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#if __SC__ || __RCC__
#pragma once
#ifndef _IOSTREAM_H_
#define _IOSTREAM_H_
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error Use C++ compiler for iostream.h - invoke with -cpp switch
* iostream.h -- basic stream I/O declarations
* $Id: iostream.h,v 1997/01/02 19:16:41 smarx Exp $
* Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
* P.O. Box 2328
* Corvallis, OR 97339
* Voice: (503) 754-3010 FAX: (503) 757-6650
* Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 1994.
* This software is subject to copyright protection under the laws of
* the United States and other countries.
* $Log: iostream.h,v $
* Revision 1997/01/02 19:16:41 smarx
* cafe12
// *
// * 13 5/01/96 10:26a Smarx
// * added long double support
// *
// * 12 2/26/96 8:04a Smarx
* Rev 1.10 24 May 1995 15:42:34 Andrew
* Fixed problem where structs/classes were not in pragma pack(__DEFALIGN)
* Rev 1.9 08 May 1995 15:20:40 Andrew
* Fixed debug info problem
* Rev 1.8 03 May 1995 9:40:08 Andrew
* Fixed problem with -A compiles
* Rev 1.7 14 Jan 1995 17:12:28 Andy
* FIxed iostream.h so that users can use it in a precompiled header
* Rev 1.6 04 Jan 1995 14:20:50 Andy
* added operator= (ostream_withassign&) member to class ostream_withassign
* Rev 1.5 02 Nov 1994 12:09:54 BUSHNELL
* Ifdefed in long long support for intsize==4
* Rev 1.4 08 Oct 1994 14:11:54 BUSHNELL
* Added pragma once for faster compilations
* Rev 1.3 05 Oct 1994 13:34:30 anderson
* Added support for ios::binary and ios::translated
* Rev 1.2 04 Oct 1994 17:43:50 DYNIN
* 10181 : added 2 funcs for MS compatibility.
* Rev 1.1 02 Jun 1994 21:35:42 bushnell
* added ifdef so that MS RC will not include header twice
* Rev 1.0 28 Apr 1994 19:17:38 thompson
* Initial revision.
* Revision 1.4 1994/04/14 16:48:51 vriezen
* Add conditional compilation for long long and long double
* Revision 1.3 1994/04/14 00:50:17 vriezen
* Updated copywrite, added ID and LOG and changed comments to indicate .cpp filename
#include <string.h> // to get memcpy and NULL
// Definition of EOF must match the one in <stdio.h>
#define EOF (-1)
// extract a char from int i, ensuring that zapeof(EOF) != EOF
#define zapeof(i) ((unsigned char)(i))
typedef long streampos; // should be int or long
typedef long streamoff; // should be int or long
class streambuf;
class ostream;
#pragma pack(__DEFALIGN)
class ios {
// stream status bits
enum io_state {
goodbit = 0x00, // no bit set: all is ok
eofbit = 0x01, // at end of file
failbit = 0x02, // last I/O operation failed
badbit = 0x04, // invalid operation attempted
hardfail = 0x80 // unrecoverable error
// stream operation mode
enum open_mode {
in = 0x01, // open for reading
out = 0x02, // open for writing
ate = 0x04, // seek to eof upon original open
app = 0x08, // append mode: all additions at eof
trunc = 0x10, // truncate file if already exists
nocreate = 0x20, // open fails if file doesn't exist
noreplace = 0x40, // open fails if file already exists
binary = 0x80, // file is not translated
translated = 0x00 // for compatability
// stream seek direction
enum seek_dir { beg=0, cur=1, end=2 };
// formatting flags
enum {
skipws = 0x0001, // skip whitespace on input
left = 0x0002, // left-adjust output
right = 0x0004, // right-adjust output
internal = 0x0008, // padding after sign or base indicator
dec = 0x0010, // decimal conversion
oct = 0x0020, // octal conversion
hex = 0x0040, // hexidecimal conversion
showbase = 0x0080, // use base indicator on output
showpoint = 0x0100, // force decimal point (floating output)
uppercase = 0x0200, // upper-case hex output
showpos = 0x0400, // add '+' to positive integers
scientific= 0x0800, // use 1.2345E2 floating notation
fixed = 0x1000, // use 123.45 floating notation
unitbuf = 0x2000, // flush all streams after insertion
stdio = 0x4000 // flush stdout, stderr after insertion
// constants for second parameter of seft()
static const long basefield; // dec | oct | hex
