438 lines
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438 lines
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// complex.h Complex Numbers
// =========================================================================
// Open Watcom Project
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
// =========================================================================
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901L
#error complex.h is for use with C++ or C99
#define complex _Complex
/* NB. This will change, it's not C99 standard */
#define _Complex_I ((float _Complex)(_Imaginary)1.0f)
#define imaginary _Imaginary
#define _Imaginary_I ((_Imaginary)_Complex_I)
#define I _Imaginary_I
/* Trigonometric Functions */
double complex cacos(double complex z);
float complex cacosf(float complex z);
long double complex cacosl(long double complex z);
double complex casin(double complex z);
float complex casinf(float complex z);
long double complex casinl(long double complex z);
double complex catan(double complex z);
float complex catanf(float complex z);
long double complex catanl(long double complex z);
double complex ccos(double complex z);
float complex ccosf(float complex z);
long double complex ccosl(long double complex z);
double complex csin(double complex z);
float complex csinf(float complex z);
long double complex csinl(long double complex z);
double complex ctan(double complex z);
float complex ctanf(float complex z);
long double complex ctanl(long double complex z);
/* Hyperbolic Functions */
double complex cacosh(double complex z);
float complex cacosfh(float complex z);
long double complex cacoshl(long double complex z);
double complex casinh(double complex z);
float complex casinhf(float complex z);
long double complex casinhl(long double complex z);
double complex catanh(double complex z);
float complex catanhf(float complex z);
long double complex catanhl(long double complex z);
double complex ccosh(double complex z);
float complex ccosfh(float complex z);
long double complex ccoshl(long double complex z);
double complex csinh(double complex z);
float complex csinhf(float complex z);
long double complex csinhl(long double complex z);
double complex ctanh(double complex z);
float complex ctanhf(float complex z);
long double complex ctanhl(long double complex z);
/* Exponential and Logarithmic Functions */
double complex cexp(double complex z);
float complex cexpf(float complex z);
long double complex cexpl(long double complex z);
double complex clog(double complex z);
float complex clogf(float complex z);
long double complex clogl(long double complex z);
/* Power and Absolute-value Functions */
double cabs(double complex z);
float cabsf(float complex z);
long double cabsl(long double complex z);
double complex cpow(double complex x, double complex y);
float complex cpowf(float complex x, float complex y);
long double complex cpowl(long double complex x, long double complex y);
double complex csqrt(double complex z);
float complex csqrtf(float complex z);
long double complex csqrtl(long double complex z);
/* Manipulation Functions */
double carg(double complex z);
float cargf(float complex z);
long double cargl(long double complex z);
double cimag(double complex z);
float cimagf(float complex z);
long double cimagl(long double complex z);
double complex conj(double complex z);
float complex conjf(float complex z);
long double complex conjl(long double complex z);
double complex cproj(double complex z);
float complex cprojf(float complex z);
long double complex cprojl(long double complex z);
double creal(double complex z);
float crealf(float complex z);
long double creall(long double complex z);
#else /* __cplusplus */
#if !defined(_M_IX86)
#pragma library( "cplx.lib" )
#elif defined(__SW_FPC)
#if defined(_M_I86)
#if defined(__MEDIUM__)
#pragma library ( "cplxm.lib" )
#elif defined(__COMPACT__)
#pragma library ( "cplxc.lib" )
#elif defined(__LARGE__)
#pragma library ( "cplxl.lib" )
#elif defined(__HUGE__)
#pragma library ( "cplxh.lib" )
#pragma library ( "cplxs.lib" )
#if defined(__3S__)
#pragma library ( "cplx3s.lib" )
#pragma library ( "cplx3r.lib" )
#if defined(_M_I86)
#if defined(__MEDIUM__)
