967 lines
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967 lines
26 KiB
// FILE: vector (Definition of std::vector)
// =========================================================================
// Open Watcom Project
// Copyright (c) 2004-2010 The Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
// =========================================================================
// Description: This header is part of the C++ standard library. It
// defines a vector template that in many cases can be
// used as a replacement for C-style arrays.
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This header file requires C++
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcep>
#include <type_tra>
namespace std {
template<class Type, class Allocator = allocator< Type > >
class vector {
typedef typename Allocator::reference reference;
typedef typename Allocator::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename Allocator::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Allocator::difference_type difference_type;
typedef Type value_type;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef typename Allocator::pointer pointer;
typedef typename Allocator::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef pointer iterator;
typedef const_pointer const_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator< iterator > reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator > const_reverse_iterator;
explicit vector( const Allocator & = Allocator( ) );
explicit vector( size_type n, const Type &value = Type( ), const Allocator & = Allocator( ) );
vector( const vector &other );
~vector( );
vector &operator=( const vector &other );
void assign( size_type n, const Type &value );
allocator_type get_allocator( ) const;
iterator begin( );
const_iterator begin( ) const;
iterator end( );
const_iterator end( ) const;
reverse_iterator rbegin( );
const_reverse_iterator rbegin( ) const;
reverse_iterator rend( );
const_reverse_iterator rend( ) const;
size_type size( ) const;
size_type max_size( ) const;
void resize( size_type n, Type c = Type( ) );
size_type capacity( ) const;
bool empty( ) const;
void reserve( size_type n );
reference operator[]( size_type n );
const_reference operator[]( size_type n ) const;
reference at( size_type n );
const_reference at( size_type n ) const;
reference front( );
const_reference front( ) const;
reference back( );
const_reference back( ) const;
void push_back( const Type &x );
void pop_back( );
iterator insert( iterator position, const Type &x );
void insert( iterator position, size_type n, const Type &x );
iterator erase( iterator position );
iterator erase( iterator first, iterator last );
void swap( vector &x );
void clear( );
bool _Sane( ) const; // Check invariants.
template< class InputIterator >
explicit vector( InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const Allocator &a = Allocator() )
: mem( a )
buffer = alloc( 1, buf_length );
vec_length = 0;
helper_assign( first, last, tr1::is_integral<InputIterator>::type() );
template< class InputIterator >
void assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
helper_assign( first, last, tr1::is_integral<InputIterator>::type() );
template< class Integral >
void helper_assign( Integral count,
Integral value,
tr1::true_type )
vector temp;
for( Integral i = 0; i < count; ++i )
temp.push_back( value );
swap( temp );
template< class InputIterator >
void helper_assign( InputIterator first,
InputIterator last,
tr1::false_type )
vector temp;
while( first != last ) {
temp.push_back( *first );
swap( temp );
template< class InputIterator >
void insert(iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
helper_insert( position,
tr1::is_integral<InputIterator>::type( ) );
template< class Integral >
void helper_insert( iterator position,
Integral count,
Integral value,
tr1::true_type )
insert( position,
static_cast<size_type>( count ),
static_cast<const Type &>( value ) );
template< class InputIterator >
void helper_insert( iterator position,
InputIterator first,
InputIterator last,
tr1::false_type )
while( first != last ) {
insert( position, *first );
// 1. buffer has size buf_length.
// 2. buffer never shrinks (except in ...).
// 3. buf_length >= vec_length.
// 4. buf_length is a power of two.
// 5. buffer allocated with mem or a copy of mem.
Allocator mem; // Object used to get and release memory.
pointer buffer; // Pointer to start of buffer space.
size_type buf_length; // Total number of buffer slots.
size_type vec_length; // Number of buffer slots in use by objects.
// This method encapsulates the memory allocation policy.
pointer alloc( size_type required, size_type &found );
// ==========================
// Member functions of vector
// ==========================
template< class Type, class Allocator >
vector< Type, Allocator >::pointer
vector< Type, Allocator >::alloc(
size_type required,
size_type &found )
pointer result;
size_type length = 16;
// Find a power of two that produces a sufficient size.
while( length < required ) length <<= 1;
result = mem.allocate( length );
// Update outputs only if allocation successful.
