939 lines
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939 lines
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// wchash.h Defines for the WATCOM Container Hash Table Class
// =========================================================================
// Open Watcom Project
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
// =========================================================================
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This header file requires C++
#include <wcdefs.h>
#include <wcexcept.h>
#include <wclist.h>
#include <wclistit.h>
#include <wchbase.h>
#if defined( new ) && defined( _WNEW_OPERATOR )
#undef new
#if defined( delete ) && defined( _WDELETE_OPERATOR )
#undef delete
// Macros to allow the user to find the size of objects which will be allocated
// and deallocated using their allocator and deallocator functions
#define WCValHashTableItemSize( Type ) sizeof( WCHashLink<Type> )
#define WCPtrHashTableItemSize( Type ) sizeof( WCHashLink<Type *> )
#define WCValHashSetItemSize( Type ) sizeof( WCHashLink<Type> )
#define WCPtrHashSetItemSize( Type ) sizeof( WCHashLink<Type *> )
#define WCValHashDictItemSize( Key, Value ) \
sizeof( WCHashLink<WCHashDictKeyVal<Key, Value> > )
#define WCPtrHashDictItemSize( Key, Value ) \
sizeof( WCHashLink<WCHashDictKeyVal<void *, void *> > )
// WCValHashTable - hash table for values, values do not need to be unique
template <class Type>
class WCValHashTable : public WCHashBase {
void * (* alloc_fn)( size_t );
void (* dealloc_fn)( void *, size_t );
typedef WCHashLink<Type> HashLink;
// for PtrHash, hash_fn has the same prototype (ie Type is not really
// <Type *> but just the Type which the PtrHash is templated over). This
// is accomplished by casting and base_get_bucket being virtual. This
// way the user can have an identical hash fn for both ValHash and PtrHash.
unsigned (*hash_fn)( const Type & );
// assignment operator base
void base_assign( const WCValHashTable * orig );
// copy constructor base
void base_construct( const WCValHashTable * orig );
// for WCHashBase::base_construct
virtual BaseHashLink *base_copy_link( const BaseHashLink *orig ) {
return( WCHashNew( &( (HashLink *)orig )->data ) );
// defines element equivalence, virtual, since pointer and dictionary
// hash classes inherit from WCValHashTable, and have different
// equivalence definitions
// prototype is really base_equivalent(HashLink *, Type *)
virtual int base_equivalent( BaseHashLink *elem1
, TTypePtr elem2 ) const {
return( (const Type)( (HashLink *)elem1 )->data
== *(const Type *)elem2 );
inline HashLink *base_find( const Type & elem, unsigned *bucket
, unsigned *index, find_type type ) const {
return( (HashLink *)WCHashBase::base_find( &elem, bucket
, index, type ) );
// return the bucket an element hashes to
virtual unsigned base_get_bucket_for_link( BaseHashLink *link ) const {
return( base_get_bucket( &( (HashLink *)link )->data ) );
// parameter is really ( Type * elem )
virtual unsigned base_get_bucket( TTypePtr elem ) const {
return( hash_fn( *(const Type *)elem ) % num_buckets );
inline HashLink *base_remove_but_not_delete( const Type & elem ) {
return( (HashLink *)WCHashBase::base_remove_but_not_delete( &elem ) );
inline HashLink *base_set_insert( const Type & elem ) {
return( (HashLink *)WCHashBase::base_set_insert( &elem ) );
// similar to new and delete, but these will use user allocator and
// deallocator functions if they were passed in
virtual BaseHashLink * WCHashNew( TTypePtr elem );
virtual void WCHashDelete( BaseHashLink *old_link );
inline WCValHashTable( unsigned (*fn)( const Type & )
, unsigned buckets = WC_DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE
) : WCHashBase( buckets ), alloc_fn( 0 )
, dealloc_fn( 0 ), hash_fn( fn ) {};
inline WCValHashTable( unsigned (*fn)( const Type & )
, unsigned buckets
, void * (*user_alloc)( size_t )
, void (*user_dealloc)( void *, size_t )
