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#include <olectl.h>
#include "exdispid.h"
// BUGBUG: headerfiles are screwy!!!
// Any changes (renames/additions/deletions) of IIDs, DIID,
// or CLSIDs to this file needs to be reflected in nashsdk\inc\shlguid.w
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright 1995 - 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// the libid for this type libray
helpstring("Microsoft Internet Controls"), // VB has a maximum limit for this helpstring!
library SHDocVw {
// standard imports
// IWebBrowser
helpstring("Web Browser interface"),
interface IWebBrowser : IDispatch {
// Methods
[id(100), helpstring("Navigates to the previous item in the history list."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
[id(101), helpstring("Navigates to the next item in the history list."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT GoForward();
[id(102), helpstring("Go home/start page."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
[id(103), helpstring("Go Search Page."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT GoSearch();
[id(104), helpstring("Navigates to a URL or file."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Navigate([in] BSTR URL,
[in, optional] VARIANT * Flags,
[in, optional] VARIANT * TargetFrameName,
[in, optional] VARIANT * PostData,
[in, optional] VARIANT * Headers);
// Flags
helpstring("Constants for WebBrowser navigation flags")
enum BrowserNavConstants {
[helpstring("Open in new window")] navOpenInNewWindow = 0x0001,
[helpstring("Exclude from history list")] navNoHistory = 0x0002,
[helpstring("Don't read from cache")] navNoReadFromCache = 0x0004,
[helpstring("Don't write from cache")] navNoWriteToCache = 0x0008,
} BrowserNavConstants;
[id(DISPID_REFRESH), helpstring("Refresh the currently viewed page."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Refresh();
// The standard Refresh takes no parameters and we need some... use a new name
[id(105), helpstring("Refresh the currently viewed page."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Refresh2([in,optional] VARIANT * Level);
// Level
helpstring("Constants for Refresh")
enum RefreshConstants { // must map to these in sdk\inc\docobj.h
[helpstring("Refresh normal")] REFRESH_NORMAL = 0, //== OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_NORMAL
[helpstring("Refresh if expired")] REFRESH_IFEXPIRED = 1, //== OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_IFEXPIRED
[helpstring("Refresh completely")] REFRESH_COMPLETELY = 3 //== OLECMDIDF_REFRESH_COMPLETELY
} RefreshConstants;
[id(106), helpstring("Stops opening a file."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
// Properties
// Automation heirarchy...
[id(200), propget, helpstring("Returns the application automation object if accessible, this automation object otherwise.."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Application([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp);
[id(201), propget, helpstring("Returns the automation object of the container/parent if one exists or this automation object."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Parent([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp);
[id(202), propget, helpstring("Returns the container/parent automation object, if any."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Container([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp);
[id(203), propget, helpstring("Returns the active Document automation object, if any."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Document([out,retval] IDispatch** ppDisp);
[id(204), propget, helpstring("Returns True if this is the top level object."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT TopLevelContainer([out, retval] boolean* pBool);
[id(205), propget, helpstring("Returns the type of the contained document object."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Type([out,retval] BSTR* pbstrType);
// Window stuff...
[id(206), propget, helpstring("The horizontal position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Left([out, retval] long *pl);
[id(206), propput]
HRESULT Left([in] long Left);
[id(207), propget, helpstring("The vertical position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Top([out, retval] long *pl);
[id(207), propput]
HRESULT Top([in] long Top);
[id(208), propget, helpstring("The horizontal dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Width([out, retval] long *pl);
[id(208), propput]
HRESULT Width([in] long Width);
[id(209), propget, helpstring("The vertical dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Height([out, retval] long *pl);
[id(209), propput]
HRESULT Height([in] long Height);
// WebBrowser stuff...
[id(210), propget, helpstring("Gets the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL/file currently viewed."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT LocationName([out,retval] BSTR * pbstrLocationName);
[id(211), propget, helpstring("Gets the full URL/path currently viewed."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT LocationURL([out,retval] BSTR * pbstrLocationURL);
// Added a property to see if the viewer is currenly busy or not...
[id(212), propget, helpstring("Query to see if something is still in progress."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Busy([out,retval] boolean *pBool);
// event interface for IWebBrowser controls ...
