{ nixos, ... }: let inherit (builtins) attrNames attrValues isAttrs readDir listToAttrs mapAttrs; inherit (nixos.lib) fold filterAttrs hasSuffix mapAttrs' nameValuePair removeSuffix recursiveUpdate genAttrs nixosSystem mkForce; # mapFilterAttrs :: # (name -> value -> bool ) # (name -> value -> { name = any; value = any; }) # attrs mapFilterAttrs = seive: f: attrs: filterAttrs seive (mapAttrs' f attrs); # Generate an attribute set by mapping a function over a list of values. genAttrs' = values: f: listToAttrs (map f values); # pkgImport :: Nixpkgs -> Overlays -> System -> Pkgs pkgImport = nixpkgs: overlays: system: import nixpkgs { inherit system overlays; config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }; # Convert a list to file paths to attribute set # that has the filenames stripped of nix extension as keys # and imported content of the file as value. # pathsToImportedAttrs = paths: genAttrs' paths (path: { name = removeSuffix ".nix" (baseNameOf path); value = import path; }); overlayPaths = let overlayDir = ../overlays; fullPath = name: overlayDir + "/${name}"; in map fullPath (attrNames (readDir overlayDir)); in { inherit mapFilterAttrs genAttrs' pkgImport pathsToImportedAttrs; overlays = pathsToImportedAttrs overlayPaths; recImport = { dir, _import ? base: import "${dir}/${base}.nix" }: mapFilterAttrs (_: v: v != null) (n: v: if n != "default.nix" && hasSuffix ".nix" n && v == "regular" then let name = removeSuffix ".nix" n; in nameValuePair (name) (_import name) else nameValuePair ("") (null)) (readDir dir); nixosSystemExtended = { modules, ... } @ args: nixosSystem (args // { modules = let modpath = "nixos/modules"; cd = "installer/cd-dvd/installation-cd-minimal-new-kernel.nix"; isoConfig = (nixosSystem (args // { modules = modules ++ [ "${nixos}/${modpath}/${cd}" ({ config, ... }: { isoImage.isoBaseName = "nixos-" + config.networking.hostName; # confilcts with networking.wireless which might be slightly # more useful on a stick networking.networkmanager.enable = mkForce false; # confilcts with networking.wireless networking.wireless.iwd.enable = mkForce false; }) ]; })).config; in modules ++ [{ system.build = { iso = isoConfig.system.build.isoImage; }; }]; }); nixosModules = let # binary cache cachix = import ../cachix.nix; cachixAttrs = { inherit cachix; }; # modules moduleList = import ../modules/list.nix; modulesAttrs = pathsToImportedAttrs moduleList; # profiles profilesList = import ../profiles/list.nix; profilesAttrs = { profiles = pathsToImportedAttrs profilesList; }; in recursiveUpdate (recursiveUpdate cachixAttrs modulesAttrs) profilesAttrs; genHomeActivationPackages = hmConfigs: { hmActivationPackages = builtins.mapAttrs (_: x: builtins.mapAttrs (_: cfg: cfg.home.activationPackage) x) hmConfigs; }; genPackages = { self, pkgs }: let inherit (self) overlay overlays; packagesNames = attrNames (overlay null null) ++ attrNames (fold (attr: sum: recursiveUpdate sum attr) { } (attrValues (mapAttrs (_: v: v null null) overlays) ) ); in fold (key: sum: recursiveUpdate sum { ${key} = pkgs.${key}; }) { } packagesNames; }