// ErrCpp.h--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Defines a helper class for mapi errors. // // Copyright 1986 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef _ERRCPP_H_ #pragma option push -b -a8 -pc -A- /*P_O_Push*/ #define _ERRCPP_H_ #include "EdkUtCpp.H" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This class is intended as a replacement for the HRESULT type defined by MAPI. // It has two advantages over MAPI's version. // 1) You can report the error code as a readable string using the Msg() // member function. // 2) When in debug mode you can view this object and see the return code // as a readable string by viewing the contents of the m_sMsg member object. // // You can use this exactly like you use HRESULT. In other words you can assign // an HRESULT return value directly to it. You can test it using FAILED. You // can assign it back to a type HRESULT or return it from a function whose return // type is HRESULT. You can even assign it to a const char* or pass it to a // function that takes a const char* and you will get the readable string version // of the HRESULT. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CHRESULT { public: // CONSTRUCTOR: defaults to NOERROR or uses the value you pass in. CHRESULT( HRESULT hr = NOERROR) { m_hr = hr; #if DEBUG m_sMsg = m_idlMAPIErr.Find( m_hr); #endif } // Returns TRUE if the HRESULT failed. BOOL bFailed() {return( FAILED( m_hr));} // Returns the defined constant for the error as a string constant. Usage example: // CHRESULT hr = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; // char chBuf[500]; // sprintf( chBuf, "Error: %s occurred", hr.Msg()); const LPSTR Msg() { #if DEBUG return( m_sMsg.GetBuffer(0)); #else return( m_idlMAPIErr.Find( m_hr)); #endif } // Returns the defined constant for the error as a string. Usage example: // CHRESULT hr = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; // const char* pErrMsg = hr; // returns "MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND". operator LPSTR() {return( Msg());} // Returns the HRESULT. Usage example: // CHRESULT hr = MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; // HRESULT mapiHR = hr; operator HRESULT() {return( m_hr);} // Assigns an HRESULT to CHRESULT. Usage example: // CHRESULT hr; // Defaults to SUCCESS_SUCCESS // hr = imapiProp->GetProps( ... const CHRESULT& operator=( HRESULT hr) { m_hr = hr; #if DEBUG m_sMsg = m_idlMAPIErr.Find( m_hr); #endif return( *this); } protected: static CIDList m_idlMAPIErr; // Static ID list of MAPI Errors. HRESULT m_hr; // Contains the actual HRESULT. #if DEBUG CString m_sMsg; // In the dubugger look at this to see the #endif // current HRESULT as a readable string. }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef _GLOBAL_OBJECTS_ #pragma message("Declaration of global objects for: " __FILE__) #include "ErrCppD.h" CIDList CHRESULT::m_idlMAPIErr( MAPIErrors, ARRAY_CNT( MAPIErrors)); #endif //_GLOBAL_OBJECTS_ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma option pop /*P_O_Pop*/ #endif // _ERRCPP_H_