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The set command has the following syntax:
[se]t (variable) (value)
(Value) is assigned to (variable). If (variable) and
(value) are not specified, the a window containing a list
of all values is displayed.
From the display window, a variable may be selected (with ENTER), and a
new value entered. If the variable was boolean, then pressing
enter toggles the value.
If a variable is a boolean variable, then it may be set via
set var - set var to TRUE
set novar - set var to FALSE
Boolean variables:
[ai][autoi]ndent - in insert mode, cause cursor to indent to
start of previous line when a new line is
started; in command mode, cause cursor to go
to first non white-space when ENTER is pressed.
[ac][automessagecl]ear- automatically erase message window when
a key is typed in command mode.
[bf][beepf]lag - turns off beep when an error is made
[ci][caseig]nore - make all searches case insensitive
[cs][casesh]ift - "case" statements are NOT shifted when
cmode is set.
[cv][ch]angelikevi - causes the change command to behave like vi
(ie, if ESC is pressed when no change has
been made, the text is deleted)
[cl][cl]ock - enables/disables the clock display
[cm][cm]ode - when cmode is set, certain things will happen
when you are entering text:
1) after entering a line ending in '{',
the next line will be indented a ShiftWidth
further than the current one.
2) after entering a line ending in '}',
the current line is shifted to match the
indentation of the line with the matching
'{'. The cursor will flash for a brief
instant on the matching '{' if showmatch
is set.
3) All lines entered will have trailing white
space trimmed off.
4) "case" and "default" statements are shifted
to be aligned with switch statements
Each file has its own "cmode" setting;
so setting cmode in one file and not in
another (during the same editing session)
will work.
One thing that is useful is to add the
following lines to your read hook script:
if %E str == .c
set cmode
set nocmode
This will cause cmode to be set if the file
has a .c extension, and not to be set for
any other type of file.
[cf][columninfilest]atus - displays column in file status display
[ct][currentstatus] - enables display of the current status on
the menu bar
[eb][eight]bits - if off, causes non-printable ascii to be
displayed as control characters
[em][escapemess]age - prints out the current file message when escape
is pressed in command mode, rather than just
clearing the message window
[xm][extendedmem]ory - use extended memory for swapping, if present
(standard extended, EMS, XMS).
[iz][ignorectrlz] - do not treat ^Z as a file terminator
[lm][lefthandm]ouse - inverts the right and left mouse buttons
[ln][linenum]bers - turns on line number window (on left side by
[lr][linenumsonr]ight - for line number window to the right side
[ma][ma]gic - if nomagic is set, then the characters
specified in magicstring are NOT treated as
magic characters by the regular expression handler,
and must be escaped to have special meaning.
Setting magic causes all characters to be
magical, and magical characters must be
escaped to use them.
[me][me]nus - enables use of menus
[ps][pauseons]pawnerr - editor always pauses after spawning
(! command) if there was an error, even if
spawn was invoked from a script
[qu][qu]iet - editor does not update screen
[rf][readentirefi]le - reads entire file into memory when it
is edited
[rc][readonlych]eck - causes editor to complain about modifications
to read only files
[rt][realtabs] - tabs are treated as the mystical, magical
things that vi normally treats them as.
Otherwise, tabs are expanded to spaces when
the file is read.
[rm][regsubm]agic - if FALSE, then \ characters have no meaning
in regular expression substitution.
[ri][repeati]nfo - turns off echo of repeat counts as they are
typed in
[sc][samefilech]eck - normally, the editor just warns you if you
edit a file twice (with a different path).
if samefilecheck is set, then the if you
edit a file that is the same as a file already
being edited (only you specified a different
path), then that file will be brought up, rather
than a duplicate copy being read in
[sw][searchw]rap - causes searching to wrap around the top/bottom
of a file
[sm][showm]atch - shows matching '(' whenever a ')' is typed
in insert mode. As well, shows matching '{'
if a '}' is typed with cmode set in
insert mode.
[sp][sp]inning - toggles the idle spin display
[si][statusi]nfo - toggles line/column status window
[tv][togglec]aselikevi- cause case toggle '~' to toggle current
char ONLY
[un][un]do - enables/disables undo ability
[um][usem]ouse - enables/disables mouse in the editor
[ve][ve]rbose - print extra messages while doing heavy work
[wg][windowga]dgets - enables/disables gadgets on file windows
[ws][wrapbacks]pace - enables/disables back space wrapping up to
previous line in insert mode
[wl][writecr]lf - if TRUE, lines are written with CR/LF
terminaters. If FALSE, lines are written with
a LF terminator only.
Regular Variables (Parameters)
[autosaveint]erval <n>- sets the number of seconds between
autosaves of the current file to backup
directory (tmpdir). Disabled if <n> is 0.
[commandcursorty]pe <n>- controls size of cursor in command mode
(use 0-100, 0 fat, 100 thin)
[exitattr] <n> - defines the attribute to be assigned to
the screen when the editor is exited;
must be an integer (16*background+
foreground gives result), the default
is 7 (white text, black background),
31 (16*1+15) would give a blue background
with bright white text.
[grepd]efault <rexexp>- default files to search through using
the grep commands. Default is *.(c|h)
[hardt]ab - distance between hard tabs (in a file)
[historyf]ile <fname> - if history file is defined, your command
history is saved across editing sessions
in the file <fname>.
[insertcursorty]pe <n>- controls size of cursor in insert mode
(use 0-100, 0 fat, 100 thin)
[magicstr]ing <str> - if nomagic is set, then the characters
specified in magicstring are NOT treated
as magic characters by the regular
expression handler, and must be
escaped to have special meaning.
[maxclh]istory <n> - maximum number of ':' commands kept
[maxemsk] <n> - number of bytes of EMS memory to use for
swapping (in K)
[maxxmsk] <n> - number of bytes of XMS memory to use for
swapping (in K)
[maxfindh]istory <n> - maximum number of '/' commands kept
[maxline]len <n> - maximum line length allowed (lines
longer than this are truncated to
multiple lines)
[maxpush] <n> - maximum number of pushed file positions
that are remembered.
[maxswapk] <n> - number of bytes of disk space to use for
swapping (in K)
[overstrikecursort]ype <n> - controls size of cursor in overstrike
mode (use 0-100, 0 fat, 100 thin)
[rad]ix <n> - controls radix of output of EVAL
[shiftwid]th <n> - sets amount for shift operators
('>' and '<')
[stackk] <n> - size of editor's stack in K (min. 8)
[tab]amount <n> - distance between tab stops
[tmpdir] <dir> - directory where swap files are to be
created (if needed)
[word] <word> - defines a word. String is a group of
character pairs, each pair defines
a range; e.g. 09az defines the characters
0 through 9 and a thorough z. The
default for this is __09AZaz.
[wordalt] <word> - defines the alternate word (used when
double clicking the mouse). defined
the same as [word].
Mouse Control Parameters
[mousedclick]speed <n>- number of ticks for second mouse click
to count as a double click
[mouserepeat]delay <n>- ticks between mouse repeats
[mousesp]eed <n> - speed of mouse (0=fastest)
Window Interface Control Parameters
[clockx] - x-coordinate of where the clock is to
be displayed
[clocky] - y-coordinate of where the clock is to
be displayed
[currentstatuscol]umn - controls which column current status
information is displayed in on the
the menu bar
[inactivewindowc]olor <c> - color for border of inactive windows
[maxtilecolors] <n> - number of different color sets for
tiled windows
[maxwindowtilex] <n> - maximum number of windows that may be
tiled together in the x direction
[maxwindowtiley] <n> - maximum number of windows that may be
tiled together in the y direction
[movec]olor <c> - the color of the window border when
moving a window is set to <c>
[resizec]olor <c> - the color of the window border when
resizing a window is set to <c>
[spinx] - x-coordinate of where to display the
idle spin
[spiny] - y-coordinate of where to display the
idle spin
[tilecolor] <n> <f> <b>- set tile area <n> to have
foreground/background colors <f>/<b>
Misc. Variables
[filename] name - name of file being edited.
[fignore] <ext> - extension to ignore (one for each extension)
these extensions will be ignored by the
editor when doing a file name completion.
eg: set fignore com
set fignore exe
set fignore obj
will cause .com, .exe, and .obj files to
be ignored when displaying file name
completion lists.