) : WCHashBase( buckets ), alloc_fn( user_alloc )
, dealloc_fn( user_dealloc ), hash_fn( fn ) {};
inline WCValHashTable( const WCValHashTable &orig ) {
if( orig.num_buckets > 0 ) {
hash_array = new WCIsvSList<BaseHashLink>[ orig.num_buckets ];
} else {
hash_array = 0;
base_construct( &orig );
virtual ~WCValHashTable ();
inline unsigned buckets () const {
return( num_buckets );
inline void clear () {
inline WCbool contains( const Type & elem ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
return( base_find( elem, &bucket, &index, FIND_FIRST ) != 0 );
inline unsigned entries() const {
return( num_entries );
WCbool find( const Type &search, Type &return_val ) const;
void forAll( void (*)(Type, void*), void * ) const;
inline WCbool insert( const Type & elem ) {
return( WCHashBase::insert( &elem ) );
inline WCbool isEmpty () const {
return( 0 == num_entries );
inline unsigned occurrencesOf( const Type &elem ) const {
return( WCHashBase::occurrencesOf( &elem ) );
WCbool remove( const Type &elem );
inline unsigned removeAll( const Type &elem ) {
return( WCHashBase::removeAll( &elem ) );
inline void resize( unsigned buckets ) {
WCHashBase::resize( buckets );
inline WCValHashTable &operator=( const WCValHashTable & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
inline int operator==( const WCValHashTable &rhs ) const {
return( this == &rhs );
template <class Type>
void WCValHashTable<Type>::base_assign( const WCValHashTable * orig ) {
if( this != orig ) {
delete [] hash_array;
if( orig->num_buckets > 0 ) {
hash_array = new WCIsvSList<BaseHashLink>[ orig->num_buckets ];
} else {
hash_array = 0;
base_construct( orig );
template <class Type>
void WCValHashTable<Type>::base_construct( const WCValHashTable * orig ) {
alloc_fn = orig->alloc_fn;
dealloc_fn = orig->dealloc_fn;
hash_fn = orig->hash_fn;
WCHashBase::base_construct( orig );
template <class Type>
WCSLink *WCValHashTable<Type>::WCHashNew( TTypePtr elem ) {
HashLink *new_link;
if( alloc_fn ) {
// call the user specified allocator function to get the memory
new_link = (HashLink *)alloc_fn( sizeof( HashLink ) );
} else {
new_link = (HashLink *)new char[ sizeof( HashLink ) ];
if( new_link ) {
// use the placement syntax to call WCHashLink's copy constructor
// with the memory allocated above
new( new_link ) HashLink( *(const Type *)elem );
return( new_link );
template <class Type>
void WCValHashTable<Type>::WCHashDelete( BaseHashLink *old_base_link ) {
HashLink *old_link = (HashLink *)old_base_link;
if( old_link ) {
if( dealloc_fn ) {
// call the user specified deallocator functor to free the memory
dealloc_fn( old_link, sizeof( HashLink ) );
} else {
delete [] (char *)old_link;
template <class Type>
WCValHashTable<Type>::~WCValHashTable () {
if( num_entries > 0 ) {
delete [] hash_array;
template <class Type>
WCbool WCValHashTable<Type>::find( const Type &search
, Type &return_val ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
HashLink *link = base_find( search, &bucket, &index, FIND_FIRST );
if( link ) {
return_val = link->data;
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
template <class Type>
void WCValHashTable<Type>::forAll( void (*user_fn)(Type, void*)
, void *data ) const {
WCIsvSListIter<BaseHashLink> iter;
HashLink *link;
for( int i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++ ) {
iter.reset( hash_array[ i ] );
while( ( link = (HashLink *)++iter ) != 0 ) {
user_fn( link->data, data );
template <class Type>
WCbool WCValHashTable<Type>::remove( const Type &elem ) {
HashLink *link = base_remove_but_not_delete( elem );
if( link ) {
WCHashDelete( link );
return( link != 0 );
// WCPtrHashTable - hash table for pointers, values pointed to do not need
// to be unique
// Implementation note:
// WCPtrHashTable inherits from WCValHashTable templated over <void *>. This
// saves most of the hash table code being generated for pointer hash tables
// templated over different types, speeding up compile time, and reducing
// code size.
