567 lines
23 KiB
567 lines
23 KiB
* FILE: stdlib.h/cstdlib (Standard Library functions)
* =========================================================================
* Open Watcom Project
* Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
* =========================================================================
* Description: This header is part of the C/C++ standard library. It
* declares several types, macros, and functions of general
* utility.
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include <cstdlib>
// C99 types in stdlib.h.
using std::div_t;
using std::ldiv_t;
#define _SIZE_T_DEFINED_
using std::size_t;
// C99 functions in stdlib.h
using std::abort;
using std::abs;
using std::atexit;
using std::atof;
using std::atoi;
using std::atol;
using std::atoll;
using std::bsearch;
using std::calloc;
using std::div;
using std::exit;
using std::free;
using std::getenv;
using std::labs;
using std::ldiv;
using std::malloc;
using std::mblen;
using std::mbstowcs;
using std::mbtowc;
using std::wcstombs;
using std::wctomb;
using std::qsort;
using std::rand;
using std::realloc;
using std::srand;
using std::strtod;
using std::strtol;
using std::strtoll;
using std::strtoul;
using std::strtoull;
using std::system;
#if !defined(NO_EXT_KEYS) /* extensions enabled */
using std::wcstol;
using std::wcstoll;
using std::wcstod;
using std::wcstoul;
using std::wcstoull;
#endif /* extensions enabled */
#else /* __cplusplus not defined */
#include <_comdef.h>
#if defined(__WATCOM_LFN__) && defined(__DOS__) && !defined(__LFNDOS_H_INCLUDED)
#include <sys/_lfndos.h>
#ifdef _M_IX86
#pragma pack( __push, 1 )
#pragma pack( __push, 8 )
typedef unsigned short wchar_t;
#define _SIZE_T_DEFINED_
typedef unsigned size_t;
typedef size_t _w_size_t;
#if defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ == 1
typedef int errno_t;
typedef size_t rsize_t;
typedef void (*constraint_handler_t)( const char * __restrict __msg, void * __restrict __ptr, errno_t __error );
#endif /* Safer C Library */
#ifndef NULL
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if !defined(_M_I86) || defined(__SMALL__) || defined(__MEDIUM__)
#define NULL 0
#define NULL 0L
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#ifndef MB_CUR_MAX
#define MB_CUR_MAX 2
#ifndef MB_LEN_MAX
#define MB_LEN_MAX 2
#ifndef _MAX_PATH
#if defined(__OS2__) || defined(__NT__) || defined(__WATCOM_LFN__) && defined(__DOS__)
#define _MAX_PATH 260 /* maximum length of full pathname */
#define _MAX_PATH 144 /* maximum length of full pathname */
#define RAND_MAX 32767U
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
typedef struct {
int quot;
int rem;
} div_t;
typedef struct {
long quot;
long rem;
} ldiv_t;
typedef struct {
long long quot;
long long rem;
} lldiv_t;
_WCRTLINK extern void abort( void );
_WCIRTLINK extern int abs( int __j );
#if defined(_M_IX86) && 0
#pragma aux abs parm nomemory modify nomemory;
_WRTLFCONV extern int atexit( void ( *__func )( void ) );
_WMRTLINK extern double atof( const char *__nptr );
_WCRTLINK extern int atoi( const char *__nptr );
_WCRTLINK extern long int atol( const char *__nptr );
_WCRTLINK extern long long int atoll( const char *__nptr );
_WCRTLINK extern void *bsearch( const void *__key, const void *__base,
size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
int (*__compar)(const void *__pkey, const void *__pbase) );
_WCRTLINK extern void *calloc( size_t __n, size_t __size );
_WCIRTLINK extern div_t div( int __numer, int __denom );
_WCRTLINK extern void exit( int __status );
_WCRTLINK extern void _Exit( int __status );
_WCRTLINK extern void free( void *__ptr );
_WCRTLINK extern char *getenv( const char *__name );
_WCIRTLINK extern long int labs( long int __j );
#if defined(_M_IX86) && 0
#pragma aux labs parm nomemory modify nomemory;
#if defined(_M_I86)
extern ldiv_t ldiv( long int __numer, long int __denom );
_WCRTLINK extern long long int llabs( long long int __j );
_WCRTLINK extern lldiv_t lldiv( long long int __numer, long long int __denom );
_WCRTLINK extern void *malloc( size_t __size );
_WCRTLINK extern int mblen( const char *__s, size_t __n );
_WCRTLINK extern size_t mbstowcs( wchar_t *__pwcs, const char *__s, size_t __n );
_WCRTLINK extern int mbtowc( wchar_t *__pwc, const char *__s, size_t __n );
_WCRTLINK extern size_t wcstombs( char *__s, const wchar_t *__pwcs, size_t __n );
_WCRTLINK extern int wctomb( char *__s, wchar_t __wchar );
_WCRTLINK extern void qsort( void *__base, size_t __nmemb, size_t __size,
int (*__compar)( const void *, const void * ) );
_WCRTLINK extern int rand( void );
_WCRTLINK extern void *realloc( void *__ptr, size_t __size );
_WCRTLINK extern void srand( unsigned int __seed );
_WMRTLINK extern double strtod( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr );
_WMRTLINK extern float strtof( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr );
_WMRTLINK extern long double strtold( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr );
_WCRTLINK extern long int strtol( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr, int __base );
_WCRTLINK extern long long int strtoll( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr, int __base );
_WCRTLINK extern unsigned long strtoul( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr, int __base );
_WCRTLINK extern unsigned long long int strtoull( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr, int __base );
_WCRTLINK extern int system( const char *__string );
#if defined(__INLINE_FUNCTIONS__)
#pragma intrinsic(abs,div,labs)
#if !defined(_M_I86)
#pragma intrinsic(ldiv)
#define atof(p) strtod(p,(char **)NULL)
#if !defined(NO_EXT_KEYS) /* extensions enabled */
_WCRTLINK extern void break_on( void );
_WCRTLINK extern void break_off( void );
_WCRTLINK extern void _exit( int __status );
_WMRTLINK extern char *ecvt( double __val, int __ndig, int *__dec, int *__sign );
_WMRTLINK extern char *_ecvt( double __val, int __ndig, int *__dec, int *__sign );
_WMRTLINK extern char *fcvt( double __val, int __ndig, int *__dec, int *__sign );
_WMRTLINK extern char *_fcvt( double __val, int __ndig, int *__dec, int *__sign );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_fullpath( char *__buf, const char *__path, _w_size_t __size );
_WMRTLINK extern char *gcvt( double __val, int __ndig, char *__buf );
_WMRTLINK extern char *_gcvt( double __val, int __ndig, char *__buf );
_WCRTLINK extern char *itoa( int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_itoa( int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
#if defined(_M_I86)
extern unsigned long _lrotl( unsigned long __value, unsigned int __shift );
#if defined(_M_I86)
extern unsigned long _lrotr( unsigned long __value, unsigned int __shift );
_WCRTLINK extern char *ltoa( long int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *lltoa( long long int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_ltoa( long int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_lltoa( long long int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern void _makepath( char *__path, const char *__drive,
const char *__dir, const char *__fname, const char *__ext );
_WCRTLINK extern int mkstemp( char *__template );
_WCIRTLINK extern unsigned int _rotl( unsigned int __value, unsigned int __shift );
_WCIRTLINK extern unsigned int _rotr( unsigned int __value, unsigned int __shift );
_WMRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wecvt( double __val, int __ndig, int *__dec, int *__sign );
_WMRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wfcvt( double __val, int __ndig, int *__dec, int *__sign );
_WMRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wgcvt( double __val, int __ndig, wchar_t *__buf );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wtoi( const wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern long int _wtol( const wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern long long int _wtoll( const wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_itow( int, wchar_t *, int );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_ltow( long int, wchar_t *, int );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_lltow( long long int, wchar_t *, int );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_utow( unsigned int, wchar_t *, int );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_ultow( unsigned long int, wchar_t *, int );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_ulltow( unsigned long long int, wchar_t *, int );
_WMRTLINK extern double _wtof( const wchar_t * );
_WMRTLINK extern double _watof( const wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern long int wcstol( const wchar_t *, wchar_t **, int );
_WCRTLINK extern long long int wcstoll( const wchar_t *, wchar_t **, int );
_WMRTLINK extern double wcstod( const wchar_t *, wchar_t ** );
_WCRTLINK extern unsigned long int wcstoul( const wchar_t *, wchar_t **, int );
_WCRTLINK extern unsigned long long int wcstoull( const wchar_t *, wchar_t **, int );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_atouni( wchar_t *, const char * );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wfullpath( wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, _w_size_t );
_WCRTLINK extern void _wmakepath( wchar_t *__path, const wchar_t *__drive,
const wchar_t *__dir,
const wchar_t *__fname,