static const long adjustfield; // left | right | internal
static const long floatfield; // scientific | fixed
// constructor, destructor
virtual ~ios();
// for reading/setting/clearing format flags
long flags();
long flags(long);
long setf(long _setbits, long _field);
long setf(long);
long unsetf(long);
// reading/setting field width
int width();
int width(int);
// reading/setting padding character
char fill();
char fill(char);
// reading/setting digits of floating precision
int precision(int);
int precision();
// reading/setting ostream tied to this stream
ostream* tie(ostream*);
ostream* tie();
// find out about current stream state
int rdstate(); // return the stream state
int eof(); // non-zero on end of file
int fail(); // non-zero if an operation failed
int bad(); // non-zero if error occurred
int good(); // non-zero if no state bits set
void clear(int = 0); // set the stream state
operator void* (); // zero if state failed
int operator! (); // non-zero if state failed
streambuf* rdbuf(); // get the assigned streambuf
// for declaring additional flag bits and user words
static long bitalloc(); // acquire a new flag bit, value returned
static int xalloc(); // acquire a new user word, index returned
long & iword(int); // return the nth user word as an int
void* & pword(int); // return the nth user word as a pointer
static void sync_with_stdio();
// obsolete, for streams 1.2 compatibility
int skip(int);
// additional state flags for ispecial and ospecial
enum { skipping = 0x100, tied = 0x200 };
streambuf* bp; // the associated streambuf
ostream* x_tie; // the tied ostream, if any
int state; // status bits
int ispecial; // istream status bits ***
int ospecial; // ostream status bits ***
long x_flags; // formatting flag bits
int x_precision; // floating-point precision on output
int x_width; // field width on output
int x_fill; // padding character on output
int isfx_special; // unused ***
int osfx_special; // unused ***
int delbuf; // unused ***
int assign_private; // unused ***
* The data members marked with *** above are not documented in the AT&T
* release of streams, so we cannot guarantee compatibility with any
* other streams release in the use or values of these data members.
* If you can document any expected behavior of these data members, we
* will try to adjust our implementation accordingly.
ios(); // null constructor, does not initialize
void init(streambuf*); // the actual initialization
void setstate(int); // set all status bits
static void (*stdioflush)();
// for extra flag bits and user words
static long nextbit;
static int usercount;
void *userwords;
int nwords;
void usersize(int);
// these declarations prevent automatic copying of an ios
ios(ios&); // declared but not defined
void operator= (ios&); // declared but not defined
inline streambuf* ios::rdbuf() { return bp; }
inline ostream* ios::tie() { return x_tie; }
inline char ios::fill() { return x_fill; }
inline int ios::precision() { return x_precision; }
inline int ios::rdstate() { return state; }
inline int ios::eof() { return state & eofbit; }
inline int ios::fail() { return state & (failbit | badbit | hardfail); }
inline int ios::bad() { return state & (badbit | hardfail); }
inline int ios::good() { return state == 0; }
inline long ios::flags() { return x_flags; }
inline int ios::width() { return x_width; }
inline int ios::width(int _w) { int _i = x_width; x_width = _w; return _i; }
inline char ios::fill(char _c) { char _x = x_fill; x_fill = _c; return _x; }
inline int ios::precision(int _p) {
int _x = x_precision; x_precision = _p; return _x;
inline ios::operator void* () { return fail() ? 0 : this; }
inline int ios::operator! () { return fail(); }
class streambuf {
// constructors and destructors
streambuf(); // make empty streambuf
streambuf(char*, int); // make streambuf with given char array
virtual ~streambuf();
// use the provided char array for the buffer if possible
virtual streambuf* setbuf(char*, int);
// getting (extracting) characters
int sgetc(); // peek at next char
