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* conio.h Console and Port I/O functions
* =========================================================================
* Open Watcom Project
* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
* =========================================================================
#pragma read_only_file;
#include <_comdef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#if defined(__PPC__)
#if defined(__NT__)
typedef char *__va_list;
typedef struct {
char __gpr;
char __fpr;
char __reserved[2];
char *__input_arg_area;
char *__reg_save_area;
} __va_list;
#elif defined(__AXP__)
typedef struct {
char *__base;
int __offset;
} __va_list;
#elif defined(__MIPS__)
typedef struct {
char *__base;
int __offset;
} __va_list;
#elif defined(__HUGE__) || defined(__SW_ZU)
typedef char _WCFAR *__va_list[1];
typedef char *__va_list[1];
_WCRTLINK extern char *cgets(char *__buf);
_WCRTLINK extern int cputs(const char *__buf);
_WCRTLINK extern int cprintf(const char *__fmt,...);
_WCRTLINK extern int cscanf(const char *__fmt,...);
_WCRTLINK extern int getch(void);
_WCRTLINK extern int _getch(void);
_WCRTLINK extern int getche(void);
_WCRTLINK extern int _getche(void);
_WCRTLINK extern int kbhit(void);
_WCRTLINK extern int _kbhit(void);
#if defined(_M_IX86)
_WCIRTLINK extern unsigned inp(unsigned __port);
_WCIRTLINK extern unsigned inpw(unsigned __port);
_WCIRTLINK extern unsigned outp(unsigned __port, unsigned __value);
_WCIRTLINK extern unsigned outpw(unsigned __port,unsigned __value);
#if defined(__386__)
_WCIRTLINK extern unsigned inpd(unsigned __port);
_WCIRTLINK extern unsigned outpd(unsigned __port, unsigned __value);
_WCRTLINK extern int putch(int __c);
_WCRTLINK extern int ungetch(int __c);
_WCRTLINK extern int vcprintf( const char *__format, __va_list __arg );
_WCRTLINK extern int vcscanf( const char *__format, __va_list __arg );
#if defined(__INLINE_FUNCTIONS__) && defined(_M_IX86)
#pragma intrinsic(inp,inpw,outp,outpw)
#if defined(__386__)
#pragma intrinsic(inpd,outpd)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */