1018 lines
44 KiB
1018 lines
44 KiB
#ifndef __LIMITS_STL
#define __LIMITS_STL
#pragma option push -b -a8 -pc -Vx- -Ve- -w-inl -w-aus -w-sig
// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef __STD_LIMITS
#define __STD_LIMITS
* limits - Declarations for the Standard Library limits class
* Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This computer software is owned by Rogue Wave Software, Inc. and is
* protected by U.S. copyright laws and other laws and by international
* treaties. This computer software is furnished by Rogue Wave Software,
* Inc. pursuant to a written license agreement and may be used, copied,
* transmitted, and stored only in accordance with the terms of such
* license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This
* computer software or any other copies thereof may not be provided or
* otherwise made available to any other person.
* U.S. Government Restricted Rights. This computer software is provided
* with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
* Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)
* (1) (ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
* at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the
* Commercial Computer Software – Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19,
* as applicable. Manufacturer is Rogue Wave Software, Inc., 5500
* Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, Colorado 80301 USA.
#include <stdcomp.h>
#include <rw/stddefs.h>
#include <rw/math.h>
#include <cfloat>
#include <climits>
#include <ieeefp.h> // for siemens
#include <float.h>
#include <ieeefp.h> // for siemens
#include <limits.h>
// Turn off the warnings under the MSVC compiler that
// say 'bool reserved for future use'
#pragma warning ( disable : 4237 )
namespace std {
#if defined(__OS2__) || defined(__MFC_COMPAT__)
# ifdef max
# undef max
# endif
# ifdef min
# undef min
# endif
#endif /*__OS2__ || __MFC_COMPAT__*/
enum float_round_style
round_indeterminate = -1,
round_toward_zero = 0,
round_to_nearest = 1,
round_toward_infinity = 2,
round_toward_neg_infinity = 3
enum float_denorm_style
denorm_indeterminate = -1,
denorm_absent = 0,
denorm_present = 1
#if !defined(_RWSTD_NO_STI_SIMPLE)
#define __RW_INIT(n) = n
#define __RW_INIT(n) /**/
// Assumptions made in this implementation:
// 1) numeric_limits<int>::radix equals numeric_limits<T>::radix
// for all integral T specialized in this file.
// 2) numeric_limits<int>::is_modulo equals numeric_limits<T>::is_modulo
// for all signed integral T specialized in this file, except
// numeric_limits<bool>::is_modulo, which is assumed to be false.
// 3) numeric_limts<T>::traps == false for all builtin integral T.
// Does there exist a machine for which these aren't true?
// If your compiler allows in-class initialization of static const data
// members of integral type, then look for all lines having a comment of
// the form
// // VENDOR
// and set the value on that line to the proper one for your environment.
// If your compiler does NOT allow in-class initialization of static const
// data members of integral type, then you'll need to set the values in
// stdlib/src/limits/limits.cpp so they're properly archived into the
// Standard Library.
template <class T>
class _RWSTDExportTemplate numeric_limits;
// Specialization for float.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<float>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline float min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return FLT_MIN; }
static inline float max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return FLT_MAX; }
static const _RWSTDExportTemplate int digits __RW_INIT(FLT_MANT_DIG);
static const _RWSTDExportTemplate int digits10 __RW_INIT(FLT_DIG);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(false);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(FLT_RADIX);
static inline float epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return FLT_EPSILON; }
static float _RWSTDExportTemplate round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(FLT_MIN_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(FLT_MIN_10_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(FLT_MAX_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(FLT_MAX_10_EXP);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_indeterminate); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static float infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static float quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static float signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static float denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style;
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(float_round_style,FLT_ROUNDS));
// Specialization for double.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<double>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline double min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return DBL_MIN; }
static inline double max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return DBL_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(DBL_MANT_DIG);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(DBL_DIG);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(false);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(FLT_RADIX);
static inline double epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return DBL_EPSILON; }
static double round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(DBL_MIN_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(DBL_MIN_10_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(DBL_MAX_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(DBL_MAX_10_EXP);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_indeterminate); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static double infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static double quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static double signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static double denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style;
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(float_round_style,FLT_ROUNDS));
// Specialization for long double.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<long double>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline long double min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return LDBL_MIN; }
static inline long double max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return LDBL_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(LDBL_MANT_DIG);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(LDBL_DIG);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(false);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(FLT_RADIX);
static inline long double epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return LDBL_EPSILON; }
static long double round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(LDBL_MIN_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(LDBL_MIN_10_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(LDBL_MAX_EXP);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(LDBL_MAX_10_EXP);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_indeterminate); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static long double _RWSTDExportTemplate infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static long double _RWSTDExportTemplate quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static long double _RWSTDExportTemplate signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static long double _RWSTDExportTemplate denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style;
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(_RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(float_round_style,FLT_ROUNDS));
// Specialization for int.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<int>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline int min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return INT_MIN; }
static inline int max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return INT_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(int)-1);
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(2); // VENDOR
static inline int epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline int round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline int _RWSTDExportTemplate infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline int _RWSTDExportTemplate quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline int _RWSTDExportTemplate signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline int _RWSTDExportTemplate denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(false); // VENDOR
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<wchar_t>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static wchar_t min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static wchar_t max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(true); // VENDOR
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(is_signed ? CHAR_BIT*sizeof(wchar_t) - 1 : CHAR_BIT*sizeof(wchar_t));
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline wchar_t epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline wchar_t round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline wchar_t _RWSTDExportTemplate infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline wchar_t _RWSTDExportTemplate quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline wchar_t _RWSTDExportTemplate signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline wchar_t _RWSTDExportTemplate denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(is_signed ? numeric_limits<int>::is_modulo : true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
// There are no VENDOR-settable values beyond this point.