const wchar_t *__ext );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wcsicmp( const wchar_t *, const wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wcsdup( const wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wcsnicmp( const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *, _w_size_t );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wcslwr( wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wcsupr( wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wcsrev( wchar_t * );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wcsset( wchar_t *, wchar_t );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wcsnset( wchar_t *, int, _w_size_t );
_WCRTLINK extern wchar_t *_wgetenv( const wchar_t *__name );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wsetenv( const wchar_t *__name,
const wchar_t *__newvalue,
int __overwrite );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wputenv( const wchar_t *__env_string );
_WCRTLINK extern void _wsearchenv( const wchar_t *__name,
const wchar_t *__env_var,
wchar_t *__buf );
_WCRTLINK extern void _wsplitpath2( const wchar_t *__inp,
wchar_t *__outp, wchar_t **__drive,
wchar_t **__dir, wchar_t **__fn,
wchar_t **__ext );
_WCRTLINK extern void _wsplitpath( const wchar_t *__path,
wchar_t *__drive, wchar_t *__dir,
wchar_t *__fname, wchar_t *__ext );
_WCRTLINK extern int _wsystem( const wchar_t *__cmd );
_WCRTLINK extern int setenv( const char *__name, const char *__newvalue, int __overwrite );
_WCRTLINK extern void unsetenv( const char *name );
_WCRTLINK extern int putenv( const char *__string );
_WCRTLINK extern int _putenv( const char *__string );
_WCRTLINK extern void _searchenv( const char *__name, const char *__env_var, char *__buf );
_WCRTLINK extern void _splitpath2( const char *__inp, char *__outp,
char **__drive, char **__dir,
char **__fn, char **__ext );
_WCRTLINK extern void _splitpath( const char *__path, char *__drive,
char *__dir, char *__fname, char *__ext );
_WCRTLINK extern void swab( char *__src, char *__dest, int __num );
_WCRTLINK extern char *ultoa( unsigned long int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *ulltoa( unsigned long long int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_ultoa( unsigned long int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_ulltoa( unsigned long long int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *utoa( unsigned int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_utoa( unsigned int __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_i64toa( __int64 __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern char *_ui64toa( unsigned __int64 __value, char *__buf, int __radix );
_WCRTLINK extern __int64 _atoi64( const char *__nptr );
_WCRTLINK extern __int64 _strtoi64( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr, int __base );
_WCRTLINK extern unsigned __int64 _strtoui64( const char *__nptr, char **__endptr, int __base );
#if defined(__INLINE_FUNCTIONS__)
#pragma intrinsic(_rotl,_rotr)
#if !defined(_M_I86)
#pragma intrinsic(_lrotl,_lrotr)
#if defined(__STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__) && __STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1__ == 1
_WCRTLINK extern constraint_handler_t set_constraint_handler_s( constraint_handler_t __handler );
_WCRTLINK extern void abort_handler_s( const char * __restrict __msg, void * __restrict __ptr, errno_t __error );
_WCRTLINK extern void ignore_handler_s( const char * __restrict __msg, void * __restrict __ptr, errno_t __error );
_WCRTLINK extern errno_t getenv_s( size_t * __restrict __len, char * __restrict __value, rsize_t __maxsize, const char * __restrict __name );
_WCRTLINK extern void *bsearch_s( const void *__key, const void *__base, rsize_t __nmemb, rsize_t __size,
int (*__compar)(const void *__x, const void *__y, void *__context), void *__context);
_WCRTLINK extern errno_t qsort_s( void *__base, rsize_t __nmemb, rsize_t __size,
int (*__compar)(const void *__x, const void *__y, void *__context), void *__context);
_WCRTLINK extern errno_t wctomb_s( int * __restrict __status, char * __restrict __s, rsize_t __smax, wchar_t __wc );
_WCRTLINK extern errno_t mbstowcs_s( size_t * __restrict __retval, wchar_t * __restrict __dst, rsize_t __dstmax, const char * __restrict __src, rsize_t __len );
_WCRTLINK extern errno_t wcstombs_s( size_t * __restrict __retval, char * __restrict __dst, rsize_t __dstmax, const wchar_t * __restrict __src, rsize_t __len );
#endif /* Safer C Library */
/* min and max macros */
#if !defined(__max)
#define __max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#if !defined(max)
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#if !defined(__min)
#define __min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#if !defined(min)
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
* The following sizes are the maximum sizes of buffers used by the _fullpath()
* _makepath() and _splitpath() functions. They include space for the '\0'
* terminator.