int snextc(); // advance to and return next char
int sbumpc(); // return current char and advance
void stossc(); // advance to next character
int sgetn(char*, int); // get next n chars
virtual int xsgetn(char*, int); // implementation of sgetn
virtual int underflow(); // fill empty buffer
int sputbackc(char); // return char to input
virtual int pbackfail(int); // implementation of sputbackc
int in_avail(); // number of avail chars in buffer
// putting (inserting) characters
int sputc(int); // put one char
int sputn(const char*, int); // put n chars from string
virtual int xsputn(const char* s, int n); // implementation of sputn
virtual int overflow(int = EOF); // flush buffer and make more room
int out_waiting(); // number of unflushed chars
// moving around in stream
virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, ios::seek_dir, int = (ios::in | ios::out));
virtual streampos seekpos(streampos, int = (ios::in | ios::out));
virtual int sync();
void dbp(); // for debugging streambuf implementations
char* base(); // return start of buffer area
char* ebuf(); // return end+1 of buffer area
int blen(); // return length of buffer area
char* pbase(); // return start of put area
char* pptr(); // return next location in put area
char* epptr(); // return end+1 of put area
char* eback(); // return base of putback section of get area
char* gptr(); // return next location in get area
char* egptr(); // return end+1 of get area
void setp(char*, char*); // initialize the put pointers
void setg(char*, char*, char*); // initialize the get pointers
void pbump(int); // advance the put pointer
void gbump(int); // advance the get pointer
void setb(char*, char*, int = 0 ); // set the buffer area
void unbuffered(int);// set the buffering state
int unbuffered(); // non-zero if not buffered
int allocate(); // set up a buffer area
virtual int doallocate(); // implementation of allocate
short alloc_; // non-zero if buffer should be deleted
short unbuf_; // non-zero if unbuffered
char* base_; // start of buffer area
char* ebuf_; // end+1 of buffer area
char* pbase_; // start of put area
char* pptr_; // next put location
char* epptr_; // end+1 of put area
char* eback_; // base of putback section of get area
char* gptr_; // next get location
char* egptr_; // end+1 of get area
int do_snextc(); // implementation of snextc
// these declarations prevent copying of a streambuf
streambuf(streambuf&); // declared but not defined
void operator= (streambuf&); // declared but not defined
inline char* streambuf::base() { return base_; }
inline char* streambuf::pbase() { return pbase_; }
inline char* streambuf::pptr() { return pptr_; }
inline char* streambuf::epptr() { return epptr_; }
inline char* streambuf::gptr() { return gptr_; }
inline char* streambuf::egptr() { return egptr_; }
inline char* streambuf::eback() { return eback_; }
inline char* streambuf::ebuf() { return ebuf_; }
inline int streambuf::unbuffered() { return unbuf_; }
inline int streambuf::blen() { return ebuf_ - base_; }
inline void streambuf::pbump(int _n) { pptr_ += _n; }
inline void streambuf::gbump(int _n) { gptr_ += _n; }
inline void streambuf::unbuffered(int _unb) { unbuf_ = (_unb != 0); }
inline int streambuf::in_avail() {
return (egptr_ > gptr_) ? egptr_ - gptr_ : 0;
inline int streambuf::out_waiting() { return pptr_ ? pptr_ - pbase_ : 0; }
inline int streambuf::allocate() {
return (base_ || unbuf_) ? 0 : doallocate();
inline int streambuf::sgetc() {
return (gptr_ >= egptr_) ? underflow() :
(unsigned char)(*gptr_);
inline int streambuf::snextc() {
return (! gptr_ || (++gptr_ >= egptr_)) ?
do_snextc() :
(unsigned char)(*gptr_);
inline int streambuf::sbumpc() {
return (gptr_ >= egptr_ && underflow() == EOF) ?
(unsigned char)(*gptr_++);
inline void streambuf::stossc() {
if( gptr_ >= egptr_ ) underflow();
else ++gptr_;
inline int streambuf::sputbackc(char _c) {
return (gptr_ > eback_) ?
(unsigned char)(*--gptr_ = _c) :
inline int streambuf::sputc(int _c) {
return (pptr_ >= epptr_) ?
