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* io.h Low level I/O routines that work with file handles
* =========================================================================
* Open Watcom Project
* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
* =========================================================================
#ifndef _IO_H_INCLUDED
#define _IO_H_INCLUDED
#pragma read_only_file;
#include <_comdef.h>
#if defined(__WATCOM_LFN__) && defined(__DOS__) && !defined(__LFNDOS_H_INCLUDED)
#include <sys/_lfndos.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef _M_IX86
#pragma pack( __push, 1 )
#pragma pack( __push, 8 )
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace std {
typedef unsigned long time_t;
#define _TIME_T_DEFINED_
using std::time_t;
#else /* __cplusplus not defined */
#define _TIME_T_DEFINED_
typedef unsigned long time_t;
#endif /* __cplusplus not defined */
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
#ifndef _MAX_PATH
#if defined(__OS2__) || defined(__NT__) || defined(__WATCOM_LFN__) && defined(__DOS__)
#define _MAX_PATH 260 /* maximum length of full pathname */
#define _MAX_PATH 144 /* maximum length of full pathname */
/* Symbolic constants for the access() function */
#define R_OK 4 /* Test for read permission */
#define W_OK 2 /* Test for write permission */
#define X_OK 1 /* Test for execute permission */
#define F_OK 0 /* Test for existence of file */
#define ACCESS_WR 0x0002
#define ACCESS_RD 0x0004
/* Symbolic constants for the lseek() function */
#define SEEK_SET 0 /* Seek relative to the start of file */
#define SEEK_CUR 1 /* Seek relative to current position */
#define SEEK_END 2 /* Seek relative to the end of the file */
/* Symbolic constants for stream I/O */
#define STDIN_FILENO 0
#if !defined(NO_EXT_KEYS) /* extensions enabled */
#if ! defined(__NT__)
#endif /* extensions enabled */
typedef unsigned long _fsize_t;
struct _finddata_t {
unsigned attrib;
time_t time_create;
time_t time_access;
time_t time_write;
_fsize_t size;
char name[_MAX_PATH];
struct _wfinddata_t {
unsigned attrib;
time_t time_create;
time_t time_access;
time_t time_write;
_fsize_t size;
wchar_t name[_MAX_PATH];
#ifdef __WATCOM_INT64__
struct _finddatai64_t {
unsigned attrib;
time_t time_create;
time_t time_access;
time_t time_write;
__int64 size;
char name[_MAX_PATH];
struct _wfinddatai64_t {
unsigned attrib;
time_t time_create;
time_t time_access;
time_t time_write;
__int64 size;
wchar_t name[_MAX_PATH];
/* File attribute constants for attrib field */
#define _A_NORMAL 0x00 /* Normal file - read/write permitted */
#define _A_RDONLY 0x01 /* Read-only file */
#define _A_HIDDEN 0x02 /* Hidden file */
#define _A_SYSTEM 0x04 /* System file */
#define _A_SUBDIR 0x10 /* Subdirectory */
#define _A_ARCH 0x20 /* Archive file */
_WCRTLINK extern int access(const char *__path,int __mode);
_WCRTLINK extern int _access(const char *__path,int __mode);
_WCRTLINK extern int chmod(const char *__path,int __pmode);
_WCRTLINK extern int _chmod(const char *__path,int __pmode);
_WCRTLINK extern int chsize(int __handle,long __size);
_WCRTLINK extern int _chsize(int __handle,long __size);
_WCRTLINK extern int close(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int _close(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int creat(const char *__path,int __pmode);
_WCRTLINK extern int _creat(const char *__path,int __pmode);
_WCRTLINK extern int dup(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int _dup(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int dup2(int __handle1,int __handle2);
_WCRTLINK extern int _dup2(int __handle1,int __handle2);
_WCRTLINK extern int eof(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int _eof(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern long filelength(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern long _filelength(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int fsync( int __filedes );
_WCRTLINK extern long _get_osfhandle( int __posixhandle );
_WCRTLINK extern int _hdopen(int __handle,int __mode);
_WCRTLINK extern int isatty(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int _isatty(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int lock(int __handle,unsigned long __offset,
unsigned long __nbytes);
_WCRTLINK extern off_t lseek(int __handle,off_t __offset,int __origin);
_WCRTLINK extern off_t _lseek(int __handle,off_t __offset,int __origin);
_WCRTLINK extern int open(const char *__path,int __oflag,...);
_WCRTLINK extern int _open(const char *__path,int __oflag,...);
_WCRTLINK extern int _open_osfhandle( long __osfhandle, int __flags );
_WCRTLINK extern int _os_handle(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int _pipe( int *__phandles, unsigned __psize, int __textmode );
_WCRTLINK extern int read(int __handle,void *__buf,unsigned int __len);
_WCRTLINK extern int _read(int __handle,void *__buf,unsigned int __len);
_WCRTLINK extern int setmode(int __handle,int __mode);
_WCRTLINK extern int _setmode(int __handle,int __mode);
_WCRTLINK extern int sopen(const char *__path,int __oflag,int __shflag,...);
_WCRTLINK extern int _sopen(const char *__path,int __oflag,int __shflag,...);
_WCRTLINK extern off_t tell(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern off_t _tell(int __handle);
_WCRTLINK extern int umask(int __permission);
_WCRTLINK extern int _umask(int __permission);
_WCRTLINK extern int unlink(const char *__path);
_WCRTLINK extern int _unlink(const char *__path);
_WCRTLINK extern int unlock(int __handle,unsigned long __offset,
unsigned long __nbytes);
_WCRTLINK extern int write(int __handle,const void *__buf,unsigned int __len);
_WCRTLINK extern int _write(int __handle,const void *__buf,unsigned int __len);
_WCRTLINK extern int _waccess(const wchar_t *__path,int __mode);
_WCRTLINK extern int _wchmod( const wchar_t *__path, int __pmode );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wunlink(const wchar_t *__path);
_WCRTLINK extern long _findfirst( const char *__filespec,
struct _finddata_t *__fileinfo );
_WCRTLINK extern long _wfindfirst( const wchar_t *__filespec,
struct _wfinddata_t *__fileinfo );
_WCRTLINK extern int _findnext( long __handle,
struct _finddata_t *__fileinfo );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wfindnext( long __handle,
struct _wfinddata_t *__fileinfo );
_WCRTLINK extern int _findclose( long __handle );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_mktemp( char *__template );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wmktemp( wchar_t *__template );
#ifdef __WATCOM_INT64__
_WCRTLINK extern long _findfirsti64( const char *__filespec,
struct _finddatai64_t *__fileinfo );
_WCRTLINK extern long _wfindfirsti64( const wchar_t *__filespec,
struct _wfinddatai64_t *__fileinfo );
_WCRTLINK extern int _findnexti64( long __handle,
struct _finddatai64_t *__fileinfo );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wfindnexti64( long __handle,
struct _wfinddatai64_t *__fileinfo );
_WCRTLINK extern __int64 _filelengthi64( int __handle );
_WCRTLINK extern __int64 _lseeki64( int __handle, __int64 __offset,
int __origin );
_WCRTLINK extern __int64 _telli64( int __handle );
#pragma pack( __pop )
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */