# Top Level API `digga`'s top level API. API Containers are documented in their respective sub-chapter: - [Channels](./api-reference-channels.md) - [Home](./api-reference-home.md) - [Devshell](./api-reference-devshell.md) - [NixOS](./api-reference-nixos.md) - [Darwin](./api-reference-darwin.md) ## channelsConfig nixpkgs config for all channels *_Type_*: attribute set or path convertible to it *_Default_* ``` {} ``` ## inputs The flake's inputs *_Type_*: attribute set of nix flakes ## outputsBuilder builder for flake system-spaced outputs The builder gets passed an attrset of all channels *_Type_*: function that evaluates to a(n) attribute set or path convertible to it *_Default_* ``` "channels: { }" ``` ## self The flake to create the DevOS outputs for *_Type_*: nix flake ## supportedSystems The systems supported by this flake *_Type_*: list of strings *_Default_* ``` ["aarch64-linux","aarch64-darwin","i686-linux","x86_64-darwin","x86_64-linux"] ```