//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // wxWidgets project wizard // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // globals WizType <- wizProject; WxPath <- _T(""); WantPCH <- false; IsDLL <- false; IsMonolithic <- false; IsUnicode <- false; IsAdvOpt <- false; IsEmpty <- false; // For empty projects IsPartialDebug <- false; // For debug linking against release libraries Configuration <- _T(""); LibPath <- _T(""); LibPrefix <- _T(""); // Prefix of lib name LibWxVer <- _T(""); // Determines wx version LibUnicSuffix <- _T(""); // Suffix for Unicode LibDebugSuffix <- _T("d"); // Suffix for Debug wx Lib LibSuffix <- _T(""); // Suffix for Lib, defines file extension LibWxJpeg <- false; // JPEG Lib LibWxTiff <- false; //TIFF Lib LibWxRegex <- false; // Regex Lib LibWxExpat <- false; // Expat Lib LibWxXml <- false; // XML Lib LibWxXrc <- false; // XRC Lib LibWxAdv <- false; //Adv Lib LibWxAdvUI <- false; // Adv UI Lib LibWxHtml <- false; // HTML Lib LibWxOdbc <- false; //ODBC Lib LibWxMedia <- false; // Media Lib LibWxNet <- false; // Net Lib LibWxOpengl <- false; // OpenGL Lib LibWxQa <- false; // QA Lib LibWxRichText <- false; // Richtext Lib WxVersion <- 1; // 0 - wx 2.6, 1 - wx 2.8, 2 - wx 3.0, 3 -wx 3.1 DebugTarget <- 1; // Target Type; 0 - Console, 1 - GUI ReleaseTarget <- 1; // Target Type; 0 - Console, 1 - GUI FileName <- _T(""); // Filename for wizard ProjAuthor <- _T(""); // Project Author ProjEmail <- _T(""); // Author's e-mail ProjWebsite <- _T(""); // Project website PCHFileName <- _T("wx_pch.h"); // PCH filename ChoiceWxUnixLib <- 0; // wx lib choice in Unix; 0 for default, 1 for advanced ChkWxDebug <- true; // Adds wxdebug and debug wx lib. By default it's set to True GuiBuilder <- 0; // Default to None. 0-None, 1-wxSmith, 2-wxFormBuilder GuiAppType <- 1; // Default to Dialog. 0-Dialog, 1-Frame AddlLibList <- _T(""); // Contains the complete list multi_thread_dynamic <- true; //Default to Multi-thread. For MSVC only. function BeginWizard() { WizType = Wizard.GetWizardType(); if (WizType == wizProject) { local intro_msg = _T("Welcome to the new wxWidgets 2.6.x / 2.8.x / 3.0.x / 3.1.x\nproject wizard!\n\n" + "This wizard will guide you to create a new project using\n" + "the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library.\n\n" + "When you 're ready to proceed, please click \"Next\"..."); local wxpath_msg = _T("Please select the location of wxWidgets on your computer.\n" + "This is the top-level folder where wxWidgets was unpacked.\n" + "To help you, this folder must contain the subfolders\n" + "\"include\" and \"lib\"."); Wizard.AddInfoPage(_T("WxIntro"), intro_msg); Wizard.AddGenericSingleChoiceListPage(_T("wxVersionPage"), _T("Please select the wxWidgets version you want to use."), _T("wxWidgets 2.6.x;wxWidgets 2.8.x;wxWidgets 3.0.x;wxWidgets 3.1.x"), WxVersion); // select wxwidgets version Wizard.AddProjectPathPage(); Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxProjDetails")); Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxGuiSelect")); if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW) Wizard.AddGenericSelectPathPage(_T("WxPath"), wxpath_msg, _T("wxWidgets' location:"), _T("$(#wx)")); // we need the compiler selection before wx settings, because we 'll have // to validate the settings. To do this we must know the compiler beforehand... Wizard.AddCompilerPage(_T(""), _T("*"), true, true); if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW) Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxConf")); // only for windows else Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxConfUnix")); // just PCH option if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW) { Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxConfAdvOpt")); // Wizard page to select target type Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxAddLib")); // Add additional wx libraries } } else if (WizType == wizTarget) { local intro_msg = _T("Welcome to the new wxWidgets 2.6.x / 2.8.x / 3.0.x / 3.1.x\nTarget wizard!\n\n" + "This wizard will guide you to create a new target\n" + "When you 're ready to proceed, please click \"Next\"..."); local wxpath_msg = _T("Please select the location of wxWidgets on your computer.\n" + "This is the top-level folder where wxWidgets was unpacked.\n" + "To help you, this folder must contain the subfolders\n" + "\"include\" and \"lib\"."); Wizard.AddInfoPage(_T("WxIntro"), intro_msg); Wizard.AddGenericSingleChoiceListPage(_T("wxVersionPage"), _T("Please select the wxWidgets version you want to use."), _T("wxWidgets 2.6.x;wxWidgets 2.8.x;wxWidgets 3.0.x;wxWidgets 3.1.x"), WxVersion); // select wxwidgets version if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW) Wizard.AddGenericSelectPathPage(_T("WxPath"), wxpath_msg, _T("wxWidgets' location:"), _T("$(#wx)")); // we need the compiler selection before wx settings, because we 'll have // to validate the settings. To do this we must know the compiler beforehand... Wizard.AddBuildTargetPage(_T(""), false, true, _T(""), _T("*"), true); if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW) Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxConf")); // only for windows else Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxConfUnix")); // just PCH option if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW) { Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxConfAdvOpt")); // Wizard page to select target type Wizard.AddPage(_T("WxAddLib")); // Add additional wx libraries } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // wxWidgets' version page //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnEnter_wxVersionPage(fwd) { if (fwd) { WxVersion = Wizard.GetListboxSelection(_T("GenericChoiceList")); } return true; } function OnLeave_wxVersionPage(fwd) { if (fwd) { WxVersion = Wizard.GetListboxSelection(_T("GenericChoiceList")); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Project Details //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnEnter_WxProjDetails(fwd) { if (fwd) { Wizard.SetTextControlValue(_T("txtProjAuthor"), GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/author"), _T(""))); Wizard.SetTextControlValue(_T("txtProjEmail"), GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/email"), _T(""))); Wizard.SetTextControlValue(_T("txtProjWebsite"), GetConfigManager().Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/website"), _T(""))); } return true; } function OnLeave_WxProjDetails(fwd) { if (fwd) { ProjAuthor = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("txtProjAuthor")); ProjEmail = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("txtProjEmail")); ProjWebsite = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("txtProjWebsite")); } GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/author"), ProjAuthor); GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/email"), ProjEmail); GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/website"), ProjWebsite); return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Project GUI Builder Details //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnEnter_WxGuiSelect(fwd) { if (fwd) { GuiBuilder = ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/guibuilder"), 0); GuiAppType = ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/guiapptype"), 0); Wizard.SetRadioboxSelection(_T("RB_GUISelect"), GuiBuilder); Wizard.SetRadioboxSelection(_T("RB_GUIAppType"), GuiAppType); } return true; } function OnLeave_WxGuiSelect(fwd) { if (fwd) { GuiBuilder = Wizard.GetRadioboxSelection(_T("RB_GUISelect")); GuiAppType = Wizard.GetRadioboxSelection(_T("RB_GUIAppType")); if ( GuiBuilder==1 ) { if ( !("WxsAddWxExtensions" in getroottable()) ) { ShowInfo(_T("wxSmith plugin is not loaded, can not continue")); return false; } } GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/guibuilder"), GuiBuilder); GetConfigManager().Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/guiapptype"), GuiAppType); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // wxWidgets' path page //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnLeave_WxPath(fwd) { if (fwd) { local dir = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("txtFolder")); local dir_nomacro = ReplaceMacros(dir, true); if (!IO.FileExists(dir_nomacro + _T("/include/wx/wx.h"))) { ShowError(_T("The path you entered seems valid, but this wizard " + "can't locate wxWidgets' files in it...")); return false; } // see if it matches the global var. if it does, use the var instead... if (GetUserVariableManager().Exists(_T("#wx"))) { local gvar = ReplaceMacros(_T("$(#wx)"), true); if (gvar.Matches(dir_nomacro)) dir = gvar; } WxPath = dir; } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // wxWidgets' settings //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnEnter_WxConf(fwd) { if (fwd) { Wizard.CheckCheckbox(_T("chkWxConfDLL"), IntToBool(ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/dll"), 0))); Wizard.CheckCheckbox(_T("chkWxConfMono"), IntToBool(ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/monolithic"), 0))); Wizard.CheckCheckbox(_T("chkWxConfUni"), IntToBool(ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/unicode"), 0))); Wizard.CheckCheckbox(_T("chkWxConfAdvOpt"), IntToBool(ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/debug"), 0))); Wizard.CheckCheckbox(_T("chkWxConfPCH"), IntToBool(ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/pch"), 0))); Wizard.SetTextControlValue(_T("txtWxConfConfig"), ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/configuration"), _T(""))); } return true; } function OnLeave_WxConf(fwd) { if (fwd) { IsDLL = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfDLL")); IsMonolithic = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfMono")); IsUnicode = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfUni")); IsEmpty = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxEmpty")); IsAdvOpt = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfAdvOpt")); WantPCH = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfPCH")); Configuration = Wizard.GetTextControlValue(_T("txtWxConfConfig")); // Ask the user whether wizard shall add PCH support when empty Project is selected if (IsEmpty && WantPCH) { local msg = _T("You have selected PCH support for Empty project.\n\n"); msg = msg + _T("Wizard will add support for PCH assuming the PCH header name as wx_pch.h\n\n"); msg = msg + _T("Click Yes to accept default settings\n\nClick No to Enter PCH header manually"); local return_val = Message(msg, _T("wxWidgets Project Wizard"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO); if (return_val == wxID_NO) { msg = _T("Please enter PCH header file name"); PCHFileName = wxGetTextFromUser(msg, _T("wxWidgets Wizard"), _T("wxprec.h")); if (PCHFileName.IsEmpty()) // Check for empty string PCHFileName = _T("wx_pch.h"); } else if (return_val == wxID_YES) PCHFileName = _T("wx_pch.h"); } else // Set PCHFileName to Default PCHFileName = _T("wx_pch.h"); // Now write the configurations ConfigManager.Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/dll"), BoolToInt(IsDLL)); ConfigManager.Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/monolithic"), BoolToInt(IsMonolithic)); ConfigManager.Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/unicode"), BoolToInt(IsUnicode)); ConfigManager.Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/debug"), BoolToInt(IsAdvOpt)); ConfigManager.Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/pch"), BoolToInt(WantPCH)); // validate settings local lib_prefix; local lib_wxver; local lib_unic_suffix; local lib_suffix; local lib = WxPath + _T("/lib/"); if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*"))) { lib = lib + _T("gcc_"); lib_prefix = _T("lib"); lib_suffix = _T(".a"); } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc*"))) { lib = lib + _T("vc_"); lib_prefix = _T(""); lib_suffix = _T(".lib"); } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("bcc*"))) { lib = lib + _T("bcc_"); lib_prefix = _T(""); lib_suffix = _T(".lib"); } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("ow"))) { lib = lib + _T("wat_"); lib_prefix = _T(""); lib_suffix = _T(".lib"); } if (IsDLL) lib = lib + _T("dll"); else lib = lib + _T("lib"); lib = lib + Configuration; // at this point we have the full path to the link libraries LibPath = lib; lib = lib + _T("/"); local lib_name = lib_prefix; if (IsUnicode) lib_unic_suffix = _T("u"); else lib_unic_suffix = _T(""); if (WxVersion == 0) lib_wxver = _T("26"); else if (WxVersion == 1) lib_wxver = _T("28"); else if (WxVersion == 2) lib_wxver = _T("30"); else if (WxVersion == 3) lib_wxver = _T("31"); // Now set the global variables LibPrefix = lib_prefix; // Prefix of lib name LibWxVer <- lib_wxver; // Determines wx version LibUnicSuffix <- lib_unic_suffix; // Suffix for Unicode LibSuffix <- lib_suffix; // Suffix for Lib, defines file extension // we can finally check for existence :) local lib_deb_name = _T(""); local lib_rel_name = _T(""); if (IsMonolithic) { lib_deb_name = LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + _T("d") + LibSuffix; lib_rel_name = LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibSuffix; } else /* Check for wxcore*/ { lib_deb_name = LibPrefix + _T("wxbase") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + _T("d") + LibSuffix; lib_rel_name = LibPrefix + _T("wxbase") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibSuffix; } /* Check whether the libraries exist or not */ if (WizType == wizProject) { local chk_debug = Wizard.GetWantDebug(); local chk_release = Wizard.GetWantRelease(); if (!IO.FileExists(LibPath + _T("/") + lib_deb_name) && (chk_debug == true)) { // alarm! if (!IO.FileExists(LibPath + _T("/") + lib_rel_name)) { if (Message(_T("A matching Debug configuration cannot be found in the wxWidgets directory " + "you specified.\n" + "This means that Debug target of your project will not build.\n\n" + "Are you sure you want to continue with these settings?"), _T("Warning"), wxYES_NO) == wxID_NO) { return false; } } else { if (Message(_T("A matching Debug configuration cannot be found in the wxWidgets directory " + "you specified.\n" + "Would you like to link this target against the release binaries instead?\n" + "(Debugging the executable will still be possible.)"), _T("Warning"), wxYES_NO) == wxID_YES) { IsPartialDebug = true; } else if (Message(_T("This means that Debug target of your project will not build.\n\n" + "Are you sure you want to continue with these settings?"), _T("Warning"), wxYES_NO) == wxID_NO) { return false; } } } if (!IO.FileExists(LibPath + _T("/") + lib_rel_name) && (chk_release == true)) { // alarm! if (Message(_T("A matching Release configuration cannot be found in the wxWidgets directory " + "you specified.\n" + "This means that Release target of your project will not build.\n\n" + "Are you sure you want to continue with these settings?"), _T("Warning"), wxYES_NO) == wxID_NO) { return false; } } } else { local libname; if (Wizard.GetTargetEnableDebug()) libname = LibPath + _T("/") + lib_deb_name; else libname = LibPath + _T("/") + lib_rel_name; if (!IO.FileExists(libname)) { if (Message(_T("A matching configuration cannot be found in the wxWidgets directory " + "you specified.\n" + "This means that this target of your project will not build.\n\n" + "Are you sure you want to continue with these settings?"), _T("Warning"), wxYES_NO) == wxID_NO) { return false; } } } if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvctk")) || GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc8")) || GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc10"))) { local msg = _T("Wizard will setup the Project in Multi-threaded Dynamic CRT mode by default.\n\n"); msg = msg + _T("Click Yes to continue with Multi-threaded Dynamic CRT mode\n\n"); msg = msg + _T("Click No to continue with Multi-threaded Static CRT mode"); local thread = Message(msg, _T("wxWidgets Wizard"), wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO); if (thread == wxID_YES) multi_thread_dynamic = true; else multi_thread_dynamic = false; } } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // wxWidgets' settings (unix page) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnEnter_WxConfUnix(fwd) { if (fwd) { Wizard.SetRadioboxSelection(_T("m_radioBoxWxChoice"), ChoiceWxUnixLib); Wizard.CheckCheckbox(_T("chkWxConfSo"), IntToBool(ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/dll"), 0))); Wizard.CheckCheckbox(_T("chkWxConfUnicode"), IntToBool(ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/unicode"), 0))); Wizard.CheckCheckbox(_T("chkWxUnixConfPCH"), IntToBool(ConfigManager.Read(_T("/wx_project_wizard/pch"), 0))); OnClick_m_radioBoxWxChoice(); } return true; } function OnLeave_WxConfUnix(fwd) { if (fwd) { ChoiceWxUnixLib = Wizard.GetRadioboxSelection(_T("m_radioBoxWxChoice")); if (ChoiceWxUnixLib == 1) { IsDLL = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfSo")); IsUnicode = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfUnicode")); } IsEmpty = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxUnixEmpty")); // Checks option for Empty Project WantPCH = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxUnixConfPCH")); if (!GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*")) && WantPCH) { ShowWarning(_T("Precompiled headers currently only work for GNU GCC.