925 lines
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925 lines
26 KiB
// wcvbase.h Definitions for the base classes used by
// the WATCOM Container Vector Class
// =========================================================================
// Open Watcom Project
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
// =========================================================================
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This header file requires C++
#include <wcexcept.h>
// "Warning! W549: 'sizeof' operand contains compiler generated information"
#pragma warning 549 9
#if defined( new ) && defined( _WNEW_OPERATOR )
#undef new
#if defined( delete ) && defined( _WDELETE_OPERATOR )
#undef delete
// constants used by vector classes
// The default number of elements a vector is created to store. Specifying
// the first parameter to the vector constructors will override this value.
const size_t WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_LENGTH = 10;
// The default number of elements a vector will grow by when an element is
// inserted into a full vector (the number of entries in the vector is
// the same as the vector length). This growth is performed using the
// resize member function.
// This constant applies only ordered and sorted vectors with the
// resize_required exception disabled.
// Specifying the second paramter to the ordered and sorted vector
// constructors will override this value.
// Implementation note:
// From the user's view, all vector elements have been constructed
// (possibly with only the default constructor).
// In order to avoid any overhead from default intializing and then
// immediately assigning a value to a vector element, the C-array used
// to implement arrays is uninitialized (contains raw memory with none
// of Type's constuctors called) until it needs to be. This means
// more efficient copy constucters can be used, and default constuctors
// do not get called unless they need to. This is especially helpfull
// for the resize member function.
// Initializing previously allocated chunks of memory requires calling the
// new operator with the allocated memory as a placement syntax parameter.
// If Type defines an operator new with any parameters, then Type must
// provide the following operator new for the vector classes:
// void *operator new( size_t, void *ptr ) { return ptr; }
// WCValVector and WCPtrVector are implemented so that whenever the user
// accesses an element which has not been initialized, all uninitalized
// elements upto and including the accessed element are initialized using
// Type's default constructor.
// ordered and sorted vectors do not have this "random access" issue, since
// the index operator can only index previously initialized elements. The
// last element in a vector is copied in using the copy constructor on and
// each insert, and the last element(s) in a vector is/are destructed after
// a remove is performed, so that the number of initialized elements in a
// vector is always equal to the number of entries in the vector.
// This class is the base class for all vector container classes.
// WCExcept provides common exception handling for all vectors.
// It is an abstract base class to prevent objects of this class
// from being created.
template<class Type>
class WCBareVectorBase : public WCExcept {
Type *vector;
int vector_len;
int num_init;
// WCValVector, WCPtrVector assignment operator base
void base_assign( const WCBareVectorBase * );
// WCValVector, WCPtrVector copy constructor base
void base_construct( const WCBareVectorBase * );
int base_index_check( int ) const;
virtual void base_init_upto( int );
WCBareVectorBase( size_t length );
virtual ~WCBareVectorBase() = 0;
int operator==( const WCBareVectorBase & rhs ) const {
return( this == &rhs );
inline void clear() {
resize( 0 );
WCbool resize( size_t new_length );
template<class Type>
void WCBareVectorBase<Type>::base_assign( const WCBareVectorBase * orig ) {
if( this != orig ) {
resize( 0 );
base_construct( orig );
template<class Type>
void WCBareVectorBase<Type>::base_construct( const WCBareVectorBase * orig ) {
WCExcept::base_construct( orig );
num_init = orig->num_init;
vector_len = orig->vector_len;
if( vector_len > 0 ) {
// get the raw memory for the vector's C-array
vector = ( Type * )new char[ sizeof( Type ) * vector_len ];
if( vector != 0 ) {
for( int i = 0; i < num_init; i++ ) {
// Copy all initialized elements from orig to vector, using
// Type's copy constructor. The placement parameter is used
// so that the C-array's raw memory is initialized, instead
// of allocating a new chunck of memory.
new( &( vector[ i ] ) ) Type( orig->vector[ i ] );
} else {
num_init = 0;
vector_len = 0;
} else {
vector = 0;
template<class Type>
int WCBareVectorBase<Type>::base_index_check( int index ) const {
int entry_index = vector_len - 1;
if( index < 0 || index > entry_index ) {
if( index < 0 ) {
index = 0;
} else {
if( entry_index <= 0 ) {
index = 0;
} else {
index = entry_index;
return( index );
// Initialize all unintialized elements upto and including the index'th
// element using Type's default constructor.
