350 lines
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350 lines
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-- --
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-- G N A T . D Y N A M I C _ H T A B L E S --
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-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1995-2014, AdaCore --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- Hash table searching routines
-- This package contains three separate packages. The Simple_HTable package
-- provides a very simple abstraction that associates one element to one key
-- value and takes care of all allocations automatically using the heap. The
-- Static_HTable package provides a more complex interface that allows full
-- control over allocation. The Load_Factor_HTable package provides a more
-- complex abstraction where collisions are resolved by chaining, and the
-- table grows by a percentage after the load factor has been exceeded.
-- This package provides a facility similar to that of GNAT.HTable, except
-- that this package declares types that can be used to define dynamic
-- instances of hash tables, while instantiations in GNAT.HTable creates a
-- single instance of the hash table.
-- Note that this interface should remain synchronized with those in
-- GNAT.HTable to keep as much coherency as possible between these two
-- related units.
private with Ada.Finalization;
package GNAT.Dynamic_HTables is
-- Static_HTable --
-- A low-level Hash-Table abstraction, not as easy to instantiate as
-- Simple_HTable. This mirrors the interface of GNAT.HTable.Static_HTable,
-- but does require dynamic allocation (since we allow multiple instances
-- of the table). The model is that each Element contains its own Key that
-- can be retrieved by Get_Key. Furthermore, Element provides a link that
-- can be used by the HTable for linking elements with same hash codes:
-- Element
-- +-------------------+
-- | Key |
-- +-------------------+
-- : other data :
-- +-------------------+
-- | Next Elmt |
-- +-------------------+
type Header_Num is range <>;
-- An integer type indicating the number and range of hash headers
type Element (<>) is limited private;
-- The type of element to be stored
type Elmt_Ptr is private;
-- The type used to reference an element (will usually be an access
-- type, but could be some other form of type such as an integer type).
Null_Ptr : Elmt_Ptr;
-- The null value of the Elmt_Ptr type
with procedure Set_Next (E : Elmt_Ptr; Next : Elmt_Ptr);
with function Next (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Elmt_Ptr;
-- The type must provide an internal link for the sake of the
-- staticness of the HTable.
type Key is limited private;
with function Get_Key (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Key;
with function Hash (F : Key) return Header_Num;
with function Equal (F1, F2 : Key) return Boolean;
package Static_HTable is
type Instance is private;
Nil : constant Instance;
procedure Reset (T : in out Instance);
-- Resets the hash table by releasing all memory associated with
-- it. The hash table can safely be reused after this call. For the
-- most common case where Elmt_Ptr is an access type, and Null_Ptr is
-- null, this is only needed if the same table is reused in a new
-- context. If Elmt_Ptr is other than an access type, or Null_Ptr is
-- other than null, then Reset must be called before the first use of
-- the hash table.
procedure Set (T : in out Instance; E : Elmt_Ptr);
-- Insert the element pointer in the HTable
function Get (T : Instance; K : Key) return Elmt_Ptr;
-- Returns the latest inserted element pointer with the given Key
-- or null if none.
procedure Remove (T : Instance; K : Key);
-- Removes the latest inserted element pointer associated with the
-- given key if any, does nothing if none.
function Get_First (T : Instance) return Elmt_Ptr;
-- Returns Null_Ptr if the Htable is empty, otherwise returns one
-- non specified element. There is no guarantee that 2 calls to this
-- function will return the same element.
function Get_Next (T : Instance) return Elmt_Ptr;
-- Returns a non-specified element that has not been returned by the
-- same function since the last call to Get_First or Null_Ptr if
-- there is no such element or Get_First has never been called. If
-- there is no call to 'Set' in between Get_Next calls, all the
-- elements of the Htable will be traversed.
type Instance_Data;
type Instance is access all Instance_Data;
Nil : constant Instance := null;
end Static_HTable;
-- Simple_HTable --
-- A simple hash table abstraction, easy to instantiate, easy to use.
-- The table associates one element to one key with the procedure Set.
-- Get retrieves the Element stored for a given Key. The efficiency of
-- retrieval is function of the size of the Table parameterized by
-- Header_Num and the hashing function Hash.
type Header_Num is range <>;
-- An integer type indicating the number and range of hash headers
type Element is private;
-- The type of element to be stored
No_Element : Element;
-- The object that is returned by Get when no element has been set for
-- a given key
type Key is private;
with function Hash (F : Key) return Header_Num;
with function Equal (F1, F2 : Key) return Boolean;
package Simple_HTable is
type Instance is private;
Nil : constant Instance;
procedure Set (T : in out Instance; K : Key; E : Element);
-- Associates an element with a given key. Overrides any previously
-- associated element.
procedure Reset (T : in out Instance);
-- Releases all memory associated with the table. The table can be
-- reused after this call (it is automatically allocated on the first
-- access to the table).
function Get (T : Instance; K : Key) return Element;
-- Returns the Element associated with a key or No_Element if the
-- given key has not associated element
procedure Remove (T : Instance; K : Key);
-- Removes the latest inserted element pointer associated with the
-- given key if any, does nothing if none.
function Get_First (T : Instance) return Element;
-- Returns No_Element if the Htable is empty, otherwise returns one
-- non specified element. There is no guarantee that two calls to this
-- function will return the same element, if the Htable has been
-- modified between the two calls.
function Get_Next (T : Instance) return Element;
-- Returns a non-specified element that has not been returned by the
-- same function since the last call to Get_First or No_Element if
-- there is no such element. If there is no call to 'Set' in between
-- Get_Next calls, all the elements of the Htable will be traversed.
