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# makefile - makefile for examples
# (c) Copyright 1994, 1995 Rogue Wave Software, Inc.
# The software and information contained herein are proprietary to, and
# comprise valuable trade secrets of, Rogue Wave Software, Inc., which
# intends to preserve as trade secrets such software and information.
# This software is furnished pursuant to a written license agreement and
# may be used, copied, transmitted, and stored only in accordance with
# the terms of such license and with the inclusion of the above copyright
# notice. This software and information or any other copies thereof may
# not be provided or otherwise made available to any other person.
# Notwithstanding any other lease or license that may pertain to, or
# accompany the delivery of, this computer software and information, the
# rights of the Government regarding its use, reproduction and disclosure
# are as set forth in Section 52.227-19 of the FARS Computer
# Software-Restricted Rights clause.
# Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
# restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
# Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013.
# Contractor/Manufacturer is Rogue Wave Software, Inc.,
# P.O. Box 2328, Corvallis, Oregon 97339.
# This computer software and information is distributed with "restricted
# rights." Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions as
# set forth in NASA FAR SUP 18-52.227-79 (April 1985) "Commercial
# Computer Software-Restricted Rights (April 1985)." If the Clause at
# 18-52.227-74 "Rights in Data General" is specified in the contract,
# then the "Alternate III" clause applies.
# Makefile for the Rogue Wave Standard Library package, using
# Borland C++ with a Win32 target.
# Note ONLY the Borland-supplied "make" command
# should be used.
######################## Targets #################################
accum.exe \
adj_diff.exe \
advance.exe \
alg1.exe \
alg2.exe \
alg3.exe \
alg4.exe \
alg5.exe \
alg6.exe \
alg7.exe \
auto_ptr.exe \
b_search.exe \
binders.exe \
bitset.exe \
calc.exe \
codecvt.exe \
collate.exe \
complex.exe \
complx.exe \
concord.exe \
copyex.exe \
count.exe \
ctype.exe \
deque.exe \
distance.exe \
eqlrange.exe \
equal.exe \
except.exe \
exceptn.exe \
filebuf.exe \
fill.exe \
find.exe \
find_end.exe \
find_f_o.exe \
for_each.exe \
fstream.exe \
funct_ob.exe \
generate.exe \
graph.exe \
gslc_ary.exe \
gslice.exe \
hasfacet.exe \
heap_ops.exe \
icecream.exe \
ifstream.exe \
includes.exe \
indr_ary.exe \
inr_prod.exe \
ins_itr.exe \
io_iter.exe \
isalnum.exe \
istbufit.exe \
istngstr.exe \
istream1.exe \
istrstre.exe \
lex_comp.exe \
limits.exe \
list.exe \
locale.exe \
map.exe \
mask_ary.exe \
max.exe \
max_elem.exe \
memfunc.exe \
memfunrf.exe \
merge.exe \
mismatch.exe \
moneyget.exe \
moneyput.exe \
monpunct.exe \
multimap.exe \
multiset.exe \
mutex.exe \
negator.exe \
nthelem.exe \
numget.exe \
numpunct.exe \
numput.exe \
ostbufit.exe \
ostream1.exe \
ostream2.exe \
p_queue.exe \
partsort.exe \
partsum.exe \
permute.exe \
pnt2fnct.exe \
prtition.exe \
queue.exe \
radix.exe \
remove.exe \
replace.exe \
rev_itr.exe \
reverse.exe \
rndshufl.exe \
rotate.exe \
search.exe \
set_diff.exe \
set_intr.exe \
set_s_di.exe \
set_unin.exe \
setex.exe \
sieve.exe \
slc_ary.exe \
slice.exe \
sort.exe \
spell.exe \
stack.exe \
stngstre.exe \
stocks.exe \
string.exe \
strngbuf.exe \
strstrbf.exe \
strstrea.exe \
swap.exe \
tele.exe \
timeget.exe \
timeput.exe \
toupper.exe \
trnsform.exe \
ul_bound.exe \
unique.exe \
usefacet.exe \
valarray.exe \
vector.exe \
widwork.exe \
all : rwstdmsg.dll messages.exe allobjs $(ALLEXES)
all : allobjs $(ALLEXES)
allobjs: $(ALLEXES:.exe=.obj)
-@if exist *.obj del *.obj >nul
-@if exist *.lib del *.lib >nul
-@if exist rwstdmsg.res del rwstdmsg.res >nul
-@if exist *.exe del *.exe >nul
-@if exist *.dll del *.dll >nul
-@if exist *.tds del *.tds >nul
-@if exist $(PCHROOT).* del $(PCHROOT).* >nul
runall: all $(ALLEXES)
# Warning: there are quite a few exe's here that will run. Also, several
# of the examples require input from stdin.
& $?
########################### Explicit Rules #######################
rwstdmsg.obj: rwstdmsg.cpp
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -tWD$(TARGSUF) -c {$? }
rwstdmsg.res: rwstdmsg.rc
$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) $?
rwstdmsg.dll: rwstdmsg.obj rwstdmsg.res
start $(LINKER) $(LINKFLAGS) $(LINKSTARTUP) rwstdmsg.obj ,$*,,$(LINKLIBS),,rwstdmsg.res
messages.exe: messages.obj rwstdmsg.dll
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) messages.obj rwstdmsg.lib
########################### Implicit Rules #######################
$(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c {$? }
$(CPP32) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -Sr -Sd {$? }