template<class Type>
void WCBareVectorBase<Type>::base_init_upto( int index ) {
if( index >= num_init ){
for( int i = num_init; i <= index; i++ ){
// initialize elements using Type's default constructor. The
// placement parameter is used so that the C-array's raw memory
// is initialized, instead of allocating a new chunck of memory.
new( &( vector[ i ] ) ) Type();
num_init = index + 1;
template<class Type>
WCBareVectorBase<Type>::WCBareVectorBase( size_t length ){
vector_len = length;
num_init = 0;
if( length > 0 ){
// get the raw memory for the vector's C-array
vector = ( Type * )new char[ sizeof( Type ) * length ];
if( vector == 0 ) {
vector_len = 0;
} else {
vector = 0;
template<class Type>
WCBareVectorBase<Type>::~WCBareVectorBase() {
if( vector ) {
// call destructors for any initialized elements
for( int i = 0; i < num_init; i++ ){
vector[ i ].~Type();
// delete the C-array (now just raw memory)
delete [] (char *)vector;
template<class Type>
WCbool WCBareVectorBase<Type>::resize( size_t new_length ) {
Type *new_vector;
int max_index = num_init < new_length ? num_init : new_length;
if( new_length > 0 ) {
// get the raw memory for the vector's C-array
new_vector = ( Type * )new char[ sizeof( Type ) * new_length ];
if( new_vector == 0 ){
return( FALSE );
// Copy all initialized elements from vector (the old C-array) to
// new_vector (the new C-array), using Type's copy constructor.
// The placement parameter is used so that the C-array's raw memory
// is initialized, instead of allocating a new chunck of memory.
for( int i = 0; i < max_index; i++ ){
new( &( new_vector[ i ] ) ) Type( vector[ i ] );
} else {
new_vector = 0;
// call destructors for any initialized elements in the old vector
for( int i = 0; i < num_init; i++ ){
vector[ i ].~Type();
// delete the old C-array (now just raw memory)
delete [] (char *) vector;
num_init = max_index;
vector = new_vector;
vector_len = new_length;
return( TRUE );
// This class is the base class for Ptr and Val OrderedVector and SortedVector
// container classes.
// It is an abstract base class to prevent objects of this class
// from being created.
template<class Type>
class WCVectorBase : public WCBareVectorBase<Type> {
unsigned num_entries;
unsigned resize_grow; // the number of elements to grow a vector
// when inserting into a full vector
enum find_type { // for the base_find function
find_any, // find any matching element in the vector
find_first, // find first matching element in vector
next_mult_find, // find next matching element in vector
find_for_insert }; // find index to insert element in sorted vector
// the assignment operator base
void base_assign( const WCVectorBase * );
// the copy constructor base
void base_construct( const WCVectorBase * );
virtual int base_equivalent( const Type &elem1
, const Type &elem2 ) const = 0;
// find first parm in vector, with specified find_type. index passes
// in where to start the search, and returns the index where first param
// found if returns true
virtual WCbool base_find( const Type &, find_type, int * index ) const = 0;
int base_index_check( int ) const;
WCbool base_insert_at( int, const Type& );
void base_remove_at( int );
inline WCVectorBase( size_t length, unsigned grow )
: num_entries( 0 ), resize_grow( grow ),
WCBareVectorBase<Type>( length ) {};
inline virtual ~WCVectorBase() = 0;
inline void clear() {
num_entries = 0;
WCbool contains( const Type & ) const;
inline unsigned entries() const {
return( num_entries );
WCbool find( const Type &elem, Type &ret_val ) const;
inline Type first() const {
return( vector[ base_index_check( 0 ) ] );
int index( const Type & ) const;
inline WCbool isEmpty() const {
return( num_entries == 0 );
inline Type last() const {
return( vector[ base_index_check( num_entries - 1 ) ] );
int occurrencesOf( const Type & elem ) const;
WCbool remove( const Type & elem );
unsigned removeAll( const Type & elem );
WCbool removeAt( int );
inline WCbool removeFirst() {
return( removeAt( 0 ) );
inline WCbool removeLast() {
return( removeAt( num_entries - 1 ) );
WCbool resize( size_t );
inline Type& operator[] ( int index ) {
return( vector[ base_index_check( index ) ] );
inline const Type& operator[] ( int index ) const {
return( vector[ base_index_check( index ) ] );
template<class Type>
void WCVectorBase<Type>::base_assign( const WCVectorBase * orig ) {
if( this != orig ) {
resize( 0 );
base_construct( orig );
template<class Type>
void WCVectorBase<Type>::base_construct( const WCVectorBase * orig ) {
WCBareVectorBase<Type>::base_construct( orig );
resize_grow = orig->resize_grow;
if( vector != 0 ) {
num_entries = orig->num_entries;
} else {
num_entries = 0;
// Check to see if index is valid, and return the closest valid index.