overflow((unsigned char)_c) :
(unsigned char)(*pptr_++ = _c);
inline int streambuf::sputn(const char* _s, int _n) {
if( _n <= (epptr_ - pptr_) ) {
memcpy(pptr_, _s, _n);
return _n;
return xsputn(_s, _n);
inline int streambuf::sgetn(char* _s, int _n) {
if( _n <= (egptr_ - gptr_) ) {
memcpy(_s, gptr_, _n);
return _n;
return xsgetn(_s, _n);
class istream : virtual public ios {
// constructor and destructor
virtual ~istream();
// Obsolete constructors, for streams 1.2 compatibility
// obsolete: set skip via format, tie via tie() function
istream(streambuf*, int _sk, ostream* _t=0);
// obsolete: use strstream
istream(int _sz, char*, int _sk=1);
// obsolete: use fstream
istream(int _fd, int _sk=1, ostream* _t=0);
int ipfx(int = 0); // input prefix function
int ipfx0(); // same as ipfx(0)
int ipfx1(); // same as ipfx(1)
void isfx() { } // unused input suffix function
// set/read the get pointer's position
istream& seekg(streampos);
istream& seekg(streamoff, ios::seek_dir);
streampos tellg();
int sync();
* Unformatted extraction operations
// extract characters into an array
istream& get(char*, int, char = '\n');
istream& read(char*, int);
// extract characters into an array up to termination char
istream& getline(char*, int, char = '\n');
istream& getline(unsigned char *buf, int n, char d = '\n')
{ return getline((char*) buf, n, d); }
istream& getline(signed char* buf, int n, char d = '\n')
{ return getline((char*) buf, n, d); }
// extract characters into a streambuf up to termination char
istream& get(streambuf&, char = '\n');
// extract a single character
istream& get(char&);
istream& get(unsigned char&);
int get();
int peek(); // return next char without extraction
int gcount(); // number of unformatted chars last extracted
istream& putback(char); // push back char into input
// extract and discard chars but stop at delim
istream& ignore(int = 1, int = EOF);
* Formatted extraction operations
istream& operator>> (istream& (*_f)(istream&));
istream& operator>> (ios& (*_f)(ios&) );
istream& operator>> (char*);
istream& operator>> (unsigned char*);
istream& operator>> (char&);
istream& operator>> (unsigned char&);
istream& operator>> (short&);
istream& operator>> (int&);
istream& operator>> (long&);
#if (defined(RW_LONG_LONG) || __INTSIZE==4) && !__STDC__
istream& operator>> (long long&);
istream& operator>> (unsigned short&);
istream& operator>> (unsigned int&);
istream& operator>> (unsigned long&);
#if (defined(RW_LONG_LONG) || __INTSIZE==4) && !__STDC__
istream& operator>> (unsigned long long&);
istream& operator>> (float&);
istream& operator>> (double&);
#if !__STDC__
istream& operator>> (long double&);
// extract from this istream, insert into streambuf
istream& operator>> (streambuf*);
int do_ipfx(int); // implementation of ipfx
void eatwhite(); // extract consecutive whitespace
int gcount_; // chars extracted by last unformatted operation
char do_get(); // implementation of get
void floatstr(char*);
char intstr(char*, int);
inline int istream::gcount() { return gcount_; }
inline int istream::ipfx(int _need) {
if( _need ? (ispecial & ~skipping) : ispecial )
return do_ipfx(_need);
return 1;
inline int istream::ipfx0() { return ispecial ? do_ipfx(0) : 1; }
inline int istream::ipfx1() {
return (ispecial & ~skipping) ? do_ipfx(1) : 1;
inline istream& istream::operator>> (unsigned char& _c) {
if( ipfx0() )
_c = bp->in_avail() ? bp->sbumpc() : do_get();
return *this;
inline istream& istream::operator>> (char& _c) {
if( ipfx0() )
_c = bp->in_avail() ? bp->sbumpc() : do_get();
return *this;
inline istream& istream::operator>> (unsigned char* _p) {
return *this >> (char *)_p;
inline int istream::sync() { return bp->sync(); }
inline istream& istream::operator>> (istream& (*_f) (istream&)) {
return (*_f)(*this);
inline istream& istream::get(unsigned char& _c) {
if( ipfx1() ) {
if( bp->in_avail() ) _c = bp->sbumpc();
else _c = do_get();
gcount_ = 1;
return *this;
inline istream& istream::get(char& _c) {
if( ipfx1() ) {
if( bp->in_avail()) _c = bp->sbumpc();
else _c = do_get();
gcount_ = 1;
return *this;
inline int istream::get() {
if( ipfx1() ) {
int _c = bp->sbumpc();
if( _c == EOF ) setstate(eofbit);
else gcount_ = 1;
return _c;
else return EOF;
inline int istream::peek() { return ipfx1() ? bp->sgetc() : EOF; }
class ostream : virtual public ios {
// constructors and destructor
virtual ~ostream();
// Obsolete constructors, for streams 1.2 compatibility
ostream(int _fd); // obsolete, use fstream
ostream(int _sz, char*); // obsolete, use strstream
int opfx(); // output prefix function
void osfx(); // output suffix function
