309 lines
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309 lines
8 KiB
// FILE: streambu/streambu.h (streambuf support)
// =========================================================================
// Open Watcom Project
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
// =========================================================================
// Description: This header is part of the C++ standard library. It
// declares the streambuf base class.
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This header file requires C++
#include <_comdef.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
// For multi-thread support.
#ifndef __lock_it
class __lock;
#ifdef __SW_BM
class _WPRTLINK __get_lock {
__get_lock( __lock * );
__lock *__lk;
#define __lock_it( __l ) __get_lock __lock_name( __LINE__ )( __l )
#define __lock_name( __ln ) __lock_glue( __lock__, __ln )
#define __lock_glue( __pre, __lin ) __pre ## __lin
#define __lock_it( __l )
namespace std {
// **************************** STREAMBUF **********************************
#ifdef _M_IX86
#pragma pack( __push, 1 )
#pragma pack( __push, 8 )
class _WPRTLINK streambuf {
int in_avail() const;
int out_waiting() const;
int snextc();
int sgetn( char *__buf, int __len );
int speekc();
int sgetc();
int sgetchar();
int sbumpc();
void stossc();
int sputbackc( char __c );
int sputc( int __c );
int sputn( char const *__buf, int __len );
void dbp();
virtual int do_sgetn( char *__buf, int __len );
virtual int do_sputn( char const *__buf, int __len );
virtual int pbackfail( int __ignored );
virtual int overflow( int = EOF ) = 0;
virtual int underflow() = 0;
virtual streambuf *setbuf( char *__buf, int __len );
virtual streampos seekoff( streamoff __ignored1,
ios::seekdir __ignored2,
ios::openmode __ignored3 = ios::in | ios::out );
virtual streampos seekpos( streampos __position,
ios::openmode __mode = ios::in | ios::out );
virtual int sync();
__lock *__b_lock; // streambuf data member operations
streambuf( char *__buf, int __len );
virtual ~streambuf();
int allocate();
char *base() const;
char *ebuf() const;
int blen() const;
void setb( char *__buf, char *__endbuf, int __autodelete = 0 );
char *eback() const;
char *gptr() const;
char *egptr() const;
void gbump( streamoff __offset );
void setg( char *__eback, char *__gptr, char *__egptr );
char *pbase() const;
char *pptr() const;
char *epptr() const;
void pbump( streamoff __offset );
void setp( char *__pptr, char *__epptr );
int unbuffered( int __unbuffered );
int unbuffered() const;
virtual int doallocate();
// Declared but not defined, to prevent copying a streambuf.
streambuf( streambuf & );
void operator = ( streambuf & );
char *__reserve_base;
char *__reserve_end;
char *__get_base;
char *__get_end;
char *__get_ptr;
char *__put_base;
char *__put_end;
char *__put_ptr;
unsigned __unbuffered_state : 1;
unsigned __delete_reserve : 1;
#pragma pack( __pop )
// *********************** Reserve area inline functions *******************
inline char *streambuf::base() const {
return( __reserve_base );
inline char *streambuf::ebuf() const {
return( __reserve_end );
inline int streambuf::blen() const {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (int)(__reserve_end - __reserve_base) );
inline int streambuf::allocate() {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (base() != NULL || unbuffered()) ? __NOT_EOF : doallocate() );
inline int streambuf::unbuffered() const {
return( __unbuffered_state );
inline int streambuf::unbuffered( int __unbuffered ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
int __old_unbuffered = __unbuffered_state;
__unbuffered_state = __unbuffered ? 1 : 0;
return( __old_unbuffered );
// *********************** Get area inline functions ***********************
inline char * streambuf::eback() const {
return( __get_base );
inline char * streambuf::gptr() const {
return( __get_ptr );
inline char * streambuf::egptr() const {
return( __get_end );
inline void streambuf::gbump( streamoff __offset ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
__get_ptr += __offset;
inline void streambuf::setg( char *__eback, char *__gptr, char *__egptr ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
__get_base = __eback;
__get_ptr = __gptr;
__get_end = __egptr;
// *********************** Put area inline functions ***********************
inline char * streambuf::pbase() const {
return( __put_base );
inline char * streambuf::pptr() const {
return( __put_ptr );
inline char * streambuf::epptr() const {
return( __put_end );
inline void streambuf::pbump( streamoff __offset ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
__put_ptr += __offset;
inline void streambuf::setp( char *__pptr, char *__epptr ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
__put_base = __pptr;
__put_ptr = __pptr;
__put_end = __epptr;
// *********************** Inline input functions **************************
inline int streambuf::in_avail() const {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (int)(__get_end - __get_ptr) );
inline int streambuf::sgetchar() {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (__get_ptr >= __get_end) && (underflow() == EOF) ? EOF
: *__get_ptr++ );
inline int streambuf::sbumpc() {
return( sgetchar() );
inline int streambuf::snextc() {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (__get_ptr) && (++__get_ptr < __get_end) ? *__get_ptr
: underflow() );
inline int streambuf::speekc() {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (__get_ptr < __get_end) ? *__get_ptr
: underflow() );
inline int streambuf::sgetc() {
return( speekc() );
inline int streambuf::sgetn( char *__buf, int __len ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
if( __len < (int)(__get_end - __get_ptr) ) {
memcpy( __buf, __get_ptr, __len );
gbump( __len );
return( __len );
return( do_sgetn( __buf, __len ) );
inline void streambuf::stossc() {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
if( (__get_ptr < __get_end) || (underflow() != EOF) ) {
// *********************** Inline output functions *************************
inline int streambuf::out_waiting() const {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (int)(__put_ptr - __put_base) );
inline int streambuf::sputbackc( char __c ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (__get_ptr > __get_base) ? (*--__get_ptr = __c)
: pbackfail( __c ) );
inline int streambuf::sputc( int __c ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
return( (__put_ptr >= __put_end) ? overflow( __c )
: (*__put_ptr++ = (char)__c) );
inline int streambuf::sputn( char const *__buf, int __len ) {
__lock_it( __b_lock );
if( __len < (int)(__put_end - __put_ptr) ) {
memcpy( __put_ptr, __buf, __len );
pbump( __len );
return( __len );
return( do_sputn( __buf, __len ) );
} // namespace std