// If index is invalid then exceptions are thrown if enabled, and if
// exceptions are disabled and the vector has no entries, then the first
// element is default initialized, effectively inserting a first element
// (this is done for the index operators and first and last member
// functions)
template<class Type>
int WCVectorBase<Type>::base_index_check( int index ) const {
int entry_index = num_entries - 1;
if( index < 0 || index > entry_index ) {
if( num_entries == 0 ) {
// insert the first element as a default intialized element
WCVectorBase<Type> * const non_const_this
= ( WCVectorBase<Type> * )this;
if( vector_len == 0 ) {
if( !non_const_this->resize( 1 ) ) {
// An invalid operation on an empty vector, and out memory.
// return the first element of a NULL C-array.
return( 0 );
non_const_this->base_init_upto( 0 );
non_const_this->num_entries = 1;
index = 0;
} else if( index < 0 ) {
index = 0;
} else {
index = entry_index;
return( index );
// insert new_entry before the element currently at index. If index is the
// number of entries, insert new_entry as the last element.
template<class Type>
WCbool WCVectorBase<Type>::base_insert_at( int index, const Type& new_entry ) {
if( index > (int)num_entries ) {
index = num_entries;
} else if( index < 0 ) {
index = 0;
if( num_entries == vector_len ){
// automatically grow the vector if it was full, the resize_required
// exception is disabled, and the amount to grow the vector is greater
// than zero.
if( ( resize_grow == 0 )
||( !resize( vector_len + resize_grow ) ) ) {
return( FALSE );
// the last entry in the vector must be copied in, since it was previously
// unused, and unused elements are unitialized.
if( index == num_entries ){
new( &( vector[ index ] ) ) Type( new_entry );
} else {
new( &( vector[ num_entries ] ) ) Type( vector[ num_entries - 1 ] );
for( int i = num_entries - 2; i >= index; i-- ) {
vector[ i + 1 ] = vector[ i ];
vector[ index ] = new_entry;
return( TRUE );
template<class Type>
void WCVectorBase<Type>::base_remove_at( int index ) {
for( int i = index; i < num_entries - 1; i++ ) {
vector[ i ] = vector[ i + 1 ];
// destruct the last element in the array, so that unused elements are
// unitialized.
vector[ num_entries - 1 ].~Type();
template<class Type>
WCVectorBase<Type>::~WCVectorBase() {};
template<class Type>
WCbool WCVectorBase<Type>::contains( const Type &elem ) const {
int index = 0;
if( ( num_entries != 0 )
&&( base_find( elem, find_any, &index ) ) ) {
return( TRUE );
} else {
return( FALSE );
template<class Type>
WCbool WCVectorBase<Type>::find( const Type &elem, Type &ret_val ) const {
int index = 0;
if( ( num_entries > 0 )
&&( base_find( elem, find_first, &index ) ) ) {
ret_val = vector[ index ];
return( TRUE );
} else {
Type temp;
ret_val = temp;
return( FALSE );
template<class Type>
int WCVectorBase<Type>::index( const Type & elem ) const {
int ret_index = 0;
if( ( num_entries > 0 )
&&( base_find( elem, find_first, &ret_index ) ) ) {
return( ret_index );
} else {
return( -1 );
template<class Type>
int WCVectorBase<Type>::occurrencesOf( const Type & elem ) const {
int index = 0;
int count = 0;
if( ( num_entries > 0 )
&&( base_find( elem, find_first, &index ) ) ) {
do {
} while( base_find( elem, next_mult_find, &index ) );
return( count );
template<class Type>
WCbool WCVectorBase<Type>::remove( const Type & elem ) {
int index = 0;
if( ( num_entries > 0 )
&&( base_find( elem, find_first, &index ) ) ) {
base_remove_at( index );
return( TRUE );
} else {
return( FALSE );
template<class Type>
unsigned WCVectorBase<Type>::removeAll( const Type & elem ) {
int found_index = 0;
int count = 0;
// make sure only elements which need to be moved are moved
// no element is moved more than once
if( ( num_entries > 0 )
&&( base_find( elem, find_first, &found_index ) ) ) {
// at least one element is being removed
int curr_index = found_index;
while( base_find( elem, next_mult_find, &found_index ) ) {
// move entries which were between any occurrances of elem
for( ;curr_index < found_index - count; curr_index++ ){
vector[ curr_index ] = vector[ curr_index + count ];
// move entries after any occurances of elem
for( ;curr_index < num_entries - count; curr_index++ ){
