232 lines
7.3 KiB
232 lines
7.3 KiB
* FILE: math.h/cmath (Math functions)
* =========================================================================
* Open Watcom Project
* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
* =========================================================================
* Description: This header is part of the C/C++ standard library. It
* describes the math functions provided by those standards.
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cmath>
// C99 functions in math.h
using std::acos;
using std::asin;
using std::atan;
using std::atan2;
using std::ceil;
using std::cos;
using std::cosh;
using std::exp;
using std::fabs;
using std::floor;
using std::fmod;
using std::frexp;
using std::ldexp;
using std::log;
using std::log10;
using std::modf;
using std::pow;
using std::sin;
using std::sinh;
using std::sqrt;
using std::tan;
using std::tanh;
// C99 functions in math.h that are currently considered extensions.
#if !defined(NO_EXT_KEYS) /* extensions enabled */
using std::acosh;
using std::asinh;
using std::atanh;
using std::hypot;
using std::log2;
#endif /* extensions enabled */
#else /* __cplusplus not defined */
#include <_comdef.h>
#ifdef _M_IX86
#pragma pack( __push, 1 )
#pragma pack( __push, 8 )
_WCRTLINK extern const double *__get_HugeValue_ptr( void );
#define _HugeValue (*__get_HugeValue_ptr())
#elif defined(__SW_BR) || defined(_RTDLL)
#define _HugeValue _HugeValue_br
_WCRTDATA extern const double _WCDATA _HugeValue;
#define HUGE_VAL _HugeValue
/* Internal library helper routines */
_WMRTLINK extern int _FSClass( float __x );
_WMRTLINK extern int _FDClass( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern int _FLClass( long double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern int _FSSign( float __x );
_WMRTLINK extern int _FDSign( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern int _FLSign( long double __x );
/* Floating-point classification macros */
#define FP_ZERO 0
#define FP_SUBNORMAL 1
#define FP_NORMAL 2
#define FP_NAN 3
#define FP_INFINITE 4
#define fpclassify(x) \
((sizeof(x) == sizeof(float)) ? _FSClass(x) : \
(sizeof(x) == sizeof(double)) ? _FDClass(x) : \
#define isfinite(x) (fpclassify(x) <= FP_NORMAL)
#define isinf(x) (fpclassify(x) == FP_INFINITE)
#define isnan(x) (fpclassify(x) == FP_NAN)
#define isnormal(x) (fpclassify(x) == FP_NORMAL)
#define signbit(x) \
((sizeof(x) == sizeof(float)) ? _FSSign(x) : \
(sizeof(x) == sizeof(double)) ? _FDSign(x) : \
/* Floating-point Infinity and NaN constants */
_WMRTDATA extern const float __f_infinity;
_WMRTDATA extern const float __f_posqnan;
#define INFINITY __f_infinity
#define NAN __f_posqnan
_WMRTLINK extern double ceil( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double floor( double __x );
#if defined(_M_IX86) && 0
#pragma aux ceil parm nomemory modify nomemory;
#pragma aux floor parm nomemory modify nomemory;
_WMRTLINK extern double frexp( double __value, int *__exp );
_WMRTLINK extern double ldexp( double __x, int __exp );
_WMRTLINK extern double modf( double __value, double *__iptr );
_WMIRTLINK extern double acos( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double asin( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double atan( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double atan2( double __y, double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double cos( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double cosh( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double exp( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double fabs( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double fmod( double __x, double __y );
_WMIRTLINK extern double log( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double log10( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double pow( double __x, double __y );
_WMIRTLINK extern double sin( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double sinh( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double sqrt( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double tan( double __x );
_WMIRTLINK extern double tanh( double __x );
#if !defined(NO_EXT_KEYS) /* extensions enabled */
/* non-ANSI */
struct _complex {
double x;
double y;
struct complex {
double x;
double y;
_WMRTLINK extern double acosh( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double asinh( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double atanh( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double hypot( double __x, double __y );
_WMRTLINK extern double log2( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double cabs( struct _complex );
_WMRTLINK extern double j0( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double j1( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double jn( int __n, double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double y0( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double y1( double __x );
_WMRTLINK extern double yn( int __n, double __x );
/* The following struct is used to record errors detected in the math library.
* matherr is called with a pointer to this struct for possible error recovery.
struct _exception {
int type; /* type of error, see below */
char *name; /* name of math function */
double arg1; /* value of first argument to function */
double arg2; /* second argument (if indicated) */
double retval; /* default return value */
struct exception {
int type; /* type of error, see below */
char *name; /* name of math function */
double arg1; /* value of first argument to function */
double arg2; /* second argument (if indicated) */
double retval; /* default return value */
#define DOMAIN 1 /* argument domain error */
#define SING 2 /* argument singularity */
#define OVERFLOW 3 /* overflow range error */
#define UNDERFLOW 4 /* underflow range error */
#define TLOSS 5 /* total loss of significance */
#define PLOSS 6 /* partial loss of significance */
_WMRTLINK extern int matherr( struct _exception * );
_WMRTLINK extern double _matherr( struct _exception * );
_WMRTLINK extern void _set_matherr( int (*rtn)( struct _exception * ) );
_WCRTLINK extern int _dieeetomsbin( double *__x, double *__y );
_WCRTLINK extern int _dmsbintoieee( double *__x, double *__y );
_WCRTLINK extern int _fieeetomsbin( float *__x, float *__y );
_WCRTLINK extern int _fmsbintoieee( float *__x, float *__y );
#endif /* extensions enabled */
#if !defined(__NO_MATH_OPS) && defined(_M_IX86)
Defining the __NO_MATH_OPS macro will stop the compiler from
recognizing the following functions as intrinsic operators.
#pragma intrinsic(log,cos,sin,tan,sqrt,fabs,pow,atan2,fmod)
#pragma intrinsic(acos,asin,atan,cosh,exp,log10,sinh,tanh)
#pragma pack( __pop )
#endif /* __cplusplus not defined */