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// wcvector.h Defines the WATCOM Container Vector Classes
// =========================================================================
// Open Watcom Project
// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Open Watcom Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
// Portions Copyright (c) 1983-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This file is automatically generated. Do not edit directly.
// =========================================================================
#pragma read_only_file;
#ifndef __cplusplus
#error This header file requires C++
#include <wcdefs.h>
#include <wcexcept.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wcvbase.h>
#if defined( new ) && defined( _WNEW_OPERATOR )
#undef new
#if defined( delete ) && defined( _WDELETE_OPERATOR )
#undef delete
// This defines a basic Value vector with elements of type <Type>
template <class Type>
class WCValVector : public WCBareVectorBase<Type> {
inline WCValVector ( size_t length = 0 )
: WCBareVectorBase<Type>( length ) {};
WCValVector ( size_t, const Type& );
inline WCValVector ( const WCValVector & orig )
: WCBareVectorBase<Type> ( 0 ) {
base_construct ( &orig );
inline virtual ~WCValVector() {};
inline size_t length () const {
return( vector_len );
Type& operator[] ( int index );
const Type& operator[] ( int index ) const;
inline WCValVector & operator= ( const WCValVector & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
template <class Type>
WCValVector<Type>::WCValVector( size_t length, const Type &init_val )
: WCBareVectorBase<Type>( length ) {
for( int i = 0; i < vector_len; i++ ){
new( &( vector[ i ] ) ) Type( init_val );
num_init = length;
// The non-const index operator. If index is greater than the length of
// the vector and the resize_required exception is disabled, then attempt to
// resize the vector so that index is the last element.
template <class Type>
Type &WCValVector<Type>::operator[] ( int index ) {
if( index < 0 ) {
index = 0;
if( index >= num_init ) {
if( index >= vector_len ){
// attempt to index an element greater than the vector's length
if( !resize( index + 1 ) ){
// resize to perform request failed. Try and have at least one
// valid entry
if( vector_len == 0 ) {
resize( 1 );
index = 0;
} else {
index = vector_len - 1;
// default initialize any unitialized entries upto index
base_init_upto( index );
return( vector[ index ] );
// The const index operator. If the vector is empty and exceptions are
// disabled, add a default initialized first element, and return it.
template <class Type>
const Type &WCValVector<Type>::operator[] ( int index ) const {
WCValVector<Type> * const non_const_this = ( WCValVector<Type> * )this;
if( vector_len == 0 ) {
non_const_this->resize( 1 );
return( vector[ 0 ] );
} else {
int new_index = base_index_check( index );
if( new_index >= num_init ) {
// Even though this is a non-const operation, the user's view of
// the vector is not being changed. Any element the user
// accesses must be intialized.
non_const_this->base_init_upto( new_index );
return( vector[ new_index ] );
// This defines a basic Pointer vector with elements of type pointer to <Type>
// Implementation note:
// WCPtrVector inherits from WCValVector templated over <void *>. This saves
// most of the vector code being generated for pointer vectors templated over
// different types, speeding up compile time, and reducing code size.
