102 lines
3.1 KiB
102 lines
3.1 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Day8 where
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Char
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map.Lazy qualified as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
run :: IO ()
run = do
(instructions, network) <- readInput
putStrLn $ "Part 1 Answer: " <> either id show (part1 instructions network)
putStrLn $ "Part 2 Answer: " <> either id show (part2 instructions network)
part1 :: [Instruction] -> Network -> Either String Int
part1 instructions network =
followInstructionsUntil (== "ZZZ") network instructions "AAA"
part2 :: [Instruction] -> Network -> Either String Int
part2 instructions network =
let isStartingNode = \case
[_, _, 'A'] -> True
_ -> False
startingNodes = filter isStartingNode $ Map.keys network
isDestinationNode = \case
[_, _, 'Z'] -> True
_ -> False
steps = traverse (followInstructionsUntil isDestinationNode network instructions) startingNodes
in foldr lcm 1 <$> steps
nextDest :: Network -> Instruction -> Node -> Either String Node
nextDest network i currentPosition =
case Map.lookup currentPosition network of
Nothing -> Left $ "We're lost, current position: " <> currentPosition
Just (leftDest, rightDest) ->
case i of
R -> Right rightDest
L -> Right leftDest
-- |
-- >>> network = Map.fromList [("AAA", ("BBB", "BBB")), ("BBB", ("AAA", "ZZZ")), ("ZZZ", ("ZZZ", "ZZZ"))]
-- >>> followInstructionsUntil (== "ZZZ") network [L,L,R] "AAA"
-- 6
followInstructionsUntil :: (Node -> Bool) -> Network -> [Instruction] -> Node -> Either String Int
followInstructionsUntil isDestination network initInstructions initPosition =
go (cycle initInstructions) initPosition 0
go :: [Instruction] -> Node -> Int -> Either String Int
go [] _ _ = Left "No instructions"
go (i : is) currentPosition steps
| isDestination currentPosition = Right steps
| otherwise =
case nextDest network i currentPosition of
Left e -> Left e
Right next -> go is next (steps + 1)
type Node = String
type Network = Map Node (Node, Node)
data Instruction = R | L
deriving (Show, Read)
readInput :: IO ([Instruction], Network)
readInput = do
input <- getContents
case readP_to_S inputParser input of
[] -> error "Parser failed"
[(x, "")] -> pure x
xs -> error $ "Parser failed: " <> show xs
instructionParser :: ReadP Instruction
instructionParser =
read . (: []) <$> satisfy (\c -> c == 'R' || c == 'L')
nodeParser :: ReadP Node
nodeParser = do
replicateM 3 $ satisfy isAlphaNum
nodeConnectionParser :: ReadP (Node, (Node, Node))
nodeConnectionParser = do
src <- nodeParser
_ <- string " = ("
leftDest <- nodeParser
_ <- string ", "
rightDest <- nodeParser
_ <- string ")"
pure (src, (leftDest, rightDest))
networkParser :: ReadP Network
networkParser =
Map.fromList <$> sepBy1 nodeConnectionParser (char '\n')
inputParser :: ReadP ([Instruction], Network)
inputParser = do
instructions <- many1 instructionParser
_ <- string "\n\n"
network <- networkParser
pure (instructions, network)