vector[ curr_index ] = vector[ curr_index + count ];
// destruct elements at the end of the vector which were copied or
// removed, so that unused elements are unitialized
for( ;curr_index < num_entries; curr_index++ ){
vector[ curr_index ].~Type();
num_entries -= count;
num_init -= count;
return( count );
template<class Type>
WCbool WCVectorBase<Type>::removeAt( int index ) {
if( num_entries == 0 ) {
return( FALSE );
} else {
index = base_index_check( index );
base_remove_at( index );
return( TRUE );
template<class Type>
WCbool WCVectorBase<Type>::resize( size_t new_length ) {
WCbool return_val = WCBareVectorBase<Type>::resize( new_length );
if( return_val && num_entries > new_length ){
num_entries = new_length;
return( return_val );
// WCOrderedVectorBase - this is the base class for WCValOrderedVector and
// WCPtrOrderedVector.
// This is a abstract class to prevent objects of this type being created
template <class Type>
class WCOrderedVectorBase : public WCVectorBase<Type> {
virtual WCbool base_find( const Type &, find_type, int * ) const;
inline WCOrderedVectorBase( size_t length, unsigned default_grow )
: WCVectorBase<Type>( length, default_grow ) {};
inline virtual ~WCOrderedVectorBase() = 0;
inline WCbool append( const Type& new_elem ){
return( insert( new_elem ) );
inline WCbool insert( const Type& new_elem ){
return( base_insert_at( num_entries, new_elem ) );
inline WCbool insertAt( int index, const Type& new_elem ){
return( base_insert_at( index, new_elem ) );
inline WCbool prepend( const Type& new_elem ){
return( base_insert_at( 0, new_elem ) );
template <class Type>
WCOrderedVectorBase<Type>::~WCOrderedVectorBase() {};
template <class Type>
WCbool WCOrderedVectorBase<Type>::base_find( const Type &elem, find_type
, int *st_found_index ) const {
int index = *st_found_index;
while( index < num_entries ) {
if( base_equivalent( vector[ index ], elem ) ) {
*st_found_index = index;
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
// WCSortedVectorBase - this is the base class for WCValSortedVector and
// WCPtrSortedVector.
// This is a abstract class to prevent objects of this type being created
template <class Type>
class WCSortedVectorBase : public WCVectorBase<Type> {
virtual WCbool base_find( const Type &, find_type, int * ) const;
virtual int base_less_than( const Type& elem1
, const Type& elem2 ) const = 0;
inline WCSortedVectorBase( size_t length, unsigned default_grow )
: WCVectorBase<Type>( length, default_grow ) {};
inline virtual ~WCSortedVectorBase() = 0;
WCbool insert( const Type& );
template <class Type>
WCSortedVectorBase<Type>::~WCSortedVectorBase() {};
template <class Type>
WCbool WCSortedVectorBase<Type>::base_find( const Type &elem, find_type type
, int * st_found_index ) const {
// for multiple searches, check to see next element also matches
if( type == next_mult_find ) {
int index = *st_found_index;
if( ( index < num_entries )
&&( base_equivalent( vector[ index ], elem ) ) ) {
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
// the binary search
int low_bound = 0;
int up_bound = num_entries - 1;
int bisector;
while( low_bound < up_bound ) {
// bisector must be calculated so that it is less than up_bound
bisector = ( up_bound - low_bound ) / 2 + low_bound;
if( base_less_than( vector[ bisector ], elem ) ) {
low_bound = bisector + 1;
} else {
up_bound = bisector;
bisector = low_bound;
// if we found elem, the first match is at index bisector
if( base_equivalent( elem, vector[ bisector ] ) ) {
// found match, bisector is the first match
if( type == find_for_insert ) {
while( ( bisector < num_entries )
&&( base_equivalent( vector[ bisector ], elem ) ) ) {
*st_found_index = bisector;
return( TRUE );
// search failed, if find for insert make sure we are *after* elem
if( type == find_for_insert ){
if( base_less_than( vector[ bisector ], elem ) ) {
*st_found_index = bisector;
return( FALSE );
template <class Type>
WCbool WCSortedVectorBase<Type>::insert( const Type& elem ) {
int index = 0;
if( num_entries > 0 ) {
base_find( elem, find_for_insert, &index );
return( base_insert_at( index, elem ) );
// WCPtrVectorBase - this is a base class for WCPtrOrderedVector and
// WCPtrSortedVector.