// Specialization for short.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<short>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline short min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return SHRT_MIN; }
static inline short max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return SHRT_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(short)-1);
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline short epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline short round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline short _RWSTDExportTemplate infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline short _RWSTDExportTemplate quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline short _RWSTDExportTemplate signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline short _RWSTDExportTemplate denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::is_modulo);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
// Specialization for unsigned short.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<unsigned short>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline unsigned short min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned short max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return USHRT_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned short));
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline unsigned short epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned short round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline unsigned short infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned short quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned short signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned short denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
// Specialization for unsigned int.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<unsigned int>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline unsigned int min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned int max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return UINT_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned int));
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline unsigned int epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned int round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline unsigned int infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned int quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned int signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned int denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
// Specialization for long.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<long>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline long min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return LONG_MIN; }
static inline long max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return LONG_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(long)-1);
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline long epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline long round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline long infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline long quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline long signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline long denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::is_modulo);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
// Specialization for unsigned long.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<unsigned long>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline unsigned long min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned long max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return ULONG_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned long));
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline unsigned long epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned long round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline unsigned long infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned long quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned long signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned long denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
// Specialization for char.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<char>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline char min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return CHAR_MIN; }
static inline char max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return CHAR_MAX; }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(CHAR_MAX == SCHAR_MAX ? true : false);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(is_signed ? CHAR_BIT*sizeof(char) -1 : CHAR_BIT*sizeof(char));
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline char epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline char round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline char infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline char quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline char signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline char denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(is_signed ? numeric_limits<int>::is_modulo : true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
// Specialization for unsigned char.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<unsigned char>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline unsigned char min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned char max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return UCHAR_MAX; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits __RW_INIT(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned char));
// static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline unsigned char epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned char round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline unsigned char infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned char quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned char signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline unsigned char denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
// Specialization for signed char.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<signed char>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline signed char min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return SCHAR_MIN; }
static inline signed char max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return SCHAR_MAX; }
static const _RWSTDExportTemplate int digits __RW_INIT(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(signed char)-1);
// static const _RWSTDExportTemplate int digits10 __RW_INIT(int(digits/3.321928095));
static const _RWSTDExportTemplate int digits10;
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline signed char epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline signed char round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline signed char infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline signed char quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline signed char signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline signed char denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::is_modulo);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
#ifndef _RWSTD_NO_BOOL
// Specialization for bool.
class _RWSTDExport numeric_limits<bool>
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_specialized __RW_INIT(true);
static inline bool min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return false; }
static inline bool max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return true; }
static const _RWSTDExportTemplate int digits __RW_INIT(1);
static const _RWSTDExportTemplate int digits10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_signed __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_integer __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_exact __RW_INIT(true);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate radix __RW_INIT(numeric_limits<int>::radix);
static inline bool epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline bool round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate min_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent __RW_INIT(0);
static const int _RWSTDExportTemplate max_exponent10 __RW_INIT(0);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_infinity __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_quiet_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_signaling_NaN __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_denorm_style _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm __RW_INIT(denorm_absent);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate has_denorm_loss __RW_INIT(false);
static inline int infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline int quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline int signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return 0; }
static inline int denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_iec559 __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_bounded __RW_INIT(true);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate is_modulo __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate traps __RW_INIT(false);
static const bool _RWSTDExportTemplate tinyness_before __RW_INIT(false);
static const float_round_style _RWSTDExportTemplate round_style __RW_INIT(round_toward_zero);
#endif /*!_RWSTD_NO_BOOL*/
template <class T>
class _RWSTDExportTemplate numeric_limits
static const bool is_specialized;
static inline T min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(T,0); }
static inline T max () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(T,0); }
static const int digits;
static const int digits10;
static const bool is_signed;
static const bool is_integer;
static const bool is_exact;
static const int radix;
static inline T epsilon () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(T,0); }
static inline T round_error () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(T,0); }
static const int min_exponent;
static const int min_exponent10;
static const int max_exponent;
static const int max_exponent10;
static const bool has_infinity;
static const bool has_quiet_NaN;
static const bool has_signaling_NaN;
static const float_denorm_style has_denorm;
static const bool has_denorm_loss;
static inline T infinity () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(T,0); }
static inline T quiet_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(T,0); }
static inline T signaling_NaN () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return _RWSTD_STATIC_CAST(T,0); }
static inline T denorm_min () _RWSTD_INLINE_NO_THROW { return min(); }
static const bool is_iec559;
static const bool is_bounded;
static const bool is_modulo;
static const bool traps;
static const bool tinyness_before;
static const float_round_style round_style;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized = false;
template <class T>
const int numeric_limits<T>::digits = 0;
template <class T>
const int numeric_limits<T>::digits10 = 0;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::is_signed = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::is_integer = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::is_exact = false;
template <class T>
const int numeric_limits<T>::radix = 0;
template <class T>
const int numeric_limits<T>::min_exponent10 =0;
template <class T>
const int numeric_limits<T>::max_exponent10 = 0;
template <class T>
const int numeric_limits<T>::min_exponent = 0;
template <class T>
const int numeric_limits<T>::max_exponent = 0;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::has_infinity = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::has_quiet_NaN = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::has_signaling_NaN = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::is_iec559 = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::is_bounded = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::is_modulo = false;
template <class T>
const float_denorm_style numeric_limits<T>::has_denorm = denorm_absent;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::has_denorm_loss = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::traps = false;
template <class T>
const bool numeric_limits<T>::tinyness_before = false;
template <class T>
const float_round_style numeric_limits<T>::round_style = round_toward_zero;
#undef __RW_INIT
#endif /*__STD_LIMITS*/
#pragma option pop
#endif /* __LIMITS_STL */