# Devshell API Container Configure your devshell module collections of your environment. ## devshell Modules to include in your DevOS shell. the `modules` argument will be exported under the `devshellModules` output *_Type_*: submodule or path convertible to it *_Default_* ``` {} ``` ## devshell.exportedModules modules to include in all hosts and export to devshellModules output *_Type_*: list of valid module or path convertible to its or anything convertible to it *_Default_* ``` [] ``` ## devshell.externalModules The `externalModules` option has been removed. Any modules that should be exported should be defined with the `exportedModules` option and all other modules should just go into the `modules` option. *_Type_*: list of valid modules or anything convertible to it *_Default_* ``` [] ``` ## devshell.modules modules to include that won't be exported meant importing modules from external flakes *_Type_*: list of valid modules or anything convertible to it or path convertible to it *_Default_* ``` [] ```