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4 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
9ce5c23663 | |||
db38a5ffd5 | |||
f76db8b36a | |||
58a53fa76b |
3 changed files with 89 additions and 63 deletions
@ -11,10 +11,12 @@ import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens (view, (&), (.~))
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Aeson hiding (Options)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as LBS
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text
import Database.SQLite.Simple
@ -31,7 +33,6 @@ import Telegram.Bot.API
import Telegram.Bot.Simple
import Telegram.Bot.Simple.Debug
import Text.HTML.Scalpel
import Data.String (IsString(..))
main :: IO ()
main = withOpenSSL $ do
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ main = withOpenSSL $ do
liftIO $
startBot (traceBotDefault $ botApp env) clientEnv >>= \case
Left err -> do
info env "main" $ "Bot failed with: " <> fromString (show err)
runKatipContextT env.logEnv () "main" $ info $ "Bot failed with: " <> fromString (show err)
_ -> pure ()
@ -92,8 +93,11 @@ data Env = Env
-- * Parsing
queryIBW :: Wreq.Options -> IO IBWResponse
queryIBW wreqOpts = do
queryIBW :: Wreq.Options -> WBS -> IO IBWResponse
queryIBW wreqOpts wbs = do
let wbsParam = case wbs of
WBS -> "all"
NoWBS -> "0"
let reqBody =
[ partText "q" "wf-save-srch",
partText "save" "false",
@ -112,21 +116,21 @@ queryIBW wreqOpts = do
partText "etagen_dg" "false",
partText "balkon_loggia_terrasse" "false",
partText "garten" "false",
partText "wbs" "0",
partText "wbs" wbsParam,
partText "barrierefrei" "false",
partText "gaeste_wc" "false",
partText "aufzug" "false",
partText "stellplatz" "false",
partText "keller" "false",
partText "badewanne" "false",
partText "dusche" "false",
partText "bez[]" "01_00",
partText "bez[]" "02_00",
partText "bez[]" "04_00",
partText "bez[]" "07_00",
partText "bez[]" "08_00",
partText "bez[]" "09_00",
partText "bez[]" "11_00"
partText "dusche" "false"
-- , partText "bez[]" "01_00",
-- partText "bez[]" "02_00",
-- partText "bez[]" "04_00",
-- partText "bez[]" "07_00",
-- partText "bez[]" "08_00",
-- partText "bez[]" "09_00",
-- partText "bez[]" "11_00"
let link = ""
resBS <- view responseBody <$> postWith wreqOpts link reqBody
@ -164,23 +168,30 @@ readEuropeanNumber x = do
-- * SQLite
insertOffer :: Connection -> Offer -> IO ()
insertOffer conn =
execute conn "INSERT INTO offers (id, title, address, rooms, area, availableFrom, link) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
data WBS = WBS | NoWBS
getOffer :: Connection -> Text -> IO (Maybe Offer)
getOffer conn offerId =
listToMaybe <$> query conn "SELECT * from offers where id = ?" (Only offerId)
tableName :: WBS -> Text
tableName WBS = "offers"
tableName NoWBS = "offers_without_wbs"
insertOffer :: Connection -> WBS -> Offer -> IO ()
insertOffer conn wbs =
execute conn $ "INSERT INTO " <> Query (tableName wbs) <> " (id, title, address, rooms, area, availableFrom, link) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
getOffer :: Connection -> WBS -> Text -> IO (Maybe Offer)
getOffer conn wbs offerId =
listToMaybe <$> query conn ("SELECT * from " <> Query (tableName wbs) <> " where id = ?") (Only offerId)
createTable :: Connection -> IO ()
createTable conn =
createTable conn = do
