodePerLine = 24; // # of bytes encoded per line
const ULONG nCharsPerEncodedByte = 3; // # of chars written per encoded byte
// Convenient macro for determining the number of data bytes (not
// counting the null terminator) in a string.
static __inline ULONG cbStrBytes(
IN LPCSTR pszString) // string pointer
return (lstrlenA(pszString));
// DESCRIPTION: Builds a date & time (UT) created string for a MAPI message file time
// INPUT: lpFileTime -- file time structure pointer (UT)
// OUTPUT: lppTimeString -- Pointer to time string output buffer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems,
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreateDateTimeStringW(
IN LPFILETIME lpFileTime, // file time structure pointer
OUT LPWSTR * lppTimeString); // pointer to time string buffer
HRESULT HrCreateDateTimeStringA(
IN LPFILETIME lpFileTime, // file time structure pointer
OUT LPSTR * lppTimeString); // pointer to time string buffer
#ifdef UNICODE
#define HrCreateDateTimeString HrCreateDateTimeStringW
#define HrCreateDateTimeString HrCreateDateTimeStringA
// DESCRIPTION: Creates an message importance string from a MAPI message importance value
// INPUT: ulImportance -- message's PR_IMPORTANCE value
// OUTPUT: lppImportance -- Pointer to importance string buffer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems,
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreateImportanceString( // RETURNS: HRESULT
IN ULONG ulImportance, // message's PR_IMPORTANCE value
OUT LPSTR * lppImportance); // pointer to importance string buffer
// DESCRIPTION: Emits a line constructed from a static tag and dynamic
// data to the specified stream.
// INPUT: lpszTag -- tag portion of line
// lpData -- data portion of line (may be "")
// lpStream -- stream to write line to
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,d
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrEmitTagDataLine(
IN LPCSTR lpszTag, // static portion of line
IN LPSTR lpData, // dynamic portion of line
IN LPSTREAM lpStream); // stream to write line to
// DESCRIPTION: Creates message priority data string from a MAPI priority value
// INPUT: ulPriority -- message's PR_PRIORITY value
// OUTPUT: lppPriorityString -- message priority data string pointer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreatePriorityString(
IN ULONG ulPriority, // message's PR_PRIORITY value
OUT LPSTR * lppPriorityString); // message priority data string pointer
// DESCRIPTION: Copies binary data from an input stream or
// specified output stream,
// encoding each byte as a two-character
// hexadecimal ASCII representation of the byte.
// E.g. 255 becomes 'FF'.
// lpStreamIn -- input stream pointer
// lpStreamOut -- output stream pointer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrEDKEncodeBinaryStreamDataToStream(
IN LPSTREAM lpStreamIn, // input stream pointer
IN LPSTREAM lpStreamOut); // output stream pointer
// DESCRIPTION: Creates a string from a message's external trace information.
// INPUT: lAction -- trace action
// lpCountry -- country
// lpADMDName -- ADMD name
// lpPRMDId -- PRMD identifier
// OUTPUT: lppTraceString -- pointer to trace information string buffer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems
// E_FAIL otherwise,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreateExternalTraceString(
IN LONG lAction, // trace action
IN LPSTR lpCountry, // country name
IN LPSTR lpADMDName, // ADMD name
IN LPSTR lpPRMDId, // PRMD identifier
OUT LPSTR * lppTraceString); // trace information string pointer
// DESCRIPTION: Creates a string from a message's internal trace information.
// INPUT: lAction -- trace action
// lpCountry -- country
// lpADMDName -- ADMD name
// lpPRMDId -- PRMD identifier
// lpMTAName -- MTA name
// OUTPUT: lppTraceString -- pointer to trace information string buffer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if invalid parameter,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problems
// E_FAIL otherwise,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreateInternalTraceString(
IN LONG lAction, // trace action
IN LPSTR lpCountry, // country name
IN LPSTR lpADMDName, // ADMD name
IN LPSTR lpPRMDId, // PRMD identifier
IN LPSTR lpMTAName, // MTA name
OUT LPSTR * lppTraceString); // trace information string pointer
// DESCRIPTION: Utility function which retrieves columns
// desired from a MAPI recipient table.
// INPUT: lpMessage -- pointer to MAPI message
// lpPropTags -- list of columns (properties) to retrieve
// OUTPUT: lppRows -- pointer to array of rows returned pointer.
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_FAIL otherwise
// -------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrGetRecipientList(
IN LPMESSAGE lpMessage, // MAPI message pointer
IN LPSPropTagArray lpPropTags, // properties (columns) desired
OUT LPSRowSet * lppRows); // pointer to rows returned
// DESCRIPTION: Parse ASCII 822-style header line into
// tag and data components.