\n" + "They are disabled for all other compilers.")); WantPCH = false; } if (WxVersion == 0) LibWxVer = _T("2.6"); else if (WxVersion == 1) LibWxVer = _T("2.8"); else if (WxVersion == 2) LibWxVer = _T("3.0"); else if (WxVersion == 3) LibWxVer = _T("3.1"); // Ask the user whether wizard shall add PCH support when empty Project is selected if (IsEmpty && WantPCH) { local msg = _T("You have selected PCH support for Empty project.\n"); msg = msg + _T("Wizard will NOT add PCH support as it can't be added without adding any file.\n\n"); msg = msg + _T("Please add the PCH header later to Project"); ShowInfo(msg); WantPCH = false; // Sorry! Wizard can't add PCH support } PCHFileName = _T("wx_pch.h"); // Now write the setting to Configuration ConfigManager.Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/dll"), BoolToInt(IsDLL)); ConfigManager.Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/unicode"), BoolToInt(IsUnicode)); ConfigManager.Write(_T("/wx_project_wizard/pch"), BoolToInt(WantPCH)); } return true; } function OnClick_m_radioBoxWxChoice() { ChoiceWxUnixLib = Wizard.GetRadioboxSelection(_T("m_radioBoxWxChoice")); if (ChoiceWxUnixLib == 0) // Means default choice { Wizard.EnableWindow(_T("chkWxConfSo"), false); Wizard.EnableWindow(_T("chkWxConfUnicode"), false); } else { Wizard.EnableWindow(_T("chkWxConfSo"), true); Wizard.EnableWindow(_T("chkWxConfUnicode"), true); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // each time, return a string of the form "filename.ext;contents" // you can change the return string based on // return an empty string to denote that no more files are to be generated function GetGeneratedFile(file_index) { if (!IsEmpty) { local Prefix = GetFixedProjectName(Wizard.GetProjectName()); if (file_index == 0) return Prefix + _T("App.h") + _T(";") + GenerateHeader(file_index); else if (file_index == 1) return Prefix + _T("App.cpp") + _T(";") + GenerateSource(file_index); else if (file_index == 2) return Prefix + _T("Main.h") + _T(";") + GenerateHeader(file_index); else if (file_index == 3) return Prefix + _T("Main.cpp") + _T(";") + GenerateSource(file_index); if (GuiBuilder == 1) { if (file_index == 4) { if (GuiAppType == 0) return _T("wxsmith/") + Prefix + _T("dialog.wxs") + _T(";") + GenerateSource(file_index); else return _T("wxsmith/") + Prefix + _T("frame.wxs") + _T(";") + GenerateSource(file_index); } if (file_index == 5 && WantPCH) return _T("wx_pch.h") + _T(";") + GenerateHeader(file_index); } else { if (file_index == 4 && WantPCH) return _T("wx_pch.h") + _T(";") + GenerateHeader(file_index); } } return _T(""); // no more generated files } // return the files this project contains function GetFilesDir() { local result = _T(""); if (!IsEmpty) // Checks whether user wants Empty Project or not { if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW) result = _T("wxwidgets/rc;"); if (GuiBuilder == 2) { if (GuiAppType == 0) result = result + _T("wxwidgets/wxfb/dialog;"); else if (GuiAppType == 1) result = result + _T("wxwidgets/wxfb/frame;"); } } return result; } // setup the already created project function SetupProject(project) { local libdir; SetupAddlLibs(); // set project options if (PLATFORM != PLATFORM_MSW) { if (ChoiceWxUnixLib == 0) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("`wx-config --cflags`")); project.AddLinkerOption(_T("`wx-config --libs`")); } else { local target = project.GetBuildTarget(Wizard.GetDebugName()); if (!IsNull(target)) SetupTarget(target, true); local target = project.GetBuildTarget(Wizard.GetReleaseName()); if (!IsNull(target)) SetupTarget(target, false); } // Now enable PCH if (WantPCH && GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*"))) { local pchfile = project.GetFileByFilename(PCHFileName, true, true); if (!IsNull(pchfile)) { pchfile.compile = true; pchfile.link = false; pchfile.weight = 0; project.SetModeForPCH(pchSourceDir); // pch dir project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-Winvalid-pch")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-include ") + PCHFileName); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-DWX_PRECOMP")); } } } else { project.AddIncludeDir(WxPath + _T("/include")); project.AddResourceIncludeDir(WxPath + _T("/include")); libdir = LibPath + _T("/msw"); if (IsUnicode) libdir = libdir + _T("u"); /* Add standard and special compiler options and libraries */ if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc*"))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/DWIN32")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D__WIN32__")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D__WXMSW__")); if (IsDLL) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/DWXUSINGDLL")); if (IsUnicode) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/DwxUSE_UNICODE")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D_WINDOWS")); project.AddLinkerOption(_T("/INCREMENTAL:NO")); } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*"))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-pipe")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-mthreads")); project.AddLinkerOption(_T("-mthreads")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-D__GNUWIN32__")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-D__WXMSW__")); if (IsDLL) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-DWXUSINGDLL")); if (IsUnicode) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-DwxUSE_UNICODE")); } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("bcc*"))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-D__WXMSW__")); if (IsDLL) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-DWXUSINGDLL")); if (IsUnicode) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-DUNICODE")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-q")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-c")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-P")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-tWR")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-tWM")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-a8")); project.AddLinkLib(_T("import32.lib")); project.AddLinkLib(_T("cw32mti.lib")); project.AddLinkLib(_T("ole2w32.lib")); project.AddLinkerOption(_T("-Tpe")); project.AddLinkerOption(_T("-aa")); } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("ow"))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-d__WXMSW__")); if (IsDLL) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-dWXUSINGDLL")); if (IsUnicode) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-dUNICODE")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-bm")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-br")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-bt=nt")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-zq")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-xr")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-xs")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-wcd=549")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-wcd=656")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-wcd=657")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-wcd=667")); } // Please remember that the following code have been added separately as it is not tested with MSVC 6 if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvctk")) || GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc8")) || GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc10"))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/EHs")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/EHc")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D_CRT_SECURE_DEPRECATE")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS")); project.AddLinkerOption(_T("/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS")); project.AddLinkLib(_T("winmm.lib")); project.AddLinkLib(_T("rpcrt4.lib")); } if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc8"))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/Zc:wchar_t")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0600")); } if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc10"))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/Zc:wchar_t")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/Zc:auto")); } if (!IsDLL) { project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("kernel32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("user32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("gdi32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("winspool") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("comdlg32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("advapi32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("gdi32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("shell32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("ole32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("oleaut32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("uuid") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("comctl32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wsock32") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("odbc32") + LibSuffix); if (WxVersion == 3 && GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*"))) { project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("shlwapi") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("version") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("oleacc") + LibSuffix); project.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("uxtheme") + LibSuffix); } } } // (WxVersion < 2) == (wxWidgets <= 2.8.x) if (WxVersion < 2 && GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*"))) project.AddCompilerOption(_T("[[if (GetCompilerFactory().GetCompilerVersionString(_T(\"gcc\")) >= _T(\"4.8.0\")) print(_T(\"-Wno-unused-local-typedefs\"));]]")); // enable PCH if (WantPCH && GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*"))) { local pchfile = project.GetFileByFilename(PCHFileName, true, true); if (!IsNull(pchfile)) { pchfile.compile = true; pchfile.link = false; pchfile.weight = 0; project.SetModeForPCH(pchSourceDir); // pch dir project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-Winvalid-pch")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-include ") + PCHFileName); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-DWX_PRECOMP")); } } // For other compilers, different approach has been used else if (WantPCH && GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("bcc*"))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-H")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("-DWX_PRECOMP")); } else if (WantPCH && (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvctk")) || GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc8")) || GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc10")))) { project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/FI\"") + PCHFileName + _T("\"")); project.AddCompilerOption(_T("/Yc\"") + PCHFileName + _T("\"")); } // enable compiler warnings (project-wide) WarningsOn(project, Wizard.GetCompilerID()); // Debug local target = project.GetBuildTarget(Wizard.GetDebugName()); if (!IsNull(target)) SetupTarget(target, true); // Release target = project.GetBuildTarget(Wizard.GetReleaseName()); if (!IsNull(target)) SetupTarget(target, false); if (GuiBuilder == 1) { if ("WxsAddWxExtensions" in getroottable()) { // Adding extra bindings for wxSmith local Prefix = GetFixedProjectName(Wizard.GetProjectName()); local WxsFileName = _T(""); if ( GuiAppType==0 ) WxsFileName = _T("dialog.wxs"); else WxsFileName = _T("frame.wxs"); WxsAddWxExtensions( project, Prefix+_T("App.cpp"), Prefix+_T("Main.cpp"), Prefix+_T("Main.h"), _T("wxsmith/")+Prefix+WxsFileName); } } return true; } function SetupTarget(target, is_debug) { if (IsNull(target)) return false; local obj_output_dir, exe_file_name, exe_output_dir; if (WizType == wizProject) { if (is_debug) { obj_output_dir = Wizard.GetDebugObjectOutputDir(); exe_output_dir = Wizard.GetDebugOutputDir(); } else { obj_output_dir = Wizard.GetReleaseObjectOutputDir(); exe_output_dir = Wizard.GetReleaseOutputDir(); } exe_file_name = Wizard.GetProjectName(); } else if (WizType == wizTarget) { obj_output_dir = Wizard.GetTargetObjectOutputDir(); exe_output_dir = Wizard.GetTargetOutputDir(); exe_file_name = target.GetParentProject().GetTitle(); } if (is_debug) { if (DebugTarget == 0) target.SetTargetType(ttConsoleOnly); else target.SetTargetType(ttExecutable); } else { if (ReleaseTarget == 0) target.SetTargetType(ttConsoleOnly); else target.SetTargetType(ttExecutable); } target.SetOutputFilename(exe_output_dir + exe_file_name + DOT_EXT_EXECUTABLE); if (is_debug) DebugSymbolsOn(target, Wizard.GetCompilerID()); else OptimizationsOn(target, Wizard.GetCompilerID()); target.SetOptionRelation(ortLinkerOptions, orPrependToParentOptions); if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*"))) is_debug = ChkWxDebug && is_debug; if (!is_debug || IsPartialDebug) LibDebugSuffix = _T(""); /* For Linux / Mac */ if (PLATFORM != PLATFORM_MSW) { if (ChoiceWxUnixLib == 1) { local flags; flags = _T("`wx-config "); flags = flags + _T(" --version=") + LibWxVer; flags = flags + (IsDLL == false ? _T(" --static=yes") : _T(" --static=no")); flags = flags + (IsUnicode == true ? _T(" --unicode=yes") : _T(" --unicode=no")); if (is_debug) { target.AddCompilerOption(flags + _T(" --debug=yes --cflags`")); target.AddLinkerOption(flags + _T(" --debug=yes --libs`")); } if (!is_debug) { target.AddCompilerOption(flags + _T(" --debug=no --cflags`")); target.AddLinkerOption(flags + _T(" --debug=no --libs`")); } } if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MAC) { // still need the resource fork hack to run unbundled wxWidgets applications: local rezflags = _T("/Developer/Tools/Rez -d __DARWIN__ -t APPL Carbon.r -o"); if (!IsNull(target)) { target.AddCommandsAfterBuild(rezflags + _T(" $(TARGET_OUTPUT_FILE)")); } } } else if (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW) { local libdir = LibPath + _T("/msw"); if (IsUnicode) libdir = libdir + _T("u"); if (is_debug && !IsPartialDebug) { target.AddIncludeDir(libdir + _T("d")); target.AddLibDir(LibPath); target.AddResourceIncludeDir(libdir + _T("d")); } else { target.AddIncludeDir(libdir); target.AddLibDir(LibPath); target.AddResourceIncludeDir(libdir); } /* Modified and added */ if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc*")) && is_debug && !IsPartialDebug) { target.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D__WXDEBUG__")); // For Debug Build } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("gcc*")) && is_debug && !IsPartialDebug) { target.AddCompilerOption(_T("-D__WXDEBUG__")); } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("bcc*"))) { if (is_debug) { if (!IsPartialDebug) { target.AddCompilerOption(_T("-D__WXDEBUG__")); } target.AddLinkerOption(_T("-v")); } if (WantPCH) // Add support for PCH target.AddCompilerOption(_T("-H -H=") + obj_output_dir + exe_file_name + _T(".csm")); } else if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("ow"))) { if (is_debug) { if (!IsPartialDebug) { target.AddCompilerOption(_T("-d__WXDEBUG__")); } target.AddLinkerOption(_T("-d2")); } } if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvctk"))) { if (is_debug) { target.AddLinkerOption(_T("/NODEFAULTLIB:libcpmtd.lib")); target.AddLinkLib(_T("msvcprtd.lib")); } else { target.AddLinkerOption(_T("/NODEFAULTLIB:libcpmt.lib")); target.AddLinkLib(_T("msvcprt.lib")); } } if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvctk")) || GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc8")) || GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc10"))) { if(WantPCH) // Add support for PCH target.AddCompilerOption(_T("/Fp\"") + obj_output_dir + exe_file_name + _T(".pch\"")); if (is_debug) { if (multi_thread_dynamic) { target.AddCompilerOption(_T("/MDd")); target.AddLinkerOption(_T("/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmtd.lib")); target.AddLinkerOption(_T("/NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt.lib")); target.AddLinkLib(_T("msvcrtd.lib")); } else { target.AddCompilerOption(_T("/MTd")); } target.AddCompilerOption(_T("/D_DEBUG")); } else { if (multi_thread_dynamic) { target.AddCompilerOption(_T("/MD")); target.AddLinkerOption(_T("/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt.lib")); target.AddLinkLib(_T("msvcrt.lib")); } else { target.AddCompilerOption(_T("/MT")); } target.AddCompilerOption(_T("/O2")); } } if (GetCompilerFactory().CompilerInheritsFrom(Wizard.GetCompilerID(), _T("msvc8"))) { target.RemoveCompilerOption(_T("/Og")); // Deprecated option in MSVC 8 /* Now embed the generated manifest file */ target.AddCommandsAfterBuild(_T("mt.exe /nologo /manifest \"") + exe_output_dir + exe_file_name + _T(".exe.manifest\" /outputresource:\"") + exe_output_dir + exe_file_name + _T(".exe\";1")); } /* End Modification*/ /* Now Add the required Libraries */ if (IsMonolithic) { target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); if (!IsDLL) { target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxpng") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxjpeg") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxtiff") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxzlib") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); } } else { // Check and add additional libraries if (LibWxRichText) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_richtext") + LibSuffix); if (LibWxXrc) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_xrc") + LibSuffix); if (LibWxAdvUI) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_aui") + LibSuffix); if (LibWxOdbc) { target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_dbgrid") + LibSuffix); target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxbase") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_odbc") + LibSuffix); } if (LibWxMedia) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_media") + LibSuffix); if (LibWxNet) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxbase") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_net") + LibSuffix); if (LibWxOpengl) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_gl") + LibSuffix); if (LibWxQa) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_qa") + LibSuffix); // Now comes the core libraries if (LibWxXml) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxbase") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_xml") + LibSuffix); if (LibWxAdv) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_adv") + LibSuffix); if (LibWxHtml) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_html") + LibSuffix); target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxmsw") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + _T("_core") + LibSuffix); target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxbase") + LibWxVer + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxpng") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); if (LibWxJpeg) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxjpeg") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); if (LibWxTiff) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxtiff") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxzlib") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); if (LibWxRegex) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxregex") + LibUnicSuffix + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); if (LibWxExpat) target.AddLinkLib(LibPrefix + _T("wxexpat") + LibDebugSuffix + LibSuffix); } } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add additional wxWidgets libraries (for Windows) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnGetNextPage_WxConf() { IsAdvOpt = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfAdvOpt")); IsMonolithic = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxConfMono")); if (IsAdvOpt) return _T("WxConfAdvOpt"); if (!IsMonolithic) return _T("WxAddLib"); return _T(""); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set appropriate Global Variables for Target type //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnEnter_WxConfAdvOpt(fwd) { if (fwd) { Wizard.EnableWindow(_T("RadioBoxDebug"), Wizard.GetWantDebug()); Wizard.EnableWindow(_T("RadioBoxRelease"), Wizard.GetWantRelease()); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set appropriate Global Variables for Target type //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnLeave_WxConfAdvOpt(fwd) { if (fwd) { ChkWxDebug = Wizard.IsCheckboxChecked(_T("chkWxDebug")); DebugTarget = Wizard.GetRadioboxSelection(_T("RadioBoxDebug")); ReleaseTarget = Wizard.GetRadioboxSelection(_T("RadioBoxRelease")); if (!ChkWxDebug) LibDebugSuffix = _T(""); } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check for next wizard page after Target type //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnGetNextPage_WxConfAdvOpt() { if (IsMonolithic) return _T(""); else return _T("WxAddLib"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set global variables for additional lib wizard page (for Windows) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnGetPrevPage_WxAddLib() { if (IsAdvOpt) // IsAdvOpt - Refers to Target Type return _T("WxConfAdvOpt"); else return _T("WxConf"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Set global variables for additional lib wizard page (for Windows) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function OnEnter_WxAddLib(fwd) { return true; } function OnLeave_WxAddLib(fwd) { if (fwd) { AddlLibList = Wizard.GetListboxStringSelections(_T("lstWxLibs")); } return true; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return the template's filename, appending as an extension (must include the dot) function GetTemplateFile(index) { local template_file = _T(""); if (GuiBuilder == 1) { if (index == 0) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/common/app.h"); else if (index == 1) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/wxsmith/app.cpp"); else if (index == 2) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/wxsmith/main.h"); else if (index == 3) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/wxsmith/main.cpp"); else if (index == 4) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/wxsmith/resource.wxs"); else if (index == 5 && WantPCH) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/pch/wx_pch.h"); } else { if (index == 0) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/common/app.h"); else if (index == 1) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/common/app.cpp"); else if (index == 2) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/common/main.h"); else if (index == 3) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/common/main.cpp"); else if (index == 4 && WantPCH) template_file = _T("wxwidgets/pch/wx_pch.h"); } return template_file; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return the header contents string function GenerateHeader(index) { local path = Wizard.FindTemplateFile(GetTemplateFile(index)); local buffer = IO.ReadFileContents(path); return SubstituteMacros(buffer); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // return the implementation contents