// This is a abstract class to prevent objects of this type being created
// Implementation note:
// All WCPtrOrdered vectors and WCPtrSorted vectors inherit from WCVectorBase
// templated over <void *>. This saves most of the vector code being
// generated for pointer vectors templated over different types, speeding
// up compile time, and reducing code size.
template <class Type, class BaseClass>
class WCPtrVectorBase : public BaseClass {
typedef Type * __Type_Ptr;
typedef void * __Stored_Ptr;
inline Type *base_ptr_remove_at( int index ) {
Type *ret_ptr = (Type *)vector[ index ];
base_remove_at( index );
return( ret_ptr );
virtual void base_init_upto( int );
inline WCPtrVectorBase( size_t length, unsigned default_grow )
: BaseClass( length, default_grow ) {};
inline virtual ~WCPtrVectorBase() = 0;
void clearAndDestroy();
inline WCbool contains( const Type * elem ) const {
return( BaseClass::contains( (const __Type_Ptr)elem ) );
Type *find( const Type * elem ) const;
inline Type *first() const {
return( (Type *)BaseClass::first() );
inline int index( const Type * elem ) const {
return( BaseClass::index( (const __Type_Ptr)elem ) );
inline Type *last() const {
return( (Type *)BaseClass::last() );
int occurrencesOf( const Type * elem ) const {
return( BaseClass::occurrencesOf( (const __Type_Ptr)elem ) );
Type *remove( const Type * elem );
unsigned removeAll( const Type * elem ) {
return( BaseClass::removeAll( (const __Type_Ptr)elem ) );
Type *removeAt( int index );
inline Type *removeFirst() {
return( removeAt( 0 ) );
inline Type *removeLast() {
return( removeAt( num_entries - 1 ) );
inline Type * &operator[] ( int index ) {
return( (Type * &)BaseClass::operator[]( index ) );
inline Type * const & operator[] ( int index ) const {
return( (Type * const &)BaseClass::operator[]( index ) );
template<class Type, class BaseClass>
void WCPtrVectorBase<Type, BaseClass>::base_init_upto( int index ) {
if( index >= num_init ){
// intialize the vector by NULLing out unitialized elements
memset( &vector[ num_init ], 0
, ( index + 1 - num_init ) * sizeof( void * ) );
num_init = index + 1;
template <class Type, class BaseClass>
WCPtrVectorBase<Type, BaseClass>::~WCPtrVectorBase() {};
template<class Type, class BaseClass>
void WCPtrVectorBase<Type, BaseClass>::clearAndDestroy() {
for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_entries; i++ ) {
delete( (Type *)vector[ i ] );
template<class Type, class BaseClass>
Type *WCPtrVectorBase<Type, BaseClass>::find( const Type * elem ) const {
int index = 0;
if( ( num_entries > 0 )
&&( base_find( (const __Type_Ptr)elem, find_any, &index ) ) ) {
return( (Type *)vector[ index ] );
} else {
return( 0 );
template<class Type, class BaseClass>
Type *WCPtrVectorBase<Type, BaseClass>::remove( const Type *elem ) {
int index = 0;
if( ( num_entries > 0 )
&&( base_find( (const __Type_Ptr)elem, find_first, &index ) ) ) {
return( base_ptr_remove_at( index ) );
} else {
return( 0 );
template<class Type, class BaseClass>
Type *WCPtrVectorBase<Type, BaseClass>::removeAt( int index ) {
if( num_entries == 0 ) {
return( 0 );
} else {
index = base_index_check( index );
return( base_ptr_remove_at( index ) );
#define new _WNEW_OPERATOR
#define delete _WDELETE_OPERATOR