found = length;
return( result );
// vector( const Allocator & )
// ***************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
vector< Type, Allocator >::vector( const Allocator &a ) : mem( a )
buffer = alloc(1, buf_length );
vec_length = 0;
// vector( size_type, const Type &, const Allocator & )
template< class Type, class Allocator >
vector< Type, Allocator >::vector(
size_type n,
const Type &value,
const Allocator &a ) : mem( a )
buffer = alloc( n, buf_length );
try {
uninitialized_fill_n( buffer, n, value );
catch( ... ) {
mem.deallocate( buffer, buf_length );
vec_length = n;
// vector( const vector & )
// ************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
vector< Type, Allocator >::vector( const vector &other )
: mem( other.mem )
buffer = alloc( other.vec_length, buf_length );
try {
uninitialized_copy( other.buffer,
other.buffer + other.vec_length,
buffer );
catch( ... ) {
mem.deallocate( buffer, buf_length );
vec_length = other.vec_length;
// ~vector( )
// **********
template< class Type, class Allocator >
vector< Type, Allocator >::~vector( )
// Delete objects actually in use and deallocate the buffer.
for( size_type i = 0; i < vec_length; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &buffer[i] );
mem.deallocate( buffer, buf_length );
// operator=( const vector & )
// ***************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
vector< Type, Allocator > &vector< Type, Allocator >::operator=(
const vector &other )
if( this == &other ) return( *this );
// Don't overwrite our allocator just yet.
Allocator temp_allocator( other.mem );
// Allocate buffer space for copy and try to make the copy.
pointer temp_buffer = temp_allocator.allocate( other.buf_length );
try {
uninitialized_copy( other.buffer,
other.buffer + other.vec_length,
temp_buffer );
catch( ... ) {
temp_allocator.deallocate( temp_buffer, other.buf_length );
// New allocation successful.
for( size_type i = 0; i < vec_length; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &buffer[i] );
mem.deallocate( buffer, buf_length );
mem = temp_allocator;
buffer = temp_buffer;
buf_length = other.buf_length;
vec_length = other.vec_length;
return( *this );
// assign( size_type, const Type & )
// *********************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void vector< Type, Allocator >::assign( size_type n, const Type &value )
// Prepare new buffer space.
size_type temp_length;
pointer temp_buffer = alloc( n, temp_length );
try {
uninitialized_fill_n( temp_buffer, n, value );
catch( ... ) {
mem.deallocate( temp_buffer, temp_length );
// New allocation successful.
for( size_type i = 0; i < vec_length; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &buffer[i] );
mem.deallocate( buffer, buf_length );
buffer = temp_buffer;
buf_length = temp_length;
vec_length = n;
// get_allocator( ) const
// **********************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::allocator_type
vector<Type, Allocator>::get_allocator( ) const
return( mem );
// begin( )
// ********
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::iterator
vector<Type, Allocator>::begin( )
return( buffer );
// begin( ) const
// **************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::const_iterator
vector<Type, Allocator>::begin( ) const
return( buffer );
// end( )
// ******
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::end( )
return( buffer + vec_length );
// end( ) const
// ************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::const_iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::end( ) const
return( buffer + vec_length );
// rbegin( )
// *********
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::reverse_iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::rbegin( )
return( reverse_iterator( buffer + vec_length ) );
// rbegin( ) const
// ***************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::const_reverse_iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::rbegin( ) const
return( const_reverse_iterator( buffer + vec_length ) );
// rend( )
// *******
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::reverse_iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::rend( )
return( reverse_iterator( buffer ) );
// rend( ) const
// *************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::const_reverse_iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::rend( ) const
return( const_reverse_iterator( buffer ) );
// size( ) const
// *************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::size_type
vector< Type, Allocator >::size( ) const
return( vec_length );
// max_size( ) const
// *****************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator>::size_type
vector< Type, Allocator >::max_size( ) const
return( std::numeric_limits< size_type >::max( ) / sizeof( Type ) );
// resize( size_type, Type )
// *************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void vector< Type, Allocator >::resize( size_type n, Type c )
if( n > vec_length )
insert( end( ),
static_cast<size_type>(n - vec_length),
static_cast<const Type &>( c ) );
else if ( n < vec_length )
erase( begin( ) + n, end( ) );
// capacity( ) const
// *****************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::size_type
vector< Type, Allocator >::capacity( ) const
return( buf_length );
// empty( ) const
// **************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
bool vector< Type, Allocator >::empty( ) const
return( vec_length == 0 );
// reserve( size_type )
// ********************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void vector< Type, Allocator>::reserve( size_type new_capacity )
if( new_capacity <= buf_length ) return;
if( new_capacity > max_size( ) )
throw length_error( "vector::reserve" );
size_type temp_length;
pointer temp_buffer = alloc( new_capacity, temp_length );
try {
uninitialized_copy( buffer, buffer + vec_length, temp_buffer );
catch( ... ) {
mem.deallocate( temp_buffer, temp_length );
// New allocation successful.