#if defined(__NT__) || defined(__OS2__) || defined(__WATCOM_LFN__) && defined(__DOS__)
#define _MAX_DRIVE 3 /* maximum length of drive component */
#define _MAX_DIR 256 /* maximum length of path component */
#define _MAX_FNAME 256 /* maximum length of file name component */
#define _MAX_EXT 256 /* maximum length of extension component */
#define _MAX_DRIVE 3 /* maximum length of drive component */
#define _MAX_DIR 130 /* maximum length of path component */
#define _MAX_FNAME 9 /* maximum length of file name component */
#define _MAX_EXT 5 /* maximum length of extension component */
#ifndef _MAX_NAME
#define _MAX_NAME 13 /* maximum length of file name (with extension) */
#define _MAX_PATH2 (_MAX_PATH+3) /* maximum size of output buffer
for _splitpath2() */
_WCRTLINK char ***__get_environ_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK char _WCI86FAR **__get_pgmptr_ptr( void );
#define environ (*__get_environ_ptr())
#define _pgmptr (*__get_pgmptr_ptr())
#elif defined(__SW_BR) || defined(_RTDLL)
#define environ environ_br
#define _pgmptr _pgmptr_br
_WCRTDATA extern char **_WCNEAR environ; /* pointer to environment table */
_WCRTDATA extern char _WCI86FAR *_pgmptr; /* pointer to executable name */
#if defined(__NT__)
_WCRTLINK int *__get_fileinfo_ptr( void );
#define _fileinfo (*__get_fileinfo_ptr())
#elif defined(__SW_BR) || defined(_RTDLL)
#define _fileinfo _fileinfo_br
_WCRTDATA extern int _fileinfo; /* for inheriting POSIX handles */
_WCRTLINK wchar_t ***__get_wenviron_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK wchar_t _WCI86FAR **__get_wpgmptr_ptr( void );
#define _wenviron (*__get_wenviron_ptr())
#define _wpgmptr (*__get_wpgmptr_ptr())
#elif defined(__SW_BR) || defined(_RTDLL)
#define _wenviron _wenviron_br
#define _wpgmptr _wpgmptr_br
#ifdef __NETWARE__
_WCRTDATA extern wchar_t **_WCDATA _wenviron; /* pointer to wide environment */
_WCRTDATA extern wchar_t *_WCDATA _wpgmptr; /* pointer to wide executable name */
_WCRTDATA extern wchar_t **_WCNEAR _wenviron; /* pointer to wide environment */
_WCRTDATA extern wchar_t _WCI86FAR *_wpgmptr; /* pointer to wide executable name */
#ifndef errno
_WCRTLINK extern int *__get_errno_ptr( void );
#define errno (*__get_errno_ptr())
_WCRTDATA extern int errno;
_WCRTLINK extern int *__get_doserrno_ptr( void );
#define _doserrno (*__get_doserrno_ptr()) /* DOS system error code value */
#if !defined(__NETWARE__)
#define sys_errlist _sys_errlist
#define sys_nerr _sys_nerr
_WCRTLINK unsigned *__get_psp_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned char *__get_osmode_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK int *__get_fmode_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK char **__get_sys_errlist_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK int *__get_sys_nerr_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned *__get_minreal_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned long *__get_win_alloc_flags_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned long *__get_win_realloc_flags_ptr( void );
#define _psp (*__get_psp_ptr())
#define _osmode (*__get_osmode_ptr())
#define _fmode (*__get_fmode_ptr())
#define _sys_errlist (*__get_sys_errlist_ptr())
#define _sys_nerr (*__get_sys_nerr_ptr())
#define __minreal (*__get_minreal_ptr())
#define __win_alloc_flags (*__get_win_alloc_flags_ptr())
#define __win_realloc_flags (*__get_win_realloc_flags_ptr())
#elif defined(__SW_BR) || defined(_RTDLL)
#define _psp _psp_br
#define _osmode _osmode_br
#define _fmode _fmode_br
#define _sys_errlist _sys_errlist_br
#define _sys_nerr _sys_nerr_br
