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// FILE: istream/istream.h (istream class)
// =========================================================================
// Open Watcom Project
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
// =========================================================================
// Description: This header is part of the C++ standard library. It
// defines the input stream class, associated parameter-
// less manipulators, and the input/output stream class.
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This header file requires C++
#include <_comdef.h>
#include <ios>
#include <ostream>
namespace std {
// **************************** ISTREAM ************************************
#ifdef _M_IX86
#pragma pack( __push, 1 )
#pragma pack( __push, 8 )
class _WPRTLINK istream : virtual public ios {
istream( streambuf *__sb );
istream( istream const &__istrm );
virtual ~istream();
istream &operator = ( streambuf * __sb );
istream &operator = ( istream const &__istrm );
istream &operator >> ( char * __buf );
istream &operator >> ( signed char * __buf );
istream &operator >> ( unsigned char * __buf );
istream &operator >> ( char & __c );
istream &operator >> ( signed char & __c );
istream &operator >> ( unsigned char & __c );
istream &operator >> ( signed short & __i );
istream &operator >> ( unsigned short & __i );
istream &operator >> ( signed int & __i );
istream &operator >> ( unsigned int & __i );
istream &operator >> ( signed long & __i );
istream &operator >> ( unsigned long & __i );
istream &operator >> ( signed __int64 & __i );
istream &operator >> ( unsigned __int64 & __i );
istream &operator >> ( float & __f );
istream &operator >> ( double & __f );
istream &operator >> ( long double & __f );
istream &operator >> ( streambuf * __sb );
istream &operator >> ( _WPRTLINK ios &(*__f)( ios & ) );
istream &operator >> ( _WPRTLINK istream &(*__f)( istream & ) );
int ipfx( int __noskipws = 0 );
void isfx();
int get();
istream &get( char *__buf, int __len, char __delim = '\n' );
istream &get( signed char *__buf, int __len, char __delim = '\n' );
istream &get( unsigned char *__buf, int __len, char __delim = '\n' );
istream &get( char &__c );
istream &get( signed char &__c );
istream &get( unsigned char &__c );
istream &get( streambuf &__sb, char __delim = '\n' );
istream &getline( char *__buf, int __len, char __delim = '\n' );
istream &getline( signed char *__buf, int __len, char __delim = '\n' );
istream &getline( unsigned char *__buf, int __len, char __delim = '\n' );
istream &ignore( int __num = 1, int __delim = EOF );
istream &read( char *__buf, int __len );
istream &read( signed char *__buf, int __len );
istream &read( unsigned char *__buf, int __len );
istream &seekg( streampos __position );
istream &seekg( streamoff __offset, ios::seekdir __direction );
istream &putback( char __c );
streampos tellg();
int gcount() const;
int peek();
int sync();
void eatwhite();
istream &do_get( char &__c );
istream &do_rshift( char &__c );
istream &do_read( char *__buf, int __len );
int ipfx0( void );
int ipfx1( void );
int do_ipfx( int __noskipws );
int __last_read_length;
#pragma pack( __pop )
inline istream &istream::operator >> ( signed char *__buf ) {
return( *this >> (char *) __buf );
inline istream &istream::operator >> ( unsigned char *__buf ) {
return( *this >> (char *) __buf );
#ifdef __BIG_INLINE__
inline istream &istream::operator >> ( char &__c ) {
__lock_it( __i_lock );
if( ipfx0() ) {
if( rdbuf()->in_avail() ) {
__c = (char)(rdbuf()->sgetchar());
} else {
do_rshift( __c );
return( *this );
inline istream &istream::operator >> ( signed char &__c ) {
return( *this >> (char &) __c );
inline istream &istream::operator >> ( unsigned char &__c ) {
return( *this >> (char &) __c );
inline istream &istream::get( signed char *__buf, int __len, char __delim ) {
return( get( (char *)__buf, __len, __delim ) );
inline istream &istream::get( unsigned char *__buf,
int __len,
char __delim ) {
return( get( (char *)__buf, __len, __delim ) );
#ifdef __BIG_INLINE__
inline istream &istream::get( char &__c ) {
__lock_it( __i_lock );
if( ipfx1() ) {
if( rdbuf()->in_avail() ) {
__c = (char)(rdbuf()->sgetchar());
} else {
do_get( __c );
} else {
__last_read_length = 0;
return( *this );
inline istream &istream::get( signed char &__c ) {
return( get( (char &) __c ) );
inline istream &istream::get( unsigned char &__c ) {
return( get( (char &) __c ) );
inline istream &istream::getline( signed char *__buf,
int __len,
char __delim ) {
return( getline( (char *)__buf, __len, __delim ) );
inline istream &istream::getline( unsigned char *__buf,
int __len,
char __delim ) {
return( getline( (char *)__buf, __len, __delim ) );
#ifdef __BIG_INLINE__
inline istream &istream::read( char *__buf, int __len ) {
__lock_it( __i_lock );
if( ipfx1() ) {
if( rdbuf()->in_avail() > __len ) {
__last_read_length = rdbuf()->sgetn( __buf, __len );
} else {
do_read( __buf , __len );
} else {
__last_read_length = 0;
return( *this );
inline istream &istream::read( signed char *__buf, int __len ) {
return( read( (char *) __buf, __len ) );
inline istream &istream::read( unsigned char *__buf, int __len ) {
return( read( (char *) __buf, __len ) );
inline int istream::ipfx0( void ) {
__lock_it( __i_lock );
return( ((flags()&ios::skipws) || !good() || tie()) ? do_ipfx( 0 ) : 1);
inline int istream::ipfx1( void ) {
__lock_it( __i_lock );
return( (!good() || tie()) ? do_ipfx( 1 ) : 1);
inline void istream::isfx() {
inline int istream::gcount() const {
return( __last_read_length );
// **************************** MANIPULATORS *******************************
_WPRTLINK extern istream & ws( istream & );
// **************************** IOSTREAM ***********************************
#ifdef _M_IX86
#pragma pack( __push, 1 )
#pragma pack( __push, 8 )
class _WPRTLINK iostream : public istream, public ostream {
iostream( streambuf *__sb );
iostream( ios const &__strm );
virtual ~iostream();
iostream & operator = ( streambuf *__sb );
iostream & operator = ( ios const &__strm );
#pragma pack( __pop )
} // namespace std