#pragma library ( "cplx7m.lib" )
#elif defined(__COMPACT__)
#pragma library ( "cplx7c.lib" )
#elif defined(__LARGE__)
#pragma library ( "cplx7l.lib" )
#elif defined(__HUGE__)
#pragma library ( "cplx7h.lib" )
#pragma library ( "cplx7s.lib" )
#if defined(__3S__)
#pragma library ( "cplx73s.lib" )
#pragma library ( "cplx73r.lib" )
#include <_comdef.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#ifdef _M_IX86
#pragma pack( __push, 1 )
#pragma pack( __push, 8 )
class _WPRTLINK Complex {
double __r;
double __i;
Complex( Complex const & );
Complex( double __real, double __imag = 0.0 );
Complex &operator = ( Complex const & );
Complex &operator = ( double );
Complex &operator += ( Complex const & );
Complex &operator += ( double );
Complex &operator -= ( Complex const & );
Complex &operator -= ( double );
Complex &operator *= ( Complex const & );
Complex &operator *= ( double );
Complex &operator /= ( Complex const & );
Complex &operator /= ( double );
Complex operator + () const;
Complex operator - () const;
double imag () const;
double real () const;
friend _WPRTLINK istream &operator >> ( istream &, Complex & );
friend _WPRTLINK ostream &operator << ( ostream &, Complex const & );
#pragma pack( __pop )
typedef Complex complex; // for compatibility
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator + ( Complex const &, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator + ( Complex const &, double );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator + ( double, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator - ( Complex const &, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator - ( Complex const &, double );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator - ( double, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator * ( Complex const &, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator * ( Complex const &, double );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator * ( double, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator / ( Complex const &, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator / ( Complex const &, double );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex operator / ( double, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern int operator == ( Complex const &, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern int operator == ( Complex const &, double );
_WPRTLINK extern int operator == ( double, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern int operator != ( Complex const &, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern int operator != ( Complex const &, double );
_WPRTLINK extern int operator != ( double, Complex const & );
_WPRTLINK extern double abs ( Complex const & ); // magnitude of vector
_WPRTLINK extern Complex acos ( Complex const & ); // arccosine
_WPRTLINK extern Complex acosh( Complex const & ); // hyperbolic arccosine
_WPRTLINK extern double arg ( Complex const & ); // angle of vector
_WPRTLINK extern Complex asin ( Complex const & ); // arcsin
_WPRTLINK extern Complex asinh( Complex const & ); // hyperbolic arcsin
_WPRTLINK extern Complex atan ( Complex const & ); // arctangent
_WPRTLINK extern Complex atanh( Complex const & ); // hyperbolic arctangent
_WPRTLINK extern Complex conj ( Complex const & ); // conjugate
_WPRTLINK extern Complex cos ( Complex const & ); // cosine
_WPRTLINK extern Complex cosh ( Complex const & ); // hyperbolic cosine
_WPRTLINK extern Complex exp ( Complex const & ); // e raised to a power
_WPRTLINK extern double imag ( Complex const & ); // imaginary part
_WPRTLINK extern Complex log ( Complex const & ); // log base e
_WPRTLINK extern Complex log10( Complex const & ); // log base 10
_WPRTLINK extern double norm ( Complex const & ); // square of magnitude
_WPRTLINK extern Complex polar( double __mag, // polar to Complex
double __angle = 0 );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex pow ( Complex const &__base, // Complex ** Complex
Complex const &__power );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex pow ( Complex const &__base, // Complex ** double
double __power );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex pow ( double __base, // double ** Complex
