#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell #! nix-shell -i bash -p dotnet-sdk_3 nixfmt # Run this script to generate deps.nix # ./create_deps.sh /path/to/package/source/checkout > deps.nix # Attribution: this script is shamelessly stolen and barely modified from # /pkgs/applications/blockchains/wasabibackend URLBASE="https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/package" DEPS_HEADER=" { fetchurl }: let nugetUrlBase = \"$URLBASE\"; fetchNuGet = { name, version, sha256 }: fetchurl { inherit sha256; url = \"\${nugetUrlBase}/\${name}/\${version}\"; }; in [" DEPS_FOOTER="]" DEPS_TEMPLATE=" (fetchNuGet { name = \"%s\"; version = \"%s\"; sha256 = \"%s\"; })" function generate_restore_log() { checkout_path=$1 >&2 echo "generating restore log for $checkout_path..." cd $checkout_path dotnet nuget locals all --clear dotnet restore -v normal --no-cache -r linux-x64 cd - } function process_restore_log() { restore_log=$1 >&2 echo "processing restore log..." while read line; do if echo $line | grep -q "^[[:space:]]*Installing"; then l=$(echo $line | xargs) l=${l#Installing } l=${l%.} echo $l fi done < $restore_log } function prefetch_deps() { processed_log=$1 >&2 echo "prefetching deps..." while read line; do name=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1) >&2 echo "prefetching '$name' version: $version" version=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2) hash=$(nix-prefetch-url "$URLBASE/$name/$version" 2>/dev/null) echo "$name $version $hash" done < $processed_log } function generate_deps_expression() { packages=$1 >&2 echo "generating deps nix-expression..." echo $DEPS_HEADER while read line; do name=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1) version=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2) hash=$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f3) printf "$DEPS_TEMPLATE" $name $version $hash done < $packages echo $DEPS_FOOTER } function main() { checkout_path=$1 tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) generate_restore_log $checkout_path > $tmpdir/restore.log process_restore_log $tmpdir/restore.log > $tmpdir/processed.log prefetch_deps $tmpdir/processed.log > $tmpdir/prefetched.log generate_deps_expression $tmpdir/prefetched.log > $tmpdir/deps.nix nixfmt $tmpdir/deps.nix cat $tmpdir/deps.nix rm -rf $tmpdir } if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then >&2 echo "First argument must be a directory, the path to the package source checkout" exit 1 fi main $@