string function GenerateSource(index) { local path = Wizard.FindTemplateFile(GetTemplateFile(index)); local buffer = IO.ReadFileContents(path); return SubstituteMacros(buffer); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // substitute all plugin macros in function SubstituteMacros(buffer) { // handle [IF] / [ENDIF] pairs if (GuiBuilder == 0) { if (GuiAppType == 0) { buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXDIALOG"), true); buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXFRAME"), false); } else if (GuiAppType == 1) { buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXDIALOG"), false); buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXFRAME"), true); } buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("NONE"), true); buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXFB"), false); } else if (GuiBuilder == 1) { if (GuiAppType == 0) { buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXDIALOG"), true); buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXFRAME"), false); } else if (GuiAppType == 1) { buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXDIALOG"), false); buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXFRAME"), true); } } else if (GuiBuilder == 2) { if (GuiAppType == 0) { buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXDIALOG"), true); buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXFRAME"), false); } else if (GuiAppType == 1) { buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXDIALOG"), false); buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXFRAME"), true); } buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("NONE"), false); buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WXFB"), true); } buffer = HandleDirective(buffer, _T("WINDOWS"), (PLATFORM == PLATFORM_MSW ? true : false)); // create class name from project name which is valid c++ identifier local Prefix = GetFixedProjectName(Wizard.GetProjectName()); local PchInclude = WantPCH ? ( _T("#include \"") + PCHFileName + _T("\"\n") ) : _T(""); // macros substitution buffer.Replace(_T("[PROJECT_HDR]"), Prefix.Upper() ); buffer.Replace(_T("[PROJECT_NAME]"), Wizard.GetProjectName()); buffer.Replace(_T("[FILENAME_PREFIX]"), Prefix); buffer.Replace(_T("[CLASS_PREFIX]"), Prefix); buffer.Replace(_T("[AUTHOR_NAME]"), ProjAuthor); buffer.Replace(_T("[AUTHOR_EMAIL]"), ProjEmail); buffer.Replace(_T("[AUTHOR_WWW]"), ProjWebsite); buffer.Replace(_T("[NOW]"), ReplaceMacros(_T("$(TODAY)"), false)); buffer.Replace(_T("[PCH_INCLUDE]"), PchInclude); return buffer; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if is true, removes the [IF ] and [ENDIF ] // macros. // if is false, removes everything enclosed by the [IF ] // and [ENDIF ] macros (including them). function HandleDirective(buffer, directive, enabled) { local dir_if = _T("[IF ") + directive + _T("]"); local dir_endif = _T("[ENDIF ") + directive + _T("]"); while ( true ) { local findStart = buffer.Find(dir_if); if (findStart == -1) return buffer; local findEnd = buffer.Find(dir_endif); if (findEnd == -1 || findEnd <= findStart) return buffer; // look for [ELSE] local block = buffer.Mid(findStart, findEnd - findStart); local findElse = block.Find(_T("[ELSE]")); // findElse is in "local scope", i.e. offset from findStart if (!enabled) { if (findElse == -1) { // remove whole section buffer.Remove(findStart, (findEnd - findStart) + dir_endif.Length()); } else { // remove [ENDIF] buffer.Remove(findEnd, dir_endif.Length()); // remove from [IF] to [ELSE] (including) buffer.Remove(findStart, findElse + 6); // 6 is the [ELSE] size } } else { if (findElse == -1) { // just remove the directives // we must remove the [ENDIF] first because if we removed the [IF] it would // render the findEnd index invalid! buffer.Remove(findEnd, dir_endif.Length()); buffer.Remove(findStart, dir_if.Length()); } else { // remove from [ELSE] to [ENDIF] local start = findStart + findElse; buffer.Remove(start, (findEnd - start) + dir_endif.Length()); // remove from [IF] buffer.Remove(findStart, dir_if.Length()); } } } return buffer; } function IntToBool(val) { return (val == 0 ? false : true); } function BoolToInt(val) { return (val ? 1 : 0); } function SetupAddlLibs() { // Now set these variable values based on library selections if (!AddlLibList.IsEmpty()) { local tempLibArray = ::wxArrayString(); tempLibArray = GetArrayFromString(AddlLibList, _T(";"), false); LibWxRichText = ((WxVersion > 0) && (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxRichText")) >=0)); LibWxAdvUI = ((WxVersion > 0) && (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxAui")) >=0)); LibWxXrc = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxXrc")) >=0); LibWxOdbc = ((tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxDbGrid")) >=0) || (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxOdbc")) >=0)); LibWxMedia = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxMedia")) >=0);; LibWxNet = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxNet")) >=0); LibWxOpengl = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxGl")) >=0); LibWxQa = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxQa")) >=0); LibWxXml = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxXml")) >=0) || LibWxRichText || LibWxXrc; LibWxAdv = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxAdv")) >=0) || LibWxRichText || LibWxXrc || LibWxOdbc; LibWxHtml = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxHtml")) >=0) || LibWxRichText || LibWxXrc; LibWxJpeg = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxJpeg")) >=0); LibWxTiff = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxTiff")) >=0); LibWxRegex = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxRegex")) >=0); LibWxExpat = (tempLibArray.Index(_T("wxExpat")) >=0); } }