/* Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation */ #ifndef _MSPENUM_H_ #pragma option push -b -a8 -pc -A- /*P_O_Push*/ #define _MSPENUM_H_ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CSafeComEnum // // All TAPI 3.0 system components and MSPs use the CSafeComEnum class instead // of ATL 2.1's CComEnum class when implementing enumerator objects that are // accessible to applications. This is needed for the following reasons: // // 1. CComEnum does not perform IsBadWritePtr checks on the pointer arguments // to the enumerator methods. This allows the component exposing the // enumerator to AV when called with invalid pointer arguments. // // 2. CComEnum does not support free thread marshaling, and therefore cannot // be used from an apartment threaded application. // // Note: No debug tracing is done here, to facilitate use of this template // independent of the rest of the MSP Base Classes. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// template class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSafeComEnum : public CComEnumImpl, public CComObjectRootEx< ThreadModel > { typedef CSafeComEnum ThisClass; typedef CComEnumImpl BaseClass; STDMETHOD(Next)(ULONG celt, T* rgelt, ULONG* pceltFetched) { // // Check if the return array is valid for as many elements as // specified. No need to explicitly check if celt is zero here, as // IsBadWritePtr(p, 0) is valid and returns 0. // celt itself will be checked in the base class method. // if ( IsBadWritePtr(rgelt, celt * sizeof(T) ) ) { return E_POINTER; } // // Check if the return dword is bad, but if pceltFetched == NULL, // this may still be a valid call. pceltFetched == NULL implies that // celt should be equal to 1, but that will be checked in the // base class method. // if ( ( pceltFetched != NULL ) && IsBadWritePtr(pceltFetched, sizeof(ULONG) ) ) { return E_POINTER; } // // Everything OK so far; proceed with base class method. // return BaseClass::Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched); } STDMETHOD(Clone)(Base** ppEnum) { // // Check if the return pointer is valid. // if ( IsBadWritePtr(ppEnum, sizeof(Base *) ) ) { return E_POINTER; } // // Everything OK so far; proceed with base class method. // return BaseClass::Clone(ppEnum); } // // We do not override Skip or Reset as they have no pointer arguments. // // // The rest of this class involves support for free thread marshaling. // BEGIN_COM_MAP( ThisClass ) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_IID( *piid, BaseClass ) COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_AGGREGATE( IID_IMarshal, m_pFTM ) END_COM_MAP() DECLARE_GET_CONTROLLING_UNKNOWN() HRESULT Init(T* begin, T* end, IUnknown* pUnk, CComEnumFlags flags = AtlFlagNoCopy) { // // We do not check the pointer arguments in this method because this // method is not exposed to the application (it is not a COM interface // method). // HRESULT hr; IUnknown * pIU = GetControllingUnknown(); hr = CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler( pIU, & m_pFTM ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; } return BaseClass::Init(begin, end, pUnk, flags); } CSafeComEnum() { m_pFTM = NULL; } void FinalRelease(void) { if ( m_pFTM ) { m_pFTM->Release(); } CComObjectRootEx< ThreadModel >::FinalRelease(); } protected: IUnknown * m_pFTM; // pointer to free thread marshaler }; #pragma option pop /*P_O_Pop*/ #endif // _MSPENUM_H_