for( size_type i = 0; i < vec_length; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &buffer[i] );
mem.deallocate( buffer, buf_length );
buffer = temp_buffer;
buf_length = temp_length;
// operator[]( size_type )
// ***********************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::reference
vector< Type, Allocator >::operator[]( size_type n )
return( buffer[n] );
// operator[]( size_type ) const
// *****************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
inline typename vector< Type, Allocator >::const_reference
vector< Type, Allocator >::operator[]( size_type n ) const
return( buffer[n] );
// at( size_type )
// ***************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::reference
vector< Type, Allocator >::at( size_type n )
if( n >= vec_length )
throw out_of_range( "vector::at" );
return( buffer[n] );
// at( size_type ) const
// *********************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::const_reference
vector< Type, Allocator >::at( size_type n ) const
if( n >= vec_length )
throw out_of_range( "vector::at" );
return( buffer[n] );
// front( )
// ********
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::reference
vector< Type, Allocator >::front( )
return( buffer[0] );
// front( ) const
// **************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::const_reference
vector< Type, Allocator >::front( ) const
return( buffer[0] );
// back( )
// *******
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::reference
vector< Type, Allocator >::back( )
return( buffer[vec_length - 1] );
// back( ) const
// *************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::const_reference
vector< Type, Allocator >::back( ) const
return( buffer[vec_length - 1] );
// push_back( const Type & )
// *************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void vector< Type, Allocator >::push_back( const Type &item )
if( vec_length + 1 > buf_length ) {
reserve( buf_length + 1 );
new ( static_cast<void *>( buffer + vec_length ) ) Type( item );
// pop_back( )
// ***********
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void vector< Type, Allocator >::pop_back( )
mem.destroy( &buffer[vec_length - 1] );
// insert( iterator, const Type & )
// ********************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
vector< Type, Allocator >::iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::insert( iterator position, const Type &x )
size_type iposition = static_cast< size_type >( position - buffer );
size_type tail_count = vec_length - iposition;
// Deal with zero length vector as a special case.
if( vec_length == 0 ) {
mem.construct( &buffer[0], x );
return( buffer );
// Handle case were reallocation isn't necessary.
if( vec_length + 1 <= buf_length ) {
mem.construct( &buffer[vec_length], buffer[vec_length - 1] );
for( size_type i = 2; i <= tail_count; ++i ) {
buffer[vec_length - i] = buffer[vec_length - 1 - i];
*position = x;
return( position );
// Handle case where reallocation is necessary.
size_type temp_length;
pointer temp_buffer = alloc( vec_length + 1, temp_length );
size_type copy_count = 0;
pointer src_iterator = buffer;
pointer dst_iterator = temp_buffer;
try {
while( src_iterator != position ) {
mem.construct( dst_iterator, *src_iterator );
++copy_count; ++src_iterator; ++dst_iterator;
mem.construct( dst_iterator, x );
++copy_count; ++dst_iterator;
while( src_iterator != buffer + vec_length ) {
mem.construct( dst_iterator, *src_iterator );
++copy_count; ++src_iterator; ++dst_iterator;
catch( ... ) {
for( size_type i = 0; i < copy_count; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &temp_buffer[i] );
mem.deallocate( temp_buffer, temp_length );
// It worked. Commit the new value.
for( size_type i = 0; i < vec_length; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &buffer[i] );
mem.deallocate( buffer, buf_length );
buffer = temp_buffer;
buf_length = temp_length;
return( buffer + iposition );
// insert( iterator, size_type, const Type & )
// *******************************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void vector< Type, Allocator >::insert(
iterator position, size_type n, const Type &x
size_type iposition = static_cast< size_type >( position - buffer );
if( n == 0 ) return;
// Handle the case where reallocation isn't necessary.
if( vec_length + n <= buf_length ) {
// FIX ME: This code isn't exception safe.
// Open a gap of size n.
size_type copya; // Number of objects needing assignment.
size_type copyc; // Number of objects needing copy construction.
copya = ( iposition + n < vec_length ) ? vec_length - iposition - n : 0;
copyc = vec_length - iposition - copya;
// Copy construct tail of vector into fresh memory.
uninitialized_copy( position + copya,
position + copya + copyc,
position + copya + n );
// Assign remaining elements in reverse order.
iterator src_iterator( position + copya - 1);
iterator dst_iterator( buffer + vec_length - 1 );
for( size_type i = 0; i < copya; ++i ) {
*dst_iterator = *src_iterator;
--src_iterator; --dst_iterator;
// Fill the gap.
size_type filla; // Number of objects needing assignment.
size_type fillc; // Number of objects needing copy construction.
filla = ( n >= vec_length - iposition ) ? vec_length - iposition : n;
fillc = n - filla;
// Copy construct new objects (if any).
uninitialized_fill_n( buffer + vec_length, fillc, x );
// Assign remaining elements.