template <class Type>
class WCPtrHashTable : public WCValHashTable<void *> {
// the real type of what is stored in the hash table
typedef Type * __Type_Ptr;
// all pointers are stored as pointers to void so that all pointer hashes
// inherit from WCValHashTable templated over <void *>
typedef void * __Stored_Ptr;
// the hashing function which the user passes in, and what is called
typedef unsigned (*_HashFnType)( const Type & );
// the hashing function is stored by WCValHashTable, and this type
// matches the type WCValHashTable stores
typedef unsigned (*_StorageHashFnType)( const __Stored_Ptr & );
// the user function passed to the forAll member function is passed
// to WCValHashTable< void * >::forAll using this cast type
typedef void (*_ForAllFnCast)( void *, void * );
// equivalence definition for WCPtrHashTable, two pointers are equivalent
// if the values pointed to are equivalent
// prototype is really base_equivalent(HashLink *, Type * *)
virtual int base_equivalent( BaseHashLink *elem1
, TTypePtr elem2 ) const {
return( *(const Type *)( (HashLink *)elem1 )->data
== * *(const Type * *)elem2 );
// determine the bucket elem hashes to
// parameter is really ( Type * * elem )
virtual unsigned base_get_bucket( TTypePtr elem ) const {
return( ( (_HashFnType)hash_fn )( * *(Type * *)elem ) % num_buckets );
inline WCPtrHashTable( _HashFnType fn
, unsigned buckets = WC_DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE
) : WCValHashTable( (_StorageHashFnType)fn, buckets ) {};
inline WCPtrHashTable( _HashFnType fn
, unsigned buckets
, void * (*user_alloc)( size_t )
, void (*user_dealloc)( void *, size_t )
) : WCValHashTable( (_StorageHashFnType)fn, buckets
, user_alloc, user_dealloc ) {};
inline WCPtrHashTable( const WCPtrHashTable &orig )
: WCValHashTable( orig.hash_fn, orig.num_buckets ) {
base_construct( &orig );
virtual ~WCPtrHashTable() {};
void clearAndDestroy();
inline WCbool contains( const Type *elem ) const {
return( WCValHashTable::contains( (const __Type_Ptr)elem ) );
Type *find( const Type *elem ) const;
void forAll( void (*fn)(Type *, void*), void *data ) const {
WCValHashTable::forAll( (_ForAllFnCast)fn, data );
inline WCbool insert( Type *elem ) {
return( WCValHashTable::insert( elem ) );
inline unsigned occurrencesOf( const Type *elem ) const {
return( WCValHashTable::occurrencesOf( (const __Type_Ptr)elem ) );
Type *remove( const Type *elem );
inline unsigned removeAll( const Type *elem ) {
return( WCValHashTable::removeAll( (const __Type_Ptr)elem ) );
inline WCPtrHashTable &operator=( const WCPtrHashTable & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
template <class Type>
void WCPtrHashTable<Type>::clearAndDestroy() {
HashLink *link;
for( unsigned i = 0; i < buckets(); i++ ) {
while( ( link = (HashLink *)hash_array[ i ].get() ) != 0 ) {
delete( (Type *)link->data );
WCHashDelete( link );
num_entries = 0;
template <class Type>
Type *WCPtrHashTable<Type>::find( const Type *elem ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
HashLink *link = base_find( (const __Type_Ptr)elem
, &bucket, &index, FIND_FIRST );
if( link ) {
return( (Type *)link->data );
} else {
return( 0 );
template <class Type>
Type *WCPtrHashTable<Type>::remove( const Type *elem ) {
HashLink *link = base_remove_but_not_delete(
(const __Type_Ptr)elem );
if( link != 0 ) {
Type *ret_ptr = (Type *)link->data;
WCHashDelete( link );
return( ret_ptr );
} else {
return( 0 );
// WCValHashSet - hash table for values, values must be unique
template <class Type>
class WCValHashSet : public WCValHashTable<Type> {
// not necessary for a set, contains and remove can be used instead
unsigned occurrencesOf( const Type &elem ) const;
unsigned removeAll( const Type &elem );
inline WCValHashSet( unsigned (*fn)( const Type & )
, unsigned buckets = WC_DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE
) : WCValHashTable( fn, buckets ) {};
inline WCValHashSet( unsigned (*fn)( const Type & )
, unsigned buckets
, void * (*user_alloc)( size_t )
, void (*user_dealloc)( void *, size_t )
) : WCValHashTable( fn, buckets
, user_alloc, user_dealloc ) {};
inline WCValHashSet( const WCValHashSet &orig
) : WCValHashTable( orig.hash_fn, orig.num_buckets ) {
base_construct( &orig );
virtual ~WCValHashSet() {};
inline WCValHashSet &operator=( const WCValHashSet & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
inline WCbool insert( const Type & elem ) {
return( base_set_insert( elem ) != 0 );
// WCPtrHashSet - hash table for pointers values, values pointed to must
// be unique
template <class Type>
class WCPtrHashSet : public WCPtrHashTable<Type> {
// not necessary for a set, contains and remove can be used instead
unsigned occurrencesOf( const Type *elem ) const;
unsigned removeAll( const Type *elem );
inline WCPtrHashSet( unsigned (*fn)( const Type & )
, unsigned buckets = WC_DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE
) : WCPtrHashTable( fn, buckets ) {};
inline WCPtrHashSet( unsigned (*fn)( const Type & )
, unsigned buckets
, void * (*user_alloc)( size_t )
, void (*user_dealloc)( void *, size_t )
) : WCPtrHashTable( fn, buckets
, user_alloc, user_dealloc ) {};
inline WCPtrHashSet( const WCPtrHashSet &orig
) : WCPtrHashTable( (_HashFnType)orig.hash_fn
, orig.num_buckets ) {
base_construct( &orig );
virtual ~WCPtrHashSet() {};
inline WCPtrHashSet &operator=( const WCPtrHashSet & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
inline WCbool insert( Type * elem ) {
return( base_set_insert( elem ) != 0 );
// WCValHashDict - hash dictionary for Keys and Values. Keys must be unique
// Lookup is done using the Key, and both the Key and Value are stored.
// The Key can be viewed as a handle to the Value.
template<class Key, class Value>
class WCValHashDict : public WCValHashSet<WCHashDictKeyVal<Key, Value> > {
// the type stored by WCValHashSet
typedef WCHashDictKeyVal<Key, Value> KeyVal;
// the prototype of the user's hash function
typedef unsigned (*_HashFnType)( const Key & );
// the prototype of the hash function stored by WCValHashSet
typedef unsigned (*_StorageHashFnType)( const KeyVal & );
// element equivalence definition (used by base classes), two elements
// are equivalent if their keys are equivalent
// prototype is really base_equivalent(HashLink *, KeyVal *)
virtual int base_equivalent( BaseHashLink *elem1, TTypePtr elem2 ) const {
return( (const Key)( (HashLink *)elem1 )->data.key
== ( (const KeyVal *)elem2)->key );
// equivalence definition for hash dictionaries
virtual int base_dict_equivalent( const Key key1, const Key key2 ) const {
return( key1 == key2 );
// find an key-value element with a matching key
HashLink *base_dict_find( const Key &search
, unsigned *bucket, unsigned *index ) const;
// return the bucket which elem hashes to (used by base classes)
// parameter is really ( KeyVal * elem )
virtual unsigned base_get_bucket( TTypePtr elem ) const {
return( base_get_dict_bucket( ( (const KeyVal *)elem )->key ) );
// return the bucket which key hashes to
inline virtual unsigned base_get_dict_bucket( const Key & key ) const {
return( ((_HashFnType)hash_fn)( key ) % num_buckets );
inline WCValHashDict( _HashFnType fn
, unsigned buckets = WC_DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE
) : WCValHashSet( (_StorageHashFnType)fn, buckets ) {};
inline WCValHashDict( _HashFnType fn
, unsigned buckets
, void * (*user_alloc)( size_t )
, void (*user_dealloc)( void *, size_t )
) : WCValHashSet( (_StorageHashFnType)fn, buckets
, user_alloc, user_dealloc ) {};
inline WCValHashDict( const WCValHashDict &orig
) : WCValHashSet( orig ) {};
virtual ~WCValHashDict() {};
inline WCbool contains( const Key & key ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
