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68 lines
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* This file is part of the Code::Blocks IDE and licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* $Revision: 7443 $
* $Id: wx_help.script 7443 2011-09-01 16:29:16Z mortenmacfly $
* $HeadURL: https://mortenmacfly@svn.code.sf.net/p/codeblocks/code/branches/release-20.03/src/scripts/wx_help.script $
Sample help script for wxWidgets docs.
Based on the original unix shell script by rjmyst3
function SearchHelp(keyword)
// that's all you should ever need to change in here
local wx_version = _T("2.8")
// on windows, adjust this for your wx installation
local wx_doc_folder = _T("/usr/share/doc")
wx_doc_folder += _T("/wx") + wx_version + _T("-doc")
// normally, you shouldn't have to edit anything below this point
local helproot = wx_doc_folder + _T("/wx-manual.html/")
if (!IO.DirectoryExists(helproot))
local msg = _T("wxWidgets documentation not found. Its expected location is:\n\n");
msg += wx_doc_folder;
msg += _T("\n\n");
msg += _T("If it is not installed, please install it and try again.\n");
msg += _T("If it is installed to a different location, you can edit the wx_help.script to reflect that.");
local prefix = _T("wx") + wx_version + _T("-manual_")
// replace "contents" with "classref" below to default to alphabetical class list
local defaultpath = prefix + _T("contents.html")
// If there is no keyword, launch the default page defined above
if (keyword.IsEmpty())
App.Open(helproot + defaultpath, false)
// convert keyword to lowercase, this should be the class name
local classpath = helproot + prefix + keyword + _T(".html")
LogDebug(_T("Opening ") + classpath)
if (IO.FileExists(classpath))
App.Open(classpath, false)
LogDebug(_T("Not found, opening default page"))
App.Open(helproot + defaultpath, false)