#define __minreal __minreal_br
#define __win_alloc_flags __win_alloc_flags_br
#define __win_realloc_flags __win_realloc_flags_br
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned _WCDATA _psp; /* Program Segment Prefix */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned char _WCNEAR _osmode; /* DOS_MODE or OS2_MODE */
_WCRTDATA extern int _WCNEAR _fmode; /* default file translation mode */
_WCRTDATA extern char *_sys_errlist[];/* strerror error message table */
_WCRTDATA extern int _WCNEAR _sys_nerr; /* # of entries in _sys_errlist array */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned _WCDATA __minreal; /* DOS4GW var for WLINK MINREAL option*/
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned long _WCDATA __win_alloc_flags; /* Windows allocation flags */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned long _WCDATA __win_realloc_flags;/* Windows reallocation flags */
#define DOS_MODE 0 /* Real Address Mode */
#define OS2_MODE 1 /* Protected Address Mode */
_WCRTLINK unsigned *__get_amblksiz_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned char *__get_osmajor_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned char *__get_osminor_ptr( void );
#define _amblksiz (*__get_amblksiz_ptr())
#define _osmajor (*__get_osmajor_ptr())
#define _osminor (*__get_osminor_ptr())
#elif defined(__SW_BR) || defined(_RTDLL)
#define _amblksiz _amblksiz_br
#define _osmajor _osmajor_br
#define _osminor _osminor_br
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned _WCNEAR _amblksiz; /* mallocs done in multiples of */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned char _WCNEAR _osmajor; /* O/S major version # */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned char _WCNEAR _osminor; /* O/S minor version # */
#if defined(__NT__)
_WCRTLINK unsigned short *__get_osbuild_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned int *__get_osver_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned int *__get_winmajor_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned int *__get_winminor_ptr( void );
_WCRTLINK unsigned int *__get_winver_ptr( void );
#define _osbuild (*__get_osbuild_ptr())
#define _osver (*__get_osver_ptr())
#define _winmajor (*__get_winmajor_ptr())
#define _winminor (*__get_winminor_ptr())
#define _winver (*__get_winver_ptr())
#elif defined(__SW_BR) || defined(_RTDLL)
#define _osbuild _osbuild_br
#define _osver _osver_br
#define _winmajor _winmajor_br
#define _winminor _winminor_br
#define _winver _winver_br
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned short _WCDATA _osbuild; /* O/S build revision */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned int _WCDATA _osver; /* O/S build revision */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned int _WCDATA _winmajor; /* O/S major version # */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned int _WCDATA _winminor; /* O/S minor version # */
_WCRTDATA extern unsigned int _WCDATA _winver; /* O/S version # */
extern int __argc; /* number of cmd line args */
extern char **__argv; /* vector of cmd line args */
#if defined(__NT__) || (defined(__OS2__) && (defined(__386__) || defined(__PPC__)))
extern int __wargc; /* number of wide cmd line args */
extern wchar_t **__wargv; /* vector of wide cmd line args */
_WCRTLINK extern void _WCNEAR *__brk( unsigned __new_brk_value );
_WCRTLINK extern void _WCNEAR *sbrk( int __increment );
typedef void (*onexit_t)( void );
_WCRTLINK extern onexit_t onexit( onexit_t __func );
#endif /* extensions enabled */
#pragma pack( __pop )
#endif /* __cplusplus not defined */