587 lines
17 KiB
587 lines
17 KiB
#ifndef __BITSET_H
#define __BITSET_H
#pragma option push -b -a8 -pc -Vx- -Ve- -w-inl -w-aus -w-sig
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef __STD_BITS
#define __STD_BITS
* bitset - class bitset declaration
* Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This computer software is owned by Rogue Wave Software, Inc. and is
* protected by U.S. copyright laws and other laws and by international
* treaties. This computer software is furnished by Rogue Wave Software,
* Inc. pursuant to a written license agreement and may be used, copied,
* transmitted, and stored only in accordance with the terms of such
* license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This
* computer software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
* otherwise made available to any other person.
* U.S. Government Restricted Rights. This computer software is provided
* with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
* Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)
* (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
* at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the
* Commercial Computer Software – Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19,
* as applicable. Manufacturer is Rogue Wave Software, Inc., 5500
* Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA.
#include <stdcomp.h>
#include <rw/stddefs.h>
#include <rw/rwstderr.h>
#include <climits>
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef _HPACC_
#include <iostream>
#include <iosfwd>
class ostream;
class istream;
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#define _NELEMENTS NumOfElems
#define _NELEMENTS NumOfElems()
#endif /*_RWSTD_BC5_ENUM_BUG*/
namespace __rwstd {
// Exception error messages.
extern const unsigned int _RWSTDExport __rw_bitset_InvalidPosition;
extern const unsigned int _RWSTDExport __rw_bitset_InvalidCtorArgument;
extern const unsigned int _RWSTDExport __rw_bitset_ConversionOverflow;
extern const char _RWSTDExportFunc(*) __rw_bitset_InvalidPosition;
extern const char _RWSTDExportFunc(*) __rw_bitset_InvalidCtorArgument;
extern const char _RWSTDExportFunc(*) __rw_bitset_ConversionOverflow;
} namespace std {
template <size_t N>
class _RWSTDExportTemplate bitset
// The type of array in which we store the bits.
typedef unsigned int VectorType;
// Number of bits in an array element.
enum { BitsPerChunk = CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned int) };
// Number of array elements.
enum { NumOfElems = N == 0 ? 1 : 1 + ((N - 1) / BitsPerChunk) };
size_t NumOfElems () const
return N == 0 ? 1 : 1 + ((N - 1) / BitsPerChunk);
#endif /*_RWSTD_BC5_ENUM_BUG*/
// Number of bits in an unsigned long.
enum { BitsInUnsignedLong = CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned long) };
// The array of bits.
VectorType bits[_NELEMENTS];
VectorType* bits;
#endif /*_RWSTD_BC5_ENUM_BUG*/
// Is pos a valid bitset position?
bool valid_position (size_t pos) const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
return N > pos ? true : false;
// Given a bit position `pos', returns the index into the appropriate
// chunk in bits[] such that 0 <= index < BitsPerChunk.
unsigned long index (size_t pos) const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
#if UINT_MAX == 256
return 7 & pos;
#elif UINT_MAX == 65535
return 15 & pos;
#elif UINT_MAX == 4294967295
return 31 & pos;
#elif UINT_MAX == 18446744073709551615
return 63 & pos;
return pos % BitsPerChunk;
typedef bool element_type;
const size_t bitset_size;
static const size_t bitset_size = N;
static const size_t bitset_size;
// bit reference
class reference
friend class bitset<N>;
bitset<N>& ref;
size_t pos;
reference (bitset<N>& r, size_t p) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
: ref(r), pos(p) {}
// for b[i] = x;
reference& operator= (bool val) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
ref.set(pos, val); return *this;
// for b[i] = b[j];
reference& operator= (const reference& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
ref.set(pos, rhs.ref.test(rhs.pos)); return *this;
// for x = ~b[i];
bool operator~ () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL { return !ref.test(pos);}
// for x = b[i];
operator bool () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL { return ref.test(pos); }
reference& flip() _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL { ref.flip(pos); return *this;}
// constructors
: bitset_size(N)
memset(bits, 0, sizeof(bits));
bits = new VectorType[_NELEMENTS];
memset(bits, 0, _NELEMENTS*sizeof(VectorType));
#endif /*_RWSTD_BC5_ENUM_BUG*/
bitset (unsigned long val) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
: bitset_size(N)
// Initialize first M bit positions to the corresponding
// bit values in val. M is the smaller of N and the value
// CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned long).