dst_iterator = position;
for( size_type i = 0; i < filla; ++i ) {
*dst_iterator = x;
vec_length += copyc + fillc;
// Handle case where reallocation is necessary.
size_type temp_length;
pointer temp_buffer = alloc( vec_length + n, temp_length );
size_type copy_count = 0;
pointer src_iterator = buffer;
pointer dst_iterator = temp_buffer;
try {
while( src_iterator != position ) {
mem.construct( dst_iterator, *src_iterator );
++copy_count; ++src_iterator; ++dst_iterator;
for( size_type i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
mem.construct( dst_iterator, x );
++copy_count; ++dst_iterator;
while( src_iterator != buffer + vec_length ) {
mem.construct( dst_iterator, *src_iterator );
++copy_count; ++src_iterator; ++dst_iterator;
catch( ... ) {
for( size_type i = 0; i < copy_count; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &temp_buffer[i] );
mem.deallocate( temp_buffer, temp_length );
// It worked. Commit the new value.
for( size_type i = 0; i < vec_length; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &buffer[i] );
mem.deallocate( buffer, buf_length );
buffer = temp_buffer;
buf_length = temp_length;
vec_length = vec_length + n;
// erase( iterator )
// *****************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::erase( iterator position )
iterator return_value( position );
while( position != buffer + vec_length - 1 ) {
*position = *( position + 1 );
mem.destroy( position );
return( return_value );
// erase( iterator, iterator )
// ***************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
typename vector< Type, Allocator >::iterator
vector< Type, Allocator >::erase( iterator first, iterator last )
iterator return_value( first );
difference_type removed( last - first );
while( last != buffer + vec_length ) {
*first = *last;
++first; ++last;
while( first != buffer + vec_length ) {
mem.destroy( first );
vec_length -= removed;
return( return_value );
// swap( )
// *******
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void vector< Type, Allocator >::swap( vector &vec )
typename Allocator::pointer ptemp;
typename Allocator::size_type stemp;
Allocator atemp;
ptemp = buffer;
buffer = vec.buffer;
vec.buffer = ptemp;
stemp = buf_length;
buf_length = vec.buf_length;
vec.buf_length = stemp;
stemp = vec_length;
vec_length = vec.vec_length;
vec.vec_length = stemp;
atemp = mem;
mem = vec.mem;
vec.mem = atemp;
// clear( )
// ********
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void vector< Type, Allocator >::clear( )
// Delete objects actually in use.
for( size_type i = 0; i < vec_length; ++i ) {
mem.destroy( &buffer[i] );
vec_length = 0;
// _Sane( ) const
// **************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
bool vector< Type, Allocator >::_Sane( ) const
if( buf_length == 0 ) return( false );
if( buf_length < vec_length ) return( false );
// Is buf_length a power of 2?
size_type temp = buf_length;
while( temp != 1 ) {
if( temp & 0x1 ) return( false );
temp >>= 1;
return( true );
// ===============================
// Ordinary functions using vector
// ===============================
// operator==( const vector &, const vector & )
// ********************************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
bool operator==(
const vector< Type, Allocator > &x,
const vector< Type, Allocator > &y )
if( x.size( ) != y.size( ) ) return( false );
vector< Type, Allocator>::size_type index = 0;
while( index < x.size( ) ) {
if( x[index] != y[index] ) return( false );
return( true );
// operator!=( const vector &, const vector & )
// ********************************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
bool operator!=(
const vector< Type, Allocator > &x,
const vector< Type, Allocator > &y )
return( !(x == y) );
// operator<( const vector &, const vector & )
// *******************************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
bool operator<(
const vector< Type, Allocator > &x,
const vector< Type, Allocator > &y )
vector< Type, Allocator>::size_type index = 0;
while( index != x.size( ) && index != y.size( ) ) {
if( x[index] < y[index] ) return( true );
if( y[index] < x[index] ) return( false );
return( index == x.size( ) && index != y.size( ) );
// operator<=( const vector &, const vector & )
// ********************************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
bool operator<=(
const vector< Type, Allocator > &x,
const vector< Type, Allocator > &y )
return( !( x > y) );
// operator>( const vector &, const vector & )
// *******************************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
bool operator>(
const vector< Type, Allocator > &x,
const vector< Type, Allocator > &y )
return( y < x);
// operator>=( const vector &, const vector & )
// ********************************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
bool operator>=(
const vector< Type, Allocator > &x,
const vector< Type, Allocator > &y )
return( !(x < y) );
#ifdef __NEVER
// swap( vector &, vector & )
// **************************
template< class Type, class Allocator >
void swap( vector< Type, Allocator > &x, vector< Type, Allocator > &y )
x.swap( y );
} // namespace std