ostream& flush();
// set/read the put pointer's position
ostream& seekp(streampos);
ostream& seekp(streamoff, ios::seek_dir);
streampos tellp();
* Unformatted insertion operations
ostream& put(char); // insert the character
ostream& write(const char*, int); // insert the string
* Formatted insertion operations
// insert the character
ostream& operator<< (char);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned char);
// for the following, insert character representation of numeric value
ostream& operator<< (short);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned short);
ostream& operator<< (int);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned int);
ostream& operator<< (long);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned long);
#if (defined(RW_LONG_LONG) || __INTSIZE==4) && !__STDC__
ostream& operator<< (long long);
ostream& operator<< (unsigned long long);
ostream& operator<< (float);
ostream& operator<< (double);
#if !__STDC__
ostream& operator<< (long double);
// insert the null-terminated string
ostream& operator<< (const char*);
// insert character representation of the value of the pointer
ostream& operator<< (void*);
// extract from streambuf, insert into this ostream
ostream& operator<< (streambuf*);
// manipulators
ostream& operator<< (ostream& (*_f)(ostream&));
ostream& operator<< (ios& (*_f)(ios&));
int do_opfx(); // implementation of opfx
void do_osfx(); // implementation of osfx
void outstr(const char*, const char*);
void printint(const char*);
inline int ostream::opfx() { return ospecial ? do_opfx() : 1; }
inline void ostream::osfx() { if( x_flags & (stdio | unitbuf) ) do_osfx(); }
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (char _c) {
if( opfx() )
if( bp->sputc(_c) == EOF ) setstate(badbit);
return *this;
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (unsigned char _c) {
return *this << (char)_c;
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (const char* _s) {
outstr(_s, 0);
return *this;
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (short _i) { return *this << (long) _i; }
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (unsigned short _i) {
return *this << (unsigned long) _i;
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (int _i) { return *this << (long) _i; }
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (unsigned int _i) {
return *this << (unsigned long) _i;
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (float _f) { return *this << (double) _f; }
inline ostream& ostream::operator<< (ostream& (*_f)(ostream&)) {
return (*_f)(*this);
inline ostream& ostream::put(char _c) {
if( bp->sputc(_c) == EOF ) setstate(badbit);
return *this;
inline ostream& ostream::write(const char* _s, int _n) {
if( ! fail() )
if( bp->sputn(_s, _n) != _n )
return *this;
class iostream : public istream, public ostream {
virtual ~iostream();
class istream_withassign : public istream {
// does no initialization
virtual ~istream_withassign();
// gets buffer from istream and does entire initialization
istream_withassign& operator= (istream&);
// associates streambuf with stream and does entire initialization
istream_withassign& operator= (streambuf*);
class ostream_withassign : public ostream {
// does no initialization
virtual ~ostream_withassign();
// gets buffer from istream and does entire initialization
ostream_withassign& operator= (ostream&);
ostream_withassign& operator= (ostream_withassign&);
// associates streambuf with stream and does entire initialization
ostream_withassign& operator= (streambuf*);
class iostream_withassign : public iostream {
// does no initialization
virtual ~iostream_withassign();
// gets buffer from stream and does entire initialization
iostream_withassign& operator= (ios&);
// associates streambuf with stream and does entire initialization
iostream_withassign& operator= (streambuf*);
* The predefined streams
extern istream_withassign cin;
extern ostream_withassign cout;
extern ostream_withassign cerr;
extern ostream_withassign clog;
* Manipulators
ostream& endl(ostream&); // insert newline and flush
ostream& ends(ostream&); // insert null to terminate string
ostream& flush(ostream&); // flush the ostream
ios& dec(ios&); // set conversion base to decimal
ios& hex(ios&); // set conversion base to hexidecimal
ios& oct(ios&); // set conversion base to octal
istream& ws(istream&); // extract whitespace characters
* The following allows proper initialization of cin, cout, cerr, clog
class Iostream_init {
static int stdstatus;
static int initcount;
friend ios;
#pragma pack()
#endif /* _IOSTREAM_H_ */