// INPUT: lpStream -- stream pointer to read from
// OUTPUT: pcbRead -- number of bytes read from stream
// ppTag -- pointer to tag buffer
// ppData -- pointer to data buffer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory problem
// E_EOF if end of stream
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrParseTagAndData(
IN LPSTREAM lpStream, // stream pointer
OUT ULONG * pcbRead, // # of bytes read
OUT LPSTR * lppTag, // pointer to tag buffer
OUT LPSTR * lppData); // pointer to data buffer
// DESCRIPTION: Parses a date and time string into a file time
// structure.
// INPUT: lpDateTimeString -- date and time string
// OUTPUT: pFileTime -- file time pointer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrParseDateTimeString(
IN LPSTR lpDateTimeString, // date and time string
OUT FILETIME * pFileTime); // file time pointer
// DESCRIPTION: Convert a priority string to its associated
// integer value.
// INPUT: lpPriority -- priority string
// OUTPUT: pulPriority -- pointer to priority value
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrParsePriorityString(
IN LPSTR lpPriority, // Priority string
OUT ULONG * pulPriority); // priority value pointer
// DESCRIPTION: Convert an importance string to its associated
// integer value.
// INPUT: lpImportance -- importance string
// OUTPUT: pulImportance -- pointer to importance value
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrParseImportanceString(
IN LPSTR lpImportance, // Importance string
OUT ULONG * pulImportance); // importance value pointer
// DESCRIPTION: Parse External-Received-By or
// External-Attempted-By trace string into a
// its separate components.
// INPUT: lpTraceString -- External-Received/Attempted-By trace string
// OUTPUT: plAction -- trace action
// pCountry -- country name
// pADMDName -- ADMD name
// pPRMDId -- PRMD identifier
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input
// E_FAIL otherwise
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrParseExternalTraceString(
IN LPSTR lpTraceString, // trace information string
OUT LONG * plAction, // trace action pointer
OUT CHAR * pCountry, // country name
OUT CHAR * pADMDName, // ADMD name
OUT CHAR * pPRMDId); // PRMD identifier
// DESCRIPTION: Parse Internal-Received-By or
// Internal-Attempted-By trace string into
// its separate components.
// INPUT: lpTraceString -- Internal-Received/Attempted-By trace string
// OUTPUT: plAction -- trace action
// pCountry -- country name
// pADMDName -- ADMD name
// pPRMDId -- PRMD identifier
// pMTAName -- MTA name
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input
// E_FAIL otherwise
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrParseInternalTraceString(
IN LPSTR lpTraceString, // trace information string
OUT LONG * plAction, // trace action pointer
OUT CHAR * pCountry, // country name
OUT CHAR * pADMDName, // ADMD name
OUT CHAR * pPRMDId, // PRMD identifier
OUT CHAR * pMTAName); // MTA name
// DESCRIPTION: Parse attachment header data into its file name
// and file size components.
// INPUT: lpHeader -- attachment header data string
// OUTPUT: lppFileName -- attachment file name
// pcb -- pointer to # of bytes in attachment
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrParseAttachmentHeader(
IN LPSTR lpHeader, // attachment header data string
OUT LPSTR * lppFileName, // attachment file name
OUT ULONG * pcb); // pointer to number of bytes in file name
// DESCRIPTION: Read attachment hexadecimal encoding from input
// stream to attachment.
// INPUT: cb -- number of bytes in binary attachment.
// lpStream -- stream pointer
// lpAttach -- attachment pointer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrEDKDecodeBinaryStreamDataToStream(
IN LPSTREAM lpStreamIn, // input stream
IN ULONG cb, // number of bytes in original binary data
IN LPSTREAM lpStreamOut); // output stream
// DESCRIPTION: Break a subject into its prefix component & its
// original subject component. (The prefix is everything
// up to and including the first colon and the first space
// after the colon, if any.
// INPUT: pszSubject -- subject text
// OUTPUT ppszPrefix -- prefix string pointer
// ppszOrigSub -- original subject pointer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory propblems,
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrEDKParseSubjectPrefix(
IN LPSTR pszSubject, // subject text
OUT LPSTR * ppszPrefix, // subject prefix
OUT LPSTR * ppszOrigSub); // original subject text
// DESCRIPTION: Returns the number of encoded bytes based on the number of
// un-encoded bytes.
// INPUT: cbUnencoded -- # of un-encoded bytes
// RETURNS: ULONG -- # of encoded bytes
// NOTE: This is implemented as a static __inline macro for
// efficiency and because it is so simple.
static __inline ULONG nEDKEncodedBytes(
IN ULONG cbUnencoded) // # of un-encoded bytes
ASSERTERROR(cbUnencoded != 0, "Bad cbUnencoded"); // debug check
if ( (cbUnencoded % nBytesEncodePerLine) == 0 )
return ( (nCharsPerEncodedByte * cbUnencoded) +
(cbUnencoded/nBytesEncodePerLine) );
return ( (nCharsPerEncodedByte * cbUnencoded) +
(cbUnencoded/nBytesEncodePerLine) + 1 );
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // __cplusplus
#pragma option pop /*P_O_Pop*/