return( base_dict_find( key, &bucket, &index ) != 0 );
WCbool find( const Key &search, Value &return_val ) const;
WCbool findKeyAndValue( const Key &search, Key &ret_key
, Value &ret_value ) const;
void forAll( void (*)(Key, Value, void*), void * ) const;
WCbool insert( const Key & key, const Value & value ) {
KeyVal key_and_val( key, value );
return( WCValHashSet::insert( key_and_val ) );
WCbool remove( const Key &elem );
inline WCValHashDict &operator=( const WCValHashDict & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
Value & operator[]( const Key & key );
const Value & operator[]( const Key & key ) const;
friend class WCValHashDictIter;
template <class Key, class Value>
WCHashLink<WCHashDictKeyVal<Key, Value> > *WCValHashDict<Key, Value>
::base_dict_find( const Key & elem, unsigned *bucket
, unsigned *ret_index ) const {
if( num_buckets == 0 ) {
return( 0 );
int index = 0;
*bucket = base_get_dict_bucket( elem );
WCIsvSListIter<BaseHashLink> iter( hash_array[ *bucket ] );
HashLink *link;
while( ( link = (HashLink *)++iter ) != 0 ) {
if( base_dict_equivalent( link->data.key, elem ) ) {
*ret_index = index;
return( link );
return( 0 );
template <class Key, class Value>
WCbool WCValHashDict<Key, Value>::find( const Key &search
, Value &return_val ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
HashLink *link = base_dict_find( search, &bucket, &index );
if( link ) {
return_val = link->data.value;
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
template <class Key, class Value>
WCbool WCValHashDict<Key, Value>::findKeyAndValue( const Key &search
, Key &return_key, Value &return_val ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
HashLink *link = base_dict_find( search, &bucket, &index );
if( link ) {
return_key = link->data.key;
return_val = link->data.value;
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
template <class Key, class Value>
void WCValHashDict<Key, Value>::forAll( void (*user_fn)(Key, Value
, void*)
, void *data ) const {
WCIsvSListIter<BaseHashLink> iter;
HashLink *link;
for( int i = 0; i < num_buckets; i++ ) {
iter.reset( hash_array[ i ] );
while( ( link = (HashLink *)++iter ) != 0 ) {
user_fn( link->data.key, link->data.value, data );
template <class Key, class Value>
WCbool WCValHashDict<Key, Value>::remove( const Key &elem ) {
unsigned bucket, index;
if( base_dict_find( elem, &bucket, &index ) ) {
HashLink *link = (HashLink *)hash_array[ bucket ].get( index );
WCHashDelete( link );
return( TRUE );
} else {
return( FALSE );
template <class Key, class Value>
Value & WCValHashDict<Key, Value>::operator[]( const Key & key ) {
unsigned bucket, index;
HashLink *link = base_dict_find( key, &bucket, &index );
if( link != 0 ) {
return( link->data.value );
} else {
KeyVal key_and_val( key );
link = base_set_insert( key_and_val );
if( link ) {
return( link->data.value );
} else {
// insert failed because allocation failed and out_of_memory
// exception disabled
return( *(Value *)0 );
template <class Key, class Value>
const Value & WCValHashDict<Key, Value>::operator[]( const Key & key ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
HashLink *link = base_dict_find( key, &bucket, &index );
if( link != 0 ) {
return( link->data.value );
} else {
// key not found, and index_range is disabled
return( *( const Value *)0 );
// WCPtrHashDict - hash dictionary for Keys and Values. Only the pointers
// to the Keys and Values are copied into the dictionary. Keys must be unique
// Lookup is done using the Key, and both the Key and Value are stored.
// The Key can be viewed as a handle to the Value.
// Implementation note:
// WCPtrHashDict inherits from WCValHashDict templated over <void *, void *>.
// This saves most of the hash dictionary code being generated for pointer
// hash dictionaries templated over different types, speeding up compile time,
// and reducing code size.