memset(bits, 0, sizeof(bits));
bits = new VectorType[_NELEMENTS];
memset(bits, 0, _NELEMENTS*sizeof(VectorType));
#endif /*_RWSTD_BC5_ENUM_BUG*/
size_t M = N < BitsInUnsignedLong ? N : BitsInUnsignedLong;
for (size_t i = 0; i < M; i++)
if (val & (1UL << i))
template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
_EXPLICIT bitset (const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>&,
_TYPENAME basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>::size_type=0,
_TYPENAME basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>::size_type=
std::template basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>::npos) // RW_BUG
/* _EXPLICIT bitset (const basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>,
_TYPENAME basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>::size_type=0,
_TYPENAME basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator>::size_type=
_EXPLICIT bitset (const string& str,
size_t pos = 0,
size_t n = (size_t) -1)
_RWSTD_THROW_SPEC((out_of_range, invalid_argument));
// We _EXPLICITly defined the copy constructor, though
// WP 23.3.5 allows us to use the default generated one.
bitset (const bitset<N>& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
: bitset_size(N)
memcpy(bits, rhs.bits, sizeof(bits));
bits = new VectorType[_NELEMENTS];
memcpy(bits, rhs.bits, _NELEMENTS*sizeof(VectorType));
#endif /*_RWSTD_BC5_ENUM_BUG*/
// We _EXPLICITly defined the assignment, though
// WP 23.3.5 allows us to use the default generated one.
bitset<N>& operator= (const bitset<N>& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
if (!(this == &rhs))
memcpy(bits, rhs.bits, sizeof(bits));
memcpy(bits, rhs.bits, _NELEMENTS*sizeof(VectorType));
#endif /*_RWSTD_BC5_ENUM_BUG*/
return *this;
~bitset () _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL { delete [] bits; }
// bitset operations
bitset<N>& operator&= (const bitset<N>& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
for (size_t i = 0; i < _NELEMENTS; i++)
bits[i] &= rhs.bits[i];
return *this;
bitset<N>& operator|= (const bitset<N>& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
for (size_t i = 0; i < _NELEMENTS; i++)
bits[i] |= rhs.bits[i];
return *this;
bitset<N>& operator^= (const bitset<N>& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
for (size_t i = 0; i < _NELEMENTS; i++)
bits[i] ^= rhs.bits[i];
return *this;
// Replaces bit at position I with a value determined as follows:
// If (I < pos) the new value is 0
// If (I >= pos) the new value is the previous value at position I - pos
bitset<N>& operator<<= (size_t pos) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
if (pos)
for (long i = N - 1; i >= 0 ; --i)
set(i, i <(long)pos || test(i - pos) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
return *this;
// Replaces bit at position I with a value determined as follows:
// If (pos >= N-i) the new value is zero
// If (pos < N-i) the new value is the previous value at position I + pos
bitset<N>& operator>>= (size_t pos) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
if (pos)
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
set(i, pos >= N - i || test(i + pos) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
return *this;
bitset<N>& set () _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
for (size_t i = 0; i < _NELEMENTS; i++)
bits[i] = ~0;
return *this;
bitset<N>& set (size_t pos, int val = 1) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC((out_of_range))
"bitset::set(size_t,int )",pos).msgstr());
if (val)
bits[pos / BitsPerChunk] |= (1UL << index(pos));
bits[pos / BitsPerChunk] &= ~(1UL << index(pos));
return *this;
bitset<N>& reset () _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
memset(bits, 0, sizeof(bits)); return *this;
bitset<N>& reset (size_t pos) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC((out_of_range))
return set(pos, 0);
bitset<N> operator~ () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
bitset<N> tmp(*this); return tmp.flip();
bitset<N>& flip () _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
for (size_t i = 0; i < _NELEMENTS; i++)
bits[i] = ~bits[i];
return *this;
bitset<N>& flip (size_t pos) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC((out_of_range))
bits[pos / BitsPerChunk] ^= (1UL << index(pos));
return *this;
// element access
reference operator[] (size_t pos) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC((out_of_range))
// We check that pos is valid here so that NONE of the reference
// member functions need check. This way ALL the reference member
// functions can have empty throw specifications.
