{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let psCfg = config.pub-solar; cfg = config.pub-solar.audio; xdg = config.home-manager.users."${psCfg.user.name}".xdg; in { options.pub-solar.audio = { enable = mkEnableOption "Life in highs and lows"; mopidy.enable = mkEnableOption "Life with mopidy"; bluetooth.enable = mkEnableOption "Life with bluetooth"; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { home-manager = with pkgs; pkgs.lib.setAttrByPath [ "users" psCfg.user.name ] { home.packages = [ mu pavucontrol pa_applet playerctl # Needed for pactl cmd, until pw-cli is more mature (vol up/down hotkeys?) pulseaudio # pulseeffects for microphone noise filtering pulseeffects-pw vimpc ]; xdg.configFile."vimpc/vimpcrc".source = ./.config/vimpc/vimpcrc; systemd.user.services.pulseeffects = import ./pulseeffects.service.nix pkgs; }; # Enable sound using pipewire-pulse services.pipewire = { alsa.enable = true; alsa.support32Bit = true; pulse.enable = true; config.pipewire-pulse = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./pipewire-pulse.conf.json); # Bluetooth configuration for pipewire media-session.config.bluez-monitor.rules = mkIf cfg.bluetooth.enable [ { # Matches all cards matches = [{ "device.name" = "~bluez_card.*"; }]; actions = { "update-props" = { "bluez5.reconnect-profiles" = [ "hfp_hf" "hsp_hs" "a2dp_sink" ]; # mSBC is not expected to work on all headset + adapter combinations. "bluez5.msbc-support" = true; }; }; } { matches = [ # Matches all sources { "node.name" = "~bluez_input.*"; } # Matches all outputs { "node.name" = "~bluez_output.*"; } ]; actions = { "node.pause-on-idle" = false; }; } ]; }; # Enable bluetooth hardware.bluetooth.enable = mkIf cfg.bluetooth.enable true; services.blueman.enable = mkIf cfg.bluetooth.enable true; # Enable audio server & client services.mopidy = mkIf cfg.mopidy.enable ((import ./mopidy.nix) pkgs); }; }