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Raw Normal View History

#include "life.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include "palette.h"
#include "bitmap.h"
#define HUGE_SHIFT 8
* NOTE: assume fp is positioned at the start of the bitmap information.
* we first read in the BITMAPINFOHEADER to get information about the
* number of quads needed, then we reposition ourselves and read in
* the entire BITMAPINFOHEADER structure.
static BITMAPINFO *ReadBitmapInfo( FILE *fp )
long DIB_offset, bitmap_size;
header = malloc( sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ) );
if( !header ) return( NULL );
DIB_offset = ftell( fp );
fread( header, sizeof( BITMAPINFOHEADER ), 1, fp );
fseek( fp, DIB_offset, SEEK_SET );
bitmap_size = BITMAP_INFO_SIZE( header );
bm = realloc( header, bitmap_size );
if( !bm ) return( NULL );
fread( bm, bitmap_size, 1, fp );
return( bm );
#if !defined( __WINDOWS_386__ ) && !defined( __NT__ )
#define _HUGE huge
static void HugeMemCopy( char far *dst, char far *src, unsigned bytes )
long offset, selector;
long bytes_before_segment_end;
offset = FP_OFF( dst );
selector = FP_SEG( dst );
bytes_before_segment_end = 0x10000L - offset;
if( bytes_before_segment_end < bytes ) {
_fmemcpy( dst, src, bytes_before_segment_end );
bytes -= bytes_before_segment_end;
selector += HUGE_SHIFT;
dst = MK_FP( selector, 0 );
src += bytes_before_segment_end;
_fmemcpy( dst, src, bytes );
#define HugeMemCopy( a, b, c ) memcpy( a, b, c )
#define _HUGE
/* this is the amount of memory we read in at once */
#define CHUNK_SIZE (48 * 1024)
static void ReadInPieces( BYTE _HUGE *dst, FILE *fp, DWORD size )
BYTE *buffer;
WORD chunk_size;
chunk_size = CHUNK_SIZE;
while( ( buffer = malloc( chunk_size ) ) == NULL ) {
chunk_size >>= 1;
while( size > chunk_size ) {
fread( buffer, chunk_size, 1, fp );
HugeMemCopy( dst, buffer, chunk_size );
dst += chunk_size;
size -= chunk_size;
fread( buffer, size, 1, fp );
_memcpy( dst, buffer, size );
free( buffer );
} /* ReadInPieces */
* Loads a device independant bitmap from the file <file_name> and
* returns a handle to a newly created BITMAP.
HBITMAP ReadBitmapFile( HWND hwnd, char *file_name )
FILE *fp;
BITMAPINFOHEADER *h; /* to avoid typeing bitmap_info->... */
BITMAPINFO *bitmap_info;
DWORD size; /* generic size - used repeatedly */
BYTE _HUGE *mask_ptr; /* pointer to bit array in memory */
HBITMAP bitmap_handle;
HDC hdc;
HPALETTE new_palette, old_palette;
bitmap_handle = (HBITMAP)0;
fp = fopen( file_name, "rb" );
if( fp == NULL ) return( bitmap_handle );
fread( &file_header, sizeof( BITMAPFILEHEADER ), 1, fp );
if( file_header.bfType != BITMAP_TYPE ) {
fclose( fp );
return( bitmap_handle );
bitmap_info = ReadBitmapInfo( fp );
if( bitmap_info != NULL ) {
h = &bitmap_info->bmiHeader;
fseek( fp, file_header.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET );
size = BITS_TO_BYTES( h->biWidth * h->biBitCount, h->biHeight );
#ifdef __NT__
mask_ptr = malloc( size );
memset( mask_ptr, 0, size );
mask_ptr = _halloc( size, 1 );
if( mask_ptr != NULL ) {
ReadInPieces( mask_ptr, fp, size );
new_palette = CreateDIBPalette( bitmap_info );
if( new_palette ) {
hdc = GetDC( hwnd );
old_palette = SelectPalette( hdc, new_palette, FALSE );
RealizePalette( hdc );
bitmap_handle = CreateDIBitmap( hdc, h, CBM_INIT,
mask_ptr, bitmap_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS );
SelectPalette( hdc, old_palette, FALSE );
DeleteObject( new_palette );
ReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc );
#ifdef __NT__
free( mask_ptr );
_hfree( mask_ptr );
free( bitmap_info );
fclose( fp );
return( bitmap_handle );
} /* ReadBitmapFile */
HBITMAP RequestBitmapFile( void )
char file_name[ _MAX_PATH ];
HBITMAP bitmap = 0;
if( GetFileName( "Open Bitmap", FALSE, "*.BMP",
file_name, _MAX_PATH ) ) {
bitmap = ReadBitmapFile( WinHandle, file_name );
return( bitmap );
} /*RequestBitmapFile */