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// FILE: functional (Functional templates)
// =========================================================================
// Open Watcom Project
// Copyright (c) 2004-2010 The Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
// =========================================================================
// Description: This header is part of the C++ standard library. It
// defines a number of functional-like templates and
// associated binders and adaptors.
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This header file requires C++
#include <cstddef>
namespace std {
template< class Arg1, class Result >
struct unary_function {
typedef Arg1 argument_type;
typedef Result result_type;
template< class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result >
struct binary_function {
typedef Arg1 first_argument_type;
typedef Arg2 second_argument_type;
typedef Result result_type;
template< class Type >
struct plus : binary_function< Type, Type, Type > {
Type operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x + y ); }
template< class Type >
struct minus : binary_function< Type, Type, Type > {
Type operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x - y ); }
template< class Type >
struct multiplies : binary_function< Type, Type, Type > {
Type operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x * y ); }
template< class Type >
struct divides : binary_function< Type, Type, Type > {
Type operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x / y ); }
template< class Type >
struct modulus : binary_function< Type, Type, Type > {
Type operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x % y ); }
template< class Type >
struct negate : unary_function< Type, Type > {
Type operator( )( const Type &x ) const
{ return( -x ); }
template< class Type >
struct equal_to : binary_function< Type, Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x == y ); }
template< class Type >
struct not_equal_to : binary_function< Type, Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x != y ); }
template< class Type >
struct greater : binary_function< Type, Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x > y ); }
template< class Type >
struct less : binary_function< Type, Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x < y ); }
template< class Type >
struct greater_equal : binary_function< Type, Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x >= y ); }
template< class Type >
struct less_equal : binary_function< Type, Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x <= y ); }
template< class Type >
struct logical_and : binary_function< Type, Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x && y ); }
template< class Type >
struct logical_or : binary_function< Type, Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x, const Type &y ) const
{ return( x || y ); }
template< class Type >
struct logical_not : unary_function< Type, bool > {
bool operator( )( const Type &x ) const
{ return( !x ); }
template< class Predicate >
class unary_negate : public
unary_function< typename Predicate::argument_type, bool > {
const Predicate &pred;
explicit unary_negate( const Predicate &p ) : pred( p ) { }
bool operator( )( const typename Predicate::argument_type &x ) const
{ return( !pred( x ) ); }
template< class Predicate >
inline unary_negate< Predicate > not1( const Predicate &p )
{ return( unary_negate< Predicate >( p ) ); }
template< class Predicate >
class binary_negate : public
binary_function< typename Predicate::first_argument_type,
typename Predicate::second_argument_type,
bool > {
const Predicate &pred;
explicit binary_negate( const Predicate &p ) : pred( p ) { }
bool operator( )( const typename Predicate::first_argument_type &x,
const typename Predicate::second_argument_type &y ) const
{ return( !pred( x, y ) ); }
template< class Predicate >
inline binary_negate< Predicate > not2( const Predicate &p )
{ return( binary_negate< Predicate >( p ) ); }
template< class Operation >
class binder1st : public
unary_function< typename Operation::second_argument_type,
typename Operation::result_type > {
Operation op;
typename Operation::first_argument_type value;
binder1st( const Operation &x,
const typename Operation::first_argument_type &y )
: op( x ), value( y ) { }
typename Operation::result_type
operator( )( const typename Operation::second_argument_type &x ) const
{ return( op( value, x ) ); }
template< class Operation, class Type >
inline binder1st< Operation > bind1st( const Operation &x, const Type &y )
return( binder1st< Operation >(
x, typename Operation::first_argument_type( y ) ) );
template< class Operation >
class binder2nd : public
unary_function< typename Operation::first_argument_type,
typename Operation::result_type > {
Operation op;
typename Operation::second_argument_type value;
binder2nd( const Operation &x,
