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// --edkevent.h-----------------------------------------------------------------
// Header file for module containing event logging functions.
// Copyright 1986 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if !defined(_EDKEVENT_H)
#pragma option push -b -a8 -pc -A- /*P_O_Push*/
#define _EDKEVENT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
// Structure to hold the counts of the number of each type of event that has
// been logged.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct _EDKEventCount {
DWORD cError;
DWORD cWarning;
DWORD cInformation;
// Initialize event logging for the EDK.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IN LPSTR pszApplicationName, // name of this application
IN LPSTR pszExecutableName, // name of executable
IN LPSTR pszEventMessageFile, // name of event message file
IN LPSTR pszParameterMessageFile, // name of parameter message file
IN LPSTR pszCategoryMessageFile, // name of category message file
OUT LPHANDLE phEventSourceOut); // [returns event logging handle]
// Initialize event logging for the EDK by connecting to an already open
// event log handle. This allows EventLogMsg() to log events to a handle
// that was opened elsewhere. Calling HrEventCloseLog() after calling
// this routine will do internal cleanup but will not close the event log
// handle. One example of where this routine is useful is within a DLL
// that is called by EDK code in which event logging has already been
// initialized.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
IN HANDLE hExistingEventSource); // previously opened event log handle
// EventLogMsgA -- byte string version
// EventLogMsgW -- word string version
// Log an event to the event log, and optionally, log the original error(s)
// that caused the event. It has the following parameters:
// DWORD dwEvent
// DWORD cStrings
// [LPSTR pszString1]
// [LPSTR pszString2]
// [...................]
// [LPSTR pszStringN]
// DWORD cErrorCodes
// [DWORD dwErrorCode1]
// [DWORD dwErrorCode2]
// [.....................]
// [DWORD dwErrorCodeN]
// Each of the above strings and error codes are used as parameters to the
// message in the order they appear. This means that in event messages,
// all of the error message replacement parameters must have higher numbers
// than all of the string replacement parameters. For example:
// EventLogMsg(
// 2, pszSourceFile, pszDestFile,
// 1, dwError);
// And the message would be defined as:
// MessageId=
// Severity=Error
// Facility=Application
// Language=English
// Cannot copy file from %1 to %2 due to the following error:%n%3.
// .
// Note: This routine preserves the last error value returned by
// GetLastError().
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Byte string version of EventLogMsg().
// IMPORTANT!!! The error code count [and error code list] is REQUIRED after
// the text string count [and text string list]. Failure to include the
// error code argument(s) may cause unexpected results.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID EventLogMsgA( // RETURNS: nothing
IN DWORD dwEvent, // error code of event to log
IN DWORD cStrings, // number of text string parameters
IN ... // text string parameters
// IN DWORD cErrors, // number of error code parameters
// IN ... // error code parameters
// Word string version of EventLogMsg().
// IMPORTANT!!! The error code count [and error code list] is REQUIRED after
// the text string count [and text string list]. Failure to include the
// error code argument(s) may cause unexpected results.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VOID EventLogMsgW( // RETURNS: nothing
IN DWORD dwEvent, // error code of event to log
IN DWORD cStrings, // number of text string parameters
IN ... // text string parameters
// IN DWORD cErrors, // number of error code parameters
// IN ... // error code parameters
#ifdef UNICODE
#define EventLogMsg EventLogMsgW
#define EventLogMsg EventLogMsgA
#endif // !UNICODE
// Returns the number of Error, Warning, and Information events logged (by the
// current executable).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
OUT LPEDKEVENTCOUNT lpsEventCount); // structure to return event counts
// Shut down event logging for the EDK.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// $--HrEventGetHandle------------------------------------------------------
// DESCRIPTION: Retrieve event handle for this executable.
// OUTPUT: phEventLog -- event log handle pointer
// RETURNS: HRESULT -- NOERROR if successful,
// E_INVALIDARG if bad input,
// E_FAIL otherwise.
// Notes:
// 1) The event handle returned will be NULL if there is
// no open event log.
// 2) DLLs may not call this function to retrieve the event handle
// which their parent executable set. If the parent executable sets
// an event handle, then it must pass the event handle to the DLL.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrEventGetHandle(
IN HANDLE * phEventLog); // event log handle pointer
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // end extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus
#pragma option pop /*P_O_Pop*/