set origin_dir=%cd% if "%1" == "" goto ERR_NOPARM if "%2" == "" goto ERR_NOPARM if "%3" == "" goto ERR_NOPARM cd ..\..\msw rem ================ VS 2015 Official Build =============== rem rem Open a Visual Studio 2015 Developer command prompt. rem rem cd \wxwidgets\build\tools\msvs rem build2015 x y z rem rem ======================================================== rem Remove the existing destination folders if the exist so that a complete rebuild occurs. rmdir vc140_mswuddll /s /q rmdir vc140_mswuddll_x64 /s /q rmdir vc140_mswudll /s /q rmdir vc140_mswudll_x64 /s /q rmdir ..\..\lib\vc140_dll /s /q rmdir ..\..\lib\vc140_x64_dll /s /q rem Delete the build output files from the last run, if any. del 2015x86_Debug.txt del 2015x86_Release.txt del 2015x64_Debug.txt del 2015x64_Release.txt call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x64 rem 64 bit release build rem ------------------ nmake -f BUILD=release SHARED=1 COMPILER_VERSION=140 OFFICIAL_BUILD=1 TARGET_CPU=AMD64 >> 2015x64_Release.txt rem 64 bit debug build rem ------------------ nmake -f BUILD=debug SHARED=1 COMPILER_VERSION=140 OFFICIAL_BUILD=1 TARGET_CPU=AMD64 >> 2015x64_Debug.txt call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86 rem 32 bit release build rem ------------------ nmake -f BUILD=release SHARED=1 COMPILER_VERSION=140 OFFICIAL_BUILD=1 CPPFLAGS=/arch:SSE CFLAGS=/arch:SSE >> 2015x86_Release.txt rem 32 bit debug build rem ------------------ nmake -f BUILD=debug SHARED=1 COMPILER_VERSION=140 OFFICIAL_BUILD=1 CPPFLAGS=/arch:SSE CFLAGS=/arch:SSE >> 2015x86_Debug.txt goto End :ERR_NOPARM @echo. @echo ERROR: NO PARAMETER SUPPLIED @echo MajorVers MinorVers BuildVers :End cd %origin_dir%