@echo off REM DJGPP INSTALLATION REM ========================= set PATH=%PATH%;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ pushd "%~dp0" if not exist "%~dp0\installers\djgpp-mingw-gcc930-standalone.zip" ( echo Downloading DJGPP powershell wget https://github.com/andrewwutw/build-djgpp/releases/download/v3.0/djgpp-mingw-gcc930-standalone.zip -UseBasicParsing -OutFile '%~dp0\installers\djgpp-mingw-gcc930-standalone.zip' ) if not exist .\CodeBlocks\djgpp ( echo. mkdir "%~dp0\CodeBlocks" echo Extracting DJGPP REM powershell "Expand-Archive '%~dp0\installers\djgpp-mingw-gcc930-standalone.zip' '%~dp0\CodeBlocks'" "%ZPATH%\7z.exe" x "%~dp0\installers\djgpp-mingw-gcc930-standalone.zip" -o"%~dp0\CodeBlocks" ) REM hardcode some defs to fix not working code completion REM this is probably not a great thing to do, but is important from user experience perspective cd "%~dp0\CodeBlocks\djgpp\lib\gcc\i586-pc-msdosdjgpp\9.3.0\include\c++\" if exist "cstdio" ( echo // Prepended hardcoded __STDC_VERSION__ to fix problems with CodeBlocks parser > cstdio.tmp echo #ifndef __STDC_VERSION__ >> cstdio.tmp echo #define __STDC_VERSION__ 199901L >> cstdio.tmp echo #endif >> cstdio.tmp type cstdio >> cstdio.tmp del cstdio ren cstdio.tmp cstdio ) pushd "%~dp0"