const typename Operation::second_argument_type &y )
: op( x ), value( y ) { }
typename Operation::result_type
operator( )( const typename Operation::first_argument_type &x ) const
{ return( op( x, value ) ); }
template< class Operation, class Type >
inline binder2nd< Operation > bind2nd( const Operation &x, const Type &y )
return( binder2nd< Operation >(
x, typename Operation::second_argument_type( y ) ) );
template< class Arg1, class Result >
class pointer_to_unary_function : public
unary_function< Arg1, Result > {
Result ( *p )( Arg1 );
explicit pointer_to_unary_function( Result ( *f )( Arg1 ) )
: p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( Arg1 x ) const
{ return( p( x ) ); }
template< class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result >
class pointer_to_binary_function : public
binary_function< Arg1, Arg2, Result > {
Result ( *p )( Arg1, Arg2 );
explicit pointer_to_binary_function( Result ( *f )( Arg1, Arg2 ) )
: p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( Arg1 x, Arg2 y ) const
{ return( p( x, y ) ); }
template< class Arg1, class Result >
inline pointer_to_unary_function< Arg1, Result >
ptr_fun( Result ( *f )( Arg1 ) )
{ return( pointer_to_unary_function< Arg1, Result >( f ) ); }
template< class Arg1, class Arg2, class Result >
inline pointer_to_binary_function< Arg1, Arg2, Result >
ptr_fun( Result ( *f )( Arg1, Arg2 ) )
{ return( pointer_to_binary_function< Arg1, Arg2, Result >( f ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass >
class mem_fun_t : public unary_function< Klass*, Result > {
Result ( Klass::*p )( );
explicit mem_fun_t( Result ( Klass::*f )( ) ) : p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( Klass *x ) const
{ return( ( x->*p )( ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass, class Arg >
class mem_fun1_t : public binary_function< Klass*, Arg, Result > {
Result ( Klass::*p )( Arg );
explicit mem_fun1_t( Result ( Klass::*f )( Arg ) ) : p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( Klass *x, Arg y ) const
{ return( ( x->*p )( y ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass >
inline mem_fun_t< Result, Klass > mem_fun( Result ( Klass::*f )( ) )
{ return( mem_fun_t< Result, Klass >( f ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass, class Arg >
inline mem_fun1_t< Result, Klass, Arg >
mem_fun( Result ( Klass::*f )( Arg ) )
{ return( mem_fun1_t< Result, Klass, Arg >( f ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass >
class mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function< Klass, Result > {
Result ( Klass::*p )( );
explicit mem_fun_ref_t( Result ( Klass::*f )( ) ) : p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( Klass &x ) const
{ return( ( x.*p )( ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass, class Arg >
class mem_fun1_ref_t : public binary_function< Klass, Arg, Result > {
Result ( Klass::*p )( Arg );
explicit mem_fun1_ref_t( Result ( Klass::*f )( Arg ) ) : p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( Klass &x, Arg y ) const
{ return( ( x.*p )( y ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass >
inline mem_fun_ref_t< Result, Klass >
mem_fun_ref( Result ( Klass::*f )( ) )
{ return( mem_fun_ref_t< Result, Klass >( f ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass, class Arg >
inline mem_fun1_ref_t< Result, Klass, Arg >
mem_fun_ref( Result ( Klass::*f )( Arg ) )
{ return( mem_fun1_ref_t< Result, Klass, Arg >( f ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass >
class const_mem_fun_t : public unary_function< const Klass*, Result > {
Result ( Klass::*p )( ) const;
explicit const_mem_fun_t( Result ( Klass::*f )( ) const ) : p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( const Klass *x ) const
{ return( ( x->*p )( ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass, class Arg >
class const_mem_fun1_t :
public binary_function< const Klass*, Arg, Result > {
Result ( Klass::*p )( Arg ) const;
explicit const_mem_fun1_t( Result ( Klass::*f )( Arg ) const ) : p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( const Klass *x, Arg y ) const
{ return( ( x->*p )( y ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass >
inline const_mem_fun_t< Result, Klass >
mem_fun( Result ( Klass::*f )( ) const )
{ return( const_mem_fun_t< Result, Klass >( f ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass, class Arg >
inline const_mem_fun1_t< Result, Klass, Arg >
mem_fun( Result ( Klass::*f )( Arg ) const )
{ return( const_mem_fun1_t< Result, Klass, Arg >( f ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass >
class const_mem_fun_ref_t : public unary_function< Klass, Result > {
Result ( Klass::*p )( ) const;
explicit const_mem_fun_ref_t( Result ( Klass::*f )( ) const ) : p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( const Klass &x ) const
{ return( ( x.*p )( ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass, class Arg >