reference r(*this, pos); return r;
// conversion functions
unsigned long to_ulong () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC((overflow_error));
#if !defined ( _RWSTD_NO_TEMPLATE_ON_RETURN_TYPE) && !defined (_HPACC_) && !defined(_RWSTD_NO_EXPLICIT_ARGS)
template <class charT, class traits, class Allocator>
basic_string<charT,traits,Allocator> to_string () const;
string to_string () const;
// miscellaneous member functions
size_t count () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL;
size_t size () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL { return N; }
bool operator== (const bitset<N>& rhs) const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
for (size_t i = 0; i+1 < _NELEMENTS; i++)
if (!(bits[i] == rhs.bits[i]))
return false;
for (size_t j = (_NELEMENTS-1)*BitsPerChunk; j < N; j++)
if (!(test(j) == rhs.test(j)))
return false;
return true;
bool operator!= (const bitset<N>& rhs) const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
return !(*this == rhs);
bool test (size_t pos) const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC((out_of_range))
"bitset::test(size_t) const",pos).msgstr());
return (bits[pos / BitsPerChunk] & (1UL << index(pos))) != 0;
bool any () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
bool flag = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i+1 <= _NELEMENTS && !flag; i++)
if (bits[i])
flag = true;
return flag;
bool none () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
bool flag = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i+1 <= _NELEMENTS && flag; i++)
if (bits[i])
flag = false;
return flag;
bitset<N> operator<< (size_t pos) const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
bitset<N> tmp(*this); tmp <<= pos; return tmp;
bitset<N> operator>> (size_t pos) const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
bitset<N> tmp(*this); tmp >>= pos; return tmp;
template<size_t N>
inline bitset<N> operator& (const bitset<N>& lhs,
const bitset<N>& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
bitset<N> tmp(lhs); tmp &= rhs; return tmp;
template<size_t N>
inline bitset<N> operator| (const bitset<N>& lhs,
const bitset<N>& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
bitset<N> tmp(lhs); tmp |= rhs; return tmp;
template<size_t N>
inline bitset<N> operator^ (const bitset<N>& lhs,
const bitset<N>& rhs) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
bitset<N> tmp(lhs); tmp ^= rhs; return tmp;
template<class charT, class traits, size_t N>
inline basic_ostream<charT,traits>&
operator<< (basic_ostream<charT,traits>& os, const bitset<N>& x)
#if !defined ( _RWSTD_NO_TEMPLATE_ON_RETURN_TYPE) && !defined (_HPACC_) && !defined(_RWSTD_NO_EXPLICIT_ARGS)
return os << x.to_string<charT,traits,allocator<charT> >();
return os << x.to_string();
template<class charT, class traits, size_t N>
inline basic_istream<charT,traits>&
operator>> (basic_istream<charT,traits>& is, bitset<N>& x)
string str(N, '0');
for (size_t count = 0; count < N && !is.eof(); )
#if !defined(_RWSTD_NO_NONTYPE_ARGS) && defined(_RW_STD_IOSTREAM)
charT c = 0;
char c = 0;
is >> c;
if (c == '1' || c == '0')
str.append(1, c);
if (str.size() == 0)
#ifdef __TURBOC__
x = bitset<N>(str, (string::size_type) 0, (string::size_type) string::npos);
x = bitset<N>(str);
return is;
template<size_t N>
inline ostream&
operator<< (ostream& os, const bitset<N>& x)
#if !defined(_RWSTD_NO_TEMPLATE_ON_RETURN_TYPE) && !defined(_RWSTD_NO_EXPLICIT_ARGS) && !defined(_HPACC_)
return os << x.to_string<char,char_traits<char>,allocator<char> >();
return os << x.to_string();
template<size_t N>
operator>> (istream& is, bitset<N>& x);
#endif // _RW_STD_IOSTREAM
namespace __rwstd {
// Specializations of STL destroy for bitset.
template <size_t N> inline void __destroy (bitset<N>**) {;}
template <size_t N> inline void __destroy (bitset<N>***) {;}
template <size_t N> inline void __destroy (bitset<N>****) {;}
#include <bitset.cc>
#endif /*__STD_BITS*/
#ifndef __USING_STD_NAMES__
using namespace std;
#pragma option pop
#endif /* __BITSET_H */