-- To guarantee that all the elements of the Htable will be traversed,
-- no modification of the Htable (Set, Reset, Remove) should occur
-- between a call to Get_First and subsequent consecutive calls to
-- Get_Next, until one of these calls returns No_Element.
type Element_Wrapper;
type Elmt_Ptr is access all Element_Wrapper;
type Element_Wrapper is record
K : Key;
E : Element;
Next : Elmt_Ptr;
end record;
procedure Set_Next (E : Elmt_Ptr; Next : Elmt_Ptr);
function Next (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Elmt_Ptr;
function Get_Key (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Key;
package Tab is new Static_HTable
(Header_Num => Header_Num,
Element => Element_Wrapper,
Elmt_Ptr => Elmt_Ptr,
Null_Ptr => null,
Set_Next => Set_Next,
Next => Next,
Key => Key,
Get_Key => Get_Key,
Hash => Hash,
Equal => Equal);
type Instance is new Tab.Instance;
Nil : constant Instance := Instance (Tab.Nil);
end Simple_HTable;
-- Load_Factor_HTable --
-- A simple hash table abstraction capable of growing once a threshold has
-- been exceeded. Collisions are resolved by chaining elements onto lists
-- hanging from individual buckets. This implementation does not make any
-- effort to minimize the number of necessary rehashes once the table has
-- been expanded, hence the term "simple".
-- WARNING: This hash table implementation utilizes dynamic allocation.
-- Storage reclamation is performed by the hash table.
-- WARNING: This hash table implementation is not thread-safe. To achieve
-- proper concurrency and synchronization, wrap an instance of a table in
-- a protected object.
type Range_Type is range <>;
-- The underlying range of the hash table. Note that this type must be
-- large enough to accommodate multiple expansions of the table.
type Key_Type is private;
type Value_Type is private;
-- The types of the (key, value) pair stored in the hash table
No_Value : Value_Type;
-- A predefined value denoting a non-existent value
Initial_Size : Positive;
-- The starting size of the hash table. The hash table must contain at
-- least one bucket.
Growth_Percentage : Positive;
-- The amount of increase expressed as a percentage. The hash table must
-- grow by at least 1%. To illustrate, a value of 100 will increase the
-- table by 100%, effectively doubling its size.
Load_Factor : Float;
-- The ratio of the elements stored within the hash table divided by the
-- current size of the table. This value acts as the growth threshold.
-- If exceeded, the hash table is expanded by Growth_Percentage.
with function Equal
(Left : Key_Type;
Right : Key_Type) return Boolean;
with function Hash
(Key : Key_Type;
Size : Positive) return Range_Type;
-- Parameter Size denotes the current size of the hash table
package Load_Factor_HTable is
type Table is tagged limited private;
function Current_Size (T : Table) return Positive;
-- Obtain the current size of the table
function Get (T : Table; Key : Key_Type) return Value_Type;
-- Obtain the value associated with a key. This routine returns No_Value
-- if the key is not present in the hash table.
procedure Remove (T : in out Table; Key : Key_Type);
-- Remove the value associated with the given key. This routine has no
-- effect if the key is not present in the hash table.
procedure Set
(T : in out Table;
Key : Key_Type;
Val : Value_Type);
-- Associate a value with a given key. This routine has no effect if the
-- the (key, value) pair is already present in the hash table. Note that
-- this action may cause the table to grow.
-- The following types model a bucket chain. Note that the key is also
-- stored for rehashing purposes.
type Element;
type Element_Ptr is access all Element;
type Element is record
Key : Key_Type;
Val : Value_Type;
Prev : Element_Ptr := null;
Next : Element_Ptr := null;
end record;
No_Element : constant Element_Ptr := null;
-- The following types model the buckets of the hash table. Each bucket
-- has a dummy head to facilitate insertion and deletion of elements.
type Buckets_Array is array (Range_Type range <>) of aliased Element;
type Buckets_Array_Ptr is access all Buckets_Array;
type Table is new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with record
Buckets : Buckets_Array_Ptr := null;
Element_Count : Natural := 0;
-- The number of (key, value) pairs stored in the hash table
end record;
procedure Finalize (T : in out Table);
-- Destroy the contents of a hash table by reclaiming all storage used
-- by buckets and their respective chains.
procedure Initialize (T : in out Table);
-- Create a hash table with buckets within the range Range_Type'First ..
-- Range_Type'First + Initial_Size - 1.
end Load_Factor_HTable;
end GNAT.Dynamic_HTables;