180 lines
4.9 KiB
180 lines
4.9 KiB
# ;;; -*- Mode:makefile;-*-
# Generated automatically from Makefile.in by configure.
# This requires GNU make.
# Modified from gcc.mak by Tanes Sriviroolchai (tanes73@yahoo.com) for
# using with DJGPP. It will use gcc to compile and link. While linking
# if _STLP_NO_OWN_IOSTREAMS is defined, we need to link with libstdcxx
# also.
.SUFFIXES: .cc .cpp .o .exe .out
srcdir = .
LIST = stl_test.cpp accum1.cpp accum2.cpp \
adjdiff0.cpp adjdiff1.cpp adjdiff2.cpp \
adjfind0.cpp adjfind1.cpp adjfind2.cpp \
advance.cpp \
alg1.cpp alg2.cpp alg3.cpp alg4.cpp alg5.cpp \
bcompos1.cpp bcompos2.cpp \
bind1st1.cpp bind1st2.cpp \
bind2nd1.cpp bind2nd2.cpp \
binsert1.cpp binsert2.cpp \
binsrch1.cpp binsrch2.cpp \
bnegate1.cpp bnegate2.cpp bvec1.cpp \
copy1.cpp copy2.cpp copy3.cpp copy4.cpp \
copyb.cpp copyb0.cpp \
count0.cpp count1.cpp \
countif1.cpp \
deque1.cpp \
divides.cpp \
eqlrnge0.cpp eqlrnge1.cpp eqlrnge2.cpp \
equal0.cpp equal1.cpp equal2.cpp \
equalto.cpp \
fill1.cpp filln1.cpp \
find0.cpp find1.cpp \
findif0.cpp findif1.cpp \
finsert1.cpp finsert2.cpp \
foreach0.cpp foreach1.cpp \
func1.cpp func2.cpp func3.cpp \
gener1.cpp gener2.cpp \
genern1.cpp genern2.cpp \
greateq.cpp greater.cpp \
incl0.cpp incl1.cpp incl2.cpp \
inplmrg1.cpp inplmrg2.cpp \
inrprod0.cpp inrprod1.cpp inrprod2.cpp \
insert1.cpp insert2.cpp \
iota1.cpp \
istmit1.cpp \
iter1.cpp iter2.cpp iter3.cpp iter4.cpp \
iterswp0.cpp iterswp1.cpp \
less.cpp \
lesseq.cpp \
lexcmp1.cpp lexcmp2.cpp \
list1.cpp list2.cpp list3.cpp list4.cpp \
logicand.cpp logicnot.cpp \
logicor.cpp \
lwrbnd1.cpp lwrbnd2.cpp \
map1.cpp \
max1.cpp max2.cpp \
maxelem1.cpp maxelem2.cpp \
merge0.cpp merge1.cpp merge2.cpp \
min1.cpp min2.cpp \
minelem1.cpp minelem2.cpp \
minus.cpp \
mismtch0.cpp mismtch1.cpp mismtch2.cpp \
mkheap0.cpp mkheap1.cpp \
mmap1.cpp mmap2.cpp \
modulus.cpp \
mset1.cpp mset3.cpp mset4.cpp mset5.cpp \
negate.cpp nequal.cpp \
nextprm0.cpp nextprm1.cpp nextprm2.cpp \
nthelem0.cpp nthelem1.cpp nthelem2.cpp \
ostmit.cpp \
pair0.cpp pair1.cpp pair2.cpp \
parsrt0.cpp parsrt1.cpp parsrt2.cpp \
parsrtc0.cpp parsrtc1.cpp parsrtc2.cpp \
partsrt0.cpp \
partsum0.cpp partsum1.cpp partsum2.cpp \
pheap1.cpp pheap2.cpp \
plus.cpp \
pqueue1.cpp \
prevprm0.cpp prevprm1.cpp prevprm2.cpp \
ptition0.cpp ptition1.cpp \
ptrbinf1.cpp ptrbinf2.cpp \
ptrunf1.cpp ptrunf2.cpp \
queue1.cpp \
rawiter.cpp \
remcopy1.cpp \
remcpif1.cpp \
remif1.cpp \
remove1.cpp \
repcpif1.cpp \
replace0.cpp replace1.cpp replcpy1.cpp replif1.cpp \
revbit1.cpp revbit2.cpp \
revcopy1.cpp reverse1.cpp reviter1.cpp reviter2.cpp \
rndshuf0.cpp rndshuf1.cpp rndshuf2.cpp \
rotate0.cpp rotate1.cpp rotcopy0.cpp rotcopy1.cpp \
search0.cpp search1.cpp search2.cpp \
set1.cpp set2.cpp \
setdiff0.cpp setdiff1.cpp setdiff2.cpp \
setintr0.cpp setintr1.cpp setintr2.cpp \
setsymd0.cpp setsymd1.cpp setsymd2.cpp \
setunon0.cpp setunon1.cpp setunon2.cpp \
sort1.cpp sort2.cpp \
stack1.cpp stack2.cpp \
stblptn0.cpp stblptn1.cpp \
stblsrt1.cpp stblsrt2.cpp \
swap1.cpp \
swprnge1.cpp \
times.cpp \
trnsfrm1.cpp trnsfrm2.cpp \
ucompos1.cpp ucompos2.cpp \
unegate1.cpp unegate2.cpp \
uniqcpy1.cpp uniqcpy2.cpp \
unique1.cpp unique2.cpp \
uprbnd1.cpp uprbnd2.cpp \
vec1.cpp vec2.cpp vec3.cpp vec4.cpp vec5.cpp vec6.cpp vec7.cpp vec8.cpp \
hmmap1.cpp hset2.cpp hmset1.cpp slist1.cpp hmap1.cpp string1.cpp bitset1.cpp
# STAT_MODULE=stat.o
OBJECTS = $(LIST:%.cpp=%.o) $(STAT_MODULE)
EXECS = $(LIST:%.cpp=%.exe)
TESTS = $(LIST:%.cpp=%.out)
TEST_EXE = stl_test.exe
TEST = stl_test.out
CC = gcc
CXX = $(CC)
LIBS = ../../lib/libstlport_djgpp_static.a -lstdcxx -lm
check: $(TEST)
echo 'a string' | $(TEST_EXE) > $(TEST)
.cc.o .cxx.o .C.o .cpp.o:
${CXX} ${CXXFLAGS} ${DEBUG_FLAGS} ${REPO_FLAGS} -c -o $*.o $<
%.out: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $*.o $(STAT_MODULE) $(LIBS) -o $*.exe
./$*.exe > $@
-rm -f $*.exe
istmit1.out: istmit1.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) ${DEBUG_FLAGS} ${REPO_FLAGS} $< $(STAT_MODULE) $(LIBSTDCXX) -lstdc++ $(LIBS) -o istmit1
echo 'a string' | ./istmit1 > istmit1.out
-rm -f ./istmit1
$(STAT_MODULE): stat.cpp
%.s: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -O3 -fno-exceptions -D_STLP_NO_EXCEPTIONS -S $< -o $*.s
%.i: %.cpp
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) ${DEBUG_FLAGS} -E $< > $@
-rm -rf *.exe *.out *.o *.rpo core *.out Templates.DB