helpstring("Event interface for Web Browser Control"),
dispinterface DWebBrowserEvents {
[id(DISPID_BEFORENAVIGATE), helpstring("Fired when a new hyperlink is being navigated to."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void BeforeNavigate([in] BSTR URL, long Flags, BSTR TargetFrameName, VARIANT * PostData, BSTR Headers, [in, out]boolean * Cancel);
[id(DISPID_NAVIGATECOMPLETE), helpstring("Fired when a new hyperlink is being navigated to."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void NavigateComplete([in] BSTR URL );
[id(DISPID_STATUSTEXTCHANGE), helpstring("Statusbar text changed."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void StatusTextChange([in]BSTR Text);
[id(DISPID_PROGRESSCHANGE), helpstring("Fired when download progress is updated."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void ProgressChange([in] long Progress, [in] long ProgressMax);
[id(DISPID_DOWNLOADCOMPLETE), helpstring("Download of page complete."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void DownloadComplete();
[id(DISPID_COMMANDSTATECHANGE), helpstring("The enabled state of a command changed"), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void CommandStateChange([in] long Command, [in] boolean Enable);
[id(DISPID_DOWNLOADBEGIN), helpstring("Download of a page started."), helpcontext(0x000)]
void DownloadBegin();
[id(DISPID_NEWWINDOW), helpstring("Fired when a new window should be created."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void NewWindow([in] BSTR URL, [in] long Flags, [in] BSTR TargetFrameName, [in] VARIANT * PostData, [in] BSTR Headers, [in,out] BOOLEAN * Processed);
[id(DISPID_TITLECHANGE), helpstring("Document title changed."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void TitleChange([in]BSTR Text);
[id(DISPID_FRAMEBEFORENAVIGATE), helpstring("Fired when a new hyperlink is being navigated to in a frame."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void FrameBeforeNavigate([in] BSTR URL, long Flags, BSTR TargetFrameName, VARIANT * PostData, BSTR Headers, [in, out]boolean * Cancel);
[id(DISPID_FRAMENAVIGATECOMPLETE), helpstring("Fired when a new hyperlink is being navigated to in a frame."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void FrameNavigateComplete([in] BSTR URL );
[id(DISPID_FRAMENEWWINDOW), helpstring("Fired when a new window should be created."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void FrameNewWindow([in] BSTR URL, [in] long Flags, [in] BSTR TargetFrameName, [in] VARIANT * PostData, [in] BSTR Headers, [in,out] BOOLEAN * Processed);
// The following are IWebBrowserApp specific:
[id(DISPID_QUIT), helpstring("Fired when application is quiting."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void Quit([in, out] boolean * Cancel);
[id(DISPID_WINDOWMOVE), helpstring("Fired when window has been moved."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void WindowMove();
[id(DISPID_WINDOWRESIZE), helpstring("Fired when window has been sized."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void WindowResize();
[id(DISPID_WINDOWACTIVATE), helpstring("Fired when window has been activated."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void WindowActivate();
[id(DISPID_PROPERTYCHANGE), helpstring("Fired when the PutProperty method has been called."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
void PropertyChange([in] BSTR szProperty);
// Flags for DWebBrowserEvents::CommandStateChange
helpstring("Constants for WebBrowser CommandStateChange")
enum CommandStateChangeConstants {
[helpstring("Command Change")] CSC_UPDATECOMMANDS = 0xFFFFFFFF,
[helpstring("Navigate Forward")] CSC_NAVIGATEFORWARD = 0x00000001,
[helpstring("Navigate Back")] CSC_NAVIGATEBACK = 0x00000002,
} CommandStateChangeConstants;
// CLSID_WebBrowser
helpstring("WebBrowser Control")
coclass WebBrowser {
[default] interface IWebBrowser;
[default, source] dispinterface DWebBrowserEvents;
// IWebBrowserApp
helpstring("Web Browser Application Interface."),
interface IWebBrowserApp: IWebBrowser
// Methods
[id(300), helpstring("Exits application and closes the open document."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
[id(301), helpstring("Converts client sizes into window sizes."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT ClientToWindow([in,out] int* pcx, [in,out] int* pcy);
[id(302), helpstring("Associates vtValue with the name szProperty in the context of the object."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT PutProperty([in] BSTR szProperty, [in] VARIANT vtValue);
[id(303), helpstring("Retrieve the Associated value for the property vtValue in the context of the object."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT GetProperty([in] BSTR szProperty, [out, retval] VARIANT *pvtValue);
// Properties
[id(0), propget, helpstring("Returns name of the application."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Name([out,retval] BSTR* pbstrName);
[id(DISPID_HWND), propget, helpstring("Returns the HWND of the current IE window."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT HWND([out,retval] long *pHWND);
[id(400), propget, helpstring("Returns file specification of the application, including path."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT FullName([out,retval] BSTR* pbstrFullName);
[id(401), propget, helpstring("Returns the path to the application."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Path([out,retval] BSTR* pbstrPath);
[id(402), propget, helpstring("Determines whether the application is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Visible([out, retval] boolean* pBool);
[id(402), propput, helpstring("Determines whether the application is visible or hidden."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT Visible([in] boolean Value);
[id(403), propget, helpstring("Turn on or off the statusbar."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT StatusBar([out, retval] boolean* pBool);
[id(403), propput, helpstring("Turn on or off the statusbar."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT StatusBar([in] boolean Value);
[id(404), propget, helpstring("Text of Status window."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT StatusText([out, retval] BSTR *pbstr);
[id(404), propput, helpstring("Text of Status window."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT StatusText([in] BSTR bstr);
[id(405), propget, helpstring("Controls which toolbar is shown."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT ToolBar([out, retval] int * pValue);
[id(405), propput, helpstring("Controls which toolbar is shown."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT ToolBar([in] int Value);
[id(406), propget, helpstring("Controls whether menubar is shown."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT MenuBar([out, retval] boolean * Value);
[id(406), propput, helpstring("Controls whether menubar is shown."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT MenuBar([in] boolean Value);
[id(407), propget, helpstring("Maximizes window and turns off statusbar, toolbar, menubar, and titlebar."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT FullScreen([out, retval] boolean * pbFullScreen);
[id(407), propput, helpstring("Maximizes window and turns off statusbar, toolbar, menubar, and titlebar."), helpcontext(0x0000)]
HRESULT FullScreen([in] boolean bFullScreen);
// event interface for IWebBrowserApp is the same as DWebBrowserEvents
// the old uuid for DInternetExplorerEvents was
// uuid(0002DF06-0000-0000-C000-0000000000000046),
// CLSID_InternetExplorer
helpstring("Internet Explorer Application."),
coclass InternetExplorer
[default] interface IWebBrowserApp;
[default, source] dispinterface DWebBrowserEvents;