template <class Type>
class WCPtrVector : public WCValVector<void *> {
typedef Type * __Type_Ptr;
virtual void base_init_upto( int );
inline WCPtrVector( size_t length = 0 )
: WCValVector( length ) {};
inline WCPtrVector( size_t length, const Type *init_value )
: WCValVector( length
, (void *)init_value ) {};
inline WCPtrVector( const WCPtrVector & orig ) : WCValVector( 0 ) {
base_construct( &orig );
inline virtual ~WCPtrVector() {};
void clearAndDestroy();
inline WCPtrVector & operator=( const WCPtrVector & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
Type * &operator[] ( int index ) {
return( (Type * &)WCValVector::operator[]( index ) );
Type * const &operator[] ( int index ) const {
return( (Type * const &)WCValVector::operator[]( index ) );
template<class Type>
void WCPtrVector<Type>::base_init_upto( int index ) {
if( index >= num_init ){
// intialize the vector by NULLing out unitialized elements
memset( &vector[ num_init ], 0
, ( index + 1 - num_init ) * sizeof( void * ) );
num_init = index + 1;
template <class Type>
void WCPtrVector<Type>::clearAndDestroy() {
for( unsigned i = 0; i < num_init; i++ ) {
delete( (Type *)( vector[ i ] ) );
// This defines the Value Ordered vector with elements of type <Type>
template <class Type>
class WCValOrderedVector : public WCOrderedVectorBase<Type> {
virtual int base_equivalent( const Type &elem1, const Type &elem2 ) const {
return( elem1 == elem2 );
inline WCValOrderedVector( size_t length = WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_LENGTH,
unsigned default_grow = WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_RESIZE_GROW )
: WCOrderedVectorBase<Type>( length, default_grow ) {};
inline WCValOrderedVector( const WCValOrderedVector& orig )
: WCOrderedVectorBase<Type>( 0, 0 ) {
base_construct( &orig );
inline virtual ~WCValOrderedVector() {};
inline WCValOrderedVector & operator=( const WCValOrderedVector& orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
// This defines the pointer Ordered vector with elements of type
// pointer to <Type>
template <class Type>
class WCPtrOrderedVector
: public WCPtrVectorBase<Type, WCOrderedVectorBase<void *> > {
virtual int base_equivalent( const __Stored_Ptr &elem1
, const __Stored_Ptr &elem2 ) const {
return( *(const Type *)elem1 == *(const Type *)elem2 );
inline WCbool append( Type * new_elem ){
return( insert( new_elem ) );
inline WCbool insert( Type * new_elem ){
return( WCOrderedVectorBase::insert( new_elem ) );
inline WCbool insertAt( int index, Type * new_elem ){
return( WCOrderedVectorBase::insertAt( index, new_elem ) );
inline WCbool prepend( Type * new_elem ){
return( WCOrderedVectorBase::prepend( new_elem ) );
inline WCPtrOrderedVector( size_t length = WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_LENGTH,
unsigned default_grow = WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_RESIZE_GROW )
: WCPtrVectorBase( length, default_grow ) {};
inline WCPtrOrderedVector( const WCPtrOrderedVector & orig )
: WCPtrVectorBase( 0, 0 ) {
base_construct( &orig );
inline virtual ~WCPtrOrderedVector() {};
inline WCPtrOrderedVector & operator=( const WCPtrOrderedVector & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
// This defines the Value Sorted vector with elements of type <Type>
template <class Type>
class WCValSortedVector : public WCSortedVectorBase<Type> {
virtual int base_equivalent( const Type &elem1, const Type &elem2 ) const {
return( elem1 == elem2 );
virtual int base_less_than( const Type& elem1, const Type& elem2 ) const {
return( elem1 < elem2 );
inline WCValSortedVector( size_t length = WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_LENGTH,
unsigned default_grow = WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_RESIZE_GROW )
: WCSortedVectorBase<Type>( length, default_grow ) {};
inline WCValSortedVector( const WCValSortedVector & orig )
: WCSortedVectorBase<Type>( 0, 0 ) {
base_construct( &orig );
inline virtual ~WCValSortedVector() {};
inline WCValSortedVector & operator=( const WCValSortedVector & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
// This defines the pointer Sorted vector with elements of type
// pointer to <Type>
template <class Type>
class WCPtrSortedVector
: public WCPtrVectorBase<Type, WCSortedVectorBase<void *> > {
virtual int base_equivalent( const __Stored_Ptr &elem1
, const __Stored_Ptr &elem2 ) const {
return( *(const Type *)elem1 == *(const Type *)elem2 );
virtual int base_less_than( const __Stored_Ptr &elem1
, const __Stored_Ptr &elem2 ) const {
return( *(const Type *)elem1 < *(const Type *)elem2 );
inline WCbool insert( Type * elem ) {
return( WCSortedVectorBase::insert( elem ) );
inline WCPtrSortedVector( size_t length = WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_LENGTH,
unsigned default_grow = WCDEFAULT_VECTOR_RESIZE_GROW )
: WCPtrVectorBase( length, default_grow ) {};
inline WCPtrSortedVector( const WCPtrSortedVector & orig )
: WCPtrVectorBase( 0, 0 ) {
base_construct( &orig );
inline virtual ~WCPtrSortedVector() {};
inline WCPtrSortedVector & operator=( const WCPtrSortedVector & orig ) {
base_assign( &orig );
return( *this );
#define new _WNEW_OPERATOR
#define delete _WDELETE_OPERATOR