class const_mem_fun1_ref_t : public binary_function< Klass, Arg, Result > {
Result ( Klass::*p )( Arg ) const;
explicit const_mem_fun1_ref_t( Result ( Klass::*f )( Arg ) const )
: p( f ) { }
Result operator( )( const Klass &x, Arg y ) const
{ return( ( x.*p )( y ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass >
inline const_mem_fun_ref_t< Result, Klass >
mem_fun_ref( Result ( Klass::*f )( ) const )
{ return( const_mem_fun_ref_t< Result, Klass >( f ) ); }
template< class Result, class Klass, class Arg >
inline const_mem_fun1_ref_t< Result, Klass, Arg >
mem_fun_ref( Result ( Klass::*f )( Arg ) const )
{ return( const_mem_fun1_ref_t< Result, Klass, Arg >( f ) ); }
// ================================
// struct hash with specializations
// ================================
template< class Type >
struct hash : public unary_function< Type, size_t >
size_t operator( )( Type value ) const;
template< >
struct hash< bool > : public unary_function< bool, size_t >
size_t operator( )( bool value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
template< >
struct hash< char > : public unary_function< char, size_t >
size_t operator( )( char value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
template< >
struct hash< signed char > : public unary_function< signed char, size_t >
size_t operator( )( signed char value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
template< >
struct hash< unsigned char > : public unary_function< unsigned char, size_t >
size_t operator( )( unsigned char value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
// Assume wchar_t is not more than 16 bits.
template< >
struct hash< wchar_t > : public unary_function< wchar_t, size_t >
size_t operator( )( wchar_t value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
template< >
struct hash< short > : public unary_function< short, size_t >
size_t operator( )( short value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
template< >
struct hash< unsigned short > : public unary_function< unsigned short, size_t >
size_t operator( )( unsigned short value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
// Assume size_t is always at least as wide as int.
template< >
struct hash< int > : public unary_function< int, size_t >
size_t operator( )( int value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
// Assume size_t is always at least as wide as unsigned int.
template< >
struct hash< unsigned > : public unary_function< unsigned, size_t >
size_t operator( )( unsigned value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
#if defined(_M_I86)
template< >
struct hash< long > : public unary_function< long, size_t >
size_t operator( )( long value ) const
long result = value;
result ^= (value & 0xFFFF0000UL) >> 16;
return( static_cast< size_t >( result ) );
template< >
struct hash< unsigned long > : public unary_function< unsigned long, size_t >
size_t operator( )( unsigned long value ) const
unsigned long result = value;
result ^= (value & 0xFFFF0000UL) >> 16;
return( static_cast< size_t >( result ) );
template< >
struct hash< long long > : public unary_function< long long, size_t >
size_t operator( )( long long value ) const
long long result = value;
result ^= (value & 0x00000000FFFF0000ULL) >> 16;
result ^= (value & 0x0000FFFF00000000ULL) >> 32;
result ^= (value & 0xFFFF000000000000ULL) >> 48;
return( static_cast< size_t >( result ) );
template< >
struct hash< unsigned long long > : public unary_function< unsigned long long, size_t >
size_t operator( )( unsigned long long value ) const
unsigned long long result = value;
result ^= (value & 0x00000000FFFF0000ULL) >> 16;
result ^= (value & 0x0000FFFF00000000ULL) >> 32;
result ^= (value & 0xFFFF000000000000ULL) >> 48;
return( static_cast< size_t >( result ) );
#else // 32 bit
template< >
struct hash< long > : public unary_function< long, size_t >
size_t operator( )( long value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
template< >
struct hash< unsigned long > : public unary_function< unsigned long, size_t >
size_t operator( )( unsigned long value ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( value ) ); }
template< >
struct hash< long long > : public unary_function< long long, size_t >
size_t operator( )( long long value ) const
long long result = value;
result ^= (value & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL) >> 32;
return( static_cast< size_t >( result ) );
template< >
struct hash< unsigned long long > : public unary_function< unsigned long long, size_t >
size_t operator( )( unsigned long long value ) const
unsigned long long result = value;
result ^= (value & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000ULL) >> 32;
return( static_cast< size_t >( result ) );
template< class Type >
struct hash< Type * > : public unary_function< Type *, size_t >
size_t operator( )( Type *p ) const
{ return( static_cast< size_t >( p ) ); }
} // namespace std