Fork 0
forked from pub-solar/infra
Benjamin Bädorf e8ad662631
refactor: change file structure to use modules dir
This commit changes the file structure around, so that we have the
following parts:

`/modules` contains reusable logic blocks for hosts.
`/hosts` contains host configurations.
`/lib` contains nix library functions.
`/overlays` contains overlay files.
`/public-keys` contains all information regarding public keys.

This change reduces the complexity of flake.nix, instead delegating this
out to the `default.nix` files in the above directories.
2023-11-06 13:11:30 +01:00

7 lines
335 B

# Used for restic backups to droppie, a server run by @b12f
"root@droppie" = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBZQSephFJU0NMbVbhwvVJ2/m6jcPYo1IsWCsoarqKin root@droppie";
# robot user on flora-6
"hakkonaut@flora-6" = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGP5MvCwNRtCcP1pSDrn0XZTNlpOqYnjHDm9/OI4hECW hakkonaut@flora-6";