template<class Key, class Value>
class WCPtrHashDict : public WCValHashDict<void *, void *> {
// the real type that is stored in the hash dictionary
typedef WCHashDictKeyVal<Key *, Value *> KeyVal;
// all pointers are stored as pointers to void so that all pointer hashes
// inherit from WCValHashDict templated over <void *, void *>
typedef WCHashDictKeyVal<void *, void *> StoredKeyVal;
// the hashing function which the user passes in, and what is called
typedef unsigned (*_HashFnType)( const Key & );
// the hashing function is stored by WCValHashDict, and this type
// matches the type WCValHashDict stores
typedef unsigned (*_StorageHashFnType)( void * const & );
// the user function passed to the forAll member function is passed
// to WCValHashDict<void *, void *>::forAll using this cast
typedef void (*_ForAllFnCast)( void *, void *, void * );
typedef Key *Key_Ptr;
// equivalence definition for pointer hash dictionaries
// prototype is really base_equivalent(HashLink *, KeyVal *)
virtual int base_equivalent( BaseHashLink *elem1
, TTypePtr elem2 ) const {
return( *(const Key *)( (HashLink *)elem1 )->data.key
== *(const Key *)( (KeyVal *)elem2 )->key );
// find an key-value element with a matching key
virtual int base_dict_equivalent( void *const key1
, void *const key2 ) const {
return( *(const Key *)key1 == *(const Key *)key2 );
// return the bucket which elem hashes to (used by base classes)
// parameter is really ( KeyVal * elem )
virtual unsigned base_get_bucket( TTypePtr elem ) const {
return( base_get_dict_bucket( ( (StoredKeyVal *)elem)->key ) );
// return the bucket which key hashes to
inline virtual unsigned base_get_dict_bucket( void * const & key ) const {
return( ((_HashFnType)hash_fn)( *(Key *)key ) % num_buckets );
inline WCPtrHashDict( _HashFnType fn
, unsigned buckets = WC_DEFAULT_HASH_SIZE
) : WCValHashDict( (_StorageHashFnType)fn, buckets ) {};
inline WCPtrHashDict( _HashFnType fn
, unsigned buckets
, void * (*user_alloc)( size_t )
, void (*user_dealloc)( void *, size_t )
) : WCValHashDict( (_StorageHashFnType)fn, buckets
, user_alloc, user_dealloc ) {};
inline WCPtrHashDict( const WCPtrHashDict &orig
) : WCValHashDict( orig ) {};
virtual ~WCPtrHashDict() {};
void clearAndDestroy();
inline WCbool contains( const Key * key ) const {
return( WCValHashDict::contains( (const Key_Ptr)key ) );
Value *find( const Key * ) const;
Value *findKeyAndValue( const Key * search, Key * &ret_key ) const;
inline void forAll( void (*user_fn)(Key *, Value *, void*)
, void *data ) const {
WCValHashDict::forAll( (_ForAllFnCast)user_fn, data );
inline WCbool insert( Key * key, Value * value ) {
return( WCValHashDict::insert( (const Key_Ptr)key
, (Value * const)value ) );
Value *remove( const Key * key );
inline WCPtrHashDict &operator=( const WCPtrHashDict & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
inline Value * & operator[]( const Key * key ) {
return( (Value * &)WCValHashDict::operator[]( (const Key_Ptr)key ) );
inline Value * const & operator[]( const Key * key ) const {
return( (Value * const &)WCValHashDict
::operator[]( (const Key_Ptr)key ) );
template <class Key, class Value>
void WCPtrHashDict<Key, Value>::clearAndDestroy() {
HashLink *link;
for( unsigned i = 0; i < buckets(); i++ ) {
while( ( link = (HashLink *)hash_array[ i ].get() ) != 0 ) {
delete( (Key *)link->data.key );
delete( (Value *)link->data.value );
WCHashDelete( link );
num_entries = 0;
template <class Key, class Value>
Value *WCPtrHashDict<Key, Value>::find( const Key * search ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
HashLink *link = base_dict_find( (const Key_Ptr)search, &bucket, &index );
if( link ) {
return( (Value *)link->data.value );
} else {
return( 0 );
template <class Key, class Value>
Value *WCPtrHashDict<Key, Value>::findKeyAndValue( const Key * search
, Key * &ret_key ) const {
unsigned bucket, index;
HashLink *link = base_dict_find( (const Key_Ptr)search, &bucket, &index );
if( link ) {
ret_key = (Key *)link->data.key;
return( (Value *)link->data.value );
} else {
return( 0 );
template <class Key, class Value>
Value *WCPtrHashDict<Key, Value>::remove( const Key *elem ) {
unsigned bucket, index;
if( base_dict_find( (const Key_Ptr)elem, &bucket, &index ) ) {
HashLink *link = (HashLink *)hash_array[ bucket ].get( index );
Value *ret_ptr = (Value *)link->data.value;
WCHashDelete( link );
return( ret_ptr );
} else {
return( 0 );
#define new _WNEW_OPERATOR
#define delete _WDELETE_OPERATOR