Complex const &__power );
_WPRTLINK extern Complex pow ( Complex const &__base, // Complex ** int
int __power );
_WPRTLINK extern double real ( Complex const & ); // real part
_WPRTLINK extern Complex sin ( Complex const & ); // sin
_WPRTLINK extern Complex sinh ( Complex const & ); // hyperbolic sin
_WPRTLINK extern Complex sqrt ( Complex const & ); // square root
_WPRTLINK extern Complex tan ( Complex const & ); // tan
_WPRTLINK extern Complex tanh ( Complex const & ); // hyperbolic tangent
inline Complex::Complex() {
__r = 0.0;
__i = 0.0;
inline Complex::Complex( Complex const &__cv ) {
__r = __cv.__r;
__i = __cv.__i;
inline Complex::Complex( double __real, double __imag ) {
__r = __real;
__i = __imag;
inline Complex &Complex::operator = ( Complex const &__cv ) {
__r = __cv.__r;
__i = __cv.__i;
return( *this );
inline Complex &Complex::operator = ( double __dv ) {
__r = __dv;
__i = 0.0;
return( *this );
inline Complex &Complex::operator += ( Complex const &__cv ) {
__r += __cv.__r;
__i += __cv.__i;
return( *this );
inline Complex &Complex::operator += ( double __dv ) {
__r += __dv;
return( *this );
inline Complex &Complex::operator -= ( Complex const &__cv ) {
__r -= __cv.__r;
__i -= __cv.__i;
return( *this );
inline Complex &Complex::operator -= ( double __dv ) {
__r -= __dv;
return( *this );
inline Complex &Complex::operator *= ( double __dv ) {
__r *= __dv;
__i *= __dv;
return( *this );
inline Complex &Complex::operator /= ( double __dv ) {
__r /= __dv;
__i /= __dv;
return( *this );
inline Complex operator + ( Complex const &__cv1, Complex const &__cv2 ) {
return Complex( __cv1.real() + __cv2.real(), __cv1.imag() + __cv2.imag() );
inline Complex operator + ( Complex const &__cv, double __dv ) {
return Complex( __cv.real() + __dv, __cv.imag() );
inline Complex operator + ( double __dv, Complex const &__cv ) {
return Complex( __dv + __cv.real(), __cv.imag() );
inline Complex operator - ( Complex const &__cv1, Complex const &__cv2 ) {
return Complex( __cv1.real() - __cv2.real(), __cv1.imag() - __cv2.imag() );
inline Complex operator - ( Complex const &__cv, double __dv ) {
return Complex( __cv.real() - __dv, __cv.imag() );
inline Complex operator - ( double __dv, Complex const &__cv ) {
return Complex( __dv - __cv.real(), - __cv.imag() );
inline Complex operator * ( Complex const &__cv1, Complex const &__cv2 ) {
return Complex( __cv1.real()*__cv2.real() - __cv1.imag()*__cv2.imag(),
__cv1.imag()*__cv2.real() + __cv1.real()*__cv2.imag() );
inline Complex operator * ( Complex const &__cv, double __dv ) {
return Complex( __cv.real() * __dv, __cv.imag() * __dv );
inline Complex operator * ( double __dv, Complex const &__cv ) {
return Complex( __dv * __cv.real(), __dv * __cv.imag() );
inline Complex operator / ( Complex const &__cv, double __dv ) {
return Complex( __cv.real() / __dv, __cv.imag() / __dv );
inline Complex Complex::operator + () const {
return( *this );
inline Complex Complex::operator - () const {
return Complex( -__r, -__i );
inline int operator == ( Complex const &__cv1, Complex const &__cv2 ) {
return( __cv1.real() == __cv2.real() && __cv1.imag() == __cv2.imag() );
inline int operator == ( Complex const &__cv, double __dv ) {
return( __cv.imag() == 0.0 && __cv.real() == __dv );
inline int operator == ( double __dv, Complex const &__cv ) {
return( __cv.imag() == 0.0 && __dv == __cv.real() );
inline int operator != ( Complex const &__cv1, Complex const &__cv2 ) {
return( __cv1.real() != __cv2.real() || __cv1.imag() != __cv2.imag() );
inline int operator != ( Complex const &__cv, double __dv ) {
return( __cv.imag() != 0.0 || __cv.real() != __dv );
inline int operator != ( double __dv, Complex const &__cv ) {
return( __cv.imag() != 0.0 || __dv != __cv.real() );
inline Complex conj( Complex const &__cv ) {
return Complex( __cv.real(), -__cv.imag() );
inline double Complex::real() const {
return( __r );
inline double real( Complex const &__cv ) {
return( __cv.real() );
inline double Complex::imag() const {
return( __i );
inline double imag( Complex const &__cv ) {
return( __cv.imag() );
inline double norm( Complex const &__cv ) {
return( __cv.real() * __cv.real() + __cv.imag() * __cv.imag() );
#endif /* __cplusplus */