execute_ conn "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS offers (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, address TEXT, rooms REAL, area REAL, availableFrom TEXT, link TEXT)"
execute_ conn "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS offers_without_wbs (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, address TEXT, rooms REAL, area REAL, availableFrom TEXT, link TEXT)"
saveOffer :: Connection -> Offer -> IO Bool
saveOffer conn offer = do
getOffer conn offer.id_ >>= \case
saveOffer :: Connection -> WBS -> Offer -> IO Bool
saveOffer conn wbs offer = do
getOffer conn wbs offer.id_ >>= \case
Nothing -> do
insertOffer conn offer
insertOffer conn wbs offer
pure True
_ -> pure False
@ -211,36 +222,48 @@ action update _ = do
handler :: Env -> Action -> Model -> Eff Action Model
handler env (StartChat chat) model =
model <# do
info env "telegram.handler" $ "Chat started! " <> fromString (ppAsJSON chat)
runKatipContextT env.logEnv () "telegram.handler" $ info $ "Chat started! " <> fromString (ppAsJSON chat)
scrapeJob :: Env -> BotJob Model Action
scrapeJob env =
{ botJobSchedule = "* * * * *",
botJobTask = scrapeJobTask env
botJobTask = \m -> do
scrapeJobTask env m WBS
scrapeJobTask env m NoWBS
scrapeJobTask :: Env -> Model -> Eff Action Model
scrapeJobTask env m =
m <# do
info env "scrapeJobTask" "Starting scrape job"
res <- liftIO $ queryIBW env.wreqOpts
let offers = fromJust $ scrapeStringLike res.searchresults scrapeOffers
info env "scrapeJobTask" "Fetched offers"
( \offer -> do
isNewOffer <- liftIO $ saveOffer env.dbConn offer
when isNewOffer $ do
info env "scrapeJobTask" "Found a new offer"
notify env offer
wbsText :: WBS -> Text
wbsText WBS = "WBS"
wbsText NoWBS = "NoWBS"
scrapeJobTask :: Env -> Model -> WBS -> Eff Action Model
scrapeJobTask env m wbs =
<# runKatipContextT
(sl "wbs" (wbsText wbs))
( do
info "Starting scrape job"
res <- liftIO $ queryIBW env.wreqOpts wbs
let offers = fromJust $ scrapeStringLike res.searchresults scrapeOffers
info "Fetched offers"
( \offer -> do
isNewOffer <- liftIO $ saveOffer env.dbConn wbs offer
when isNewOffer $ do
info "Found a new offer"
katipAddNamespace "notify" $ notify wbs offer
info :: MonadIO m => Env -> Namespace -> LogStr -> m ()
info env ns l = liftIO $ runKatipT env.logEnv $ logMsg ns InfoS l
info :: (Katip m) => LogStr -> m ()
info = logMsg mempty InfoS
notify :: Env -> Offer -> BotM ()
notify env offer = do
notify :: WBS -> Offer -> KatipContextT BotM ()
notify wbs offer = do
let offerTitle = "<b><u>" <> offer.title <> "</u></b>"
offerAddress = "<b>Address:</b> " <> fromMaybe "N/A" offer.address
offerRooms = "<b>Rooms:</b> " <> maybe "N/A" (Text.pack . show) offer.rooms
@ -248,19 +271,20 @@ notify env offer = do
offerLink = "<a href=\"" <> <> "\" >Apply Here</a>"
offerBody = offerAddress <> "\n" <> offerRooms <> "\n" <> offerArea <> "\n" <> offerLink
offerText = offerTitle <> "\n\n" <> offerBody
sendMsgReq1 = (defSendMessage (SomeChatId $ ChatId 952512153) offerText) {sendMessageParseMode = Just HTML}
sendMsgReq2 = (defSendMessage (SomeChatId $ ChatId 116981707) offerText) {sendMessageParseMode = Just HTML}
res1 <- runTG sendMsgReq1
liftIO $
if res1.responseOk
then info env "notify" "Notified successfully"
else do
info env "notify" $ "Failed to notify the offer: " <> fromString (show offer)
info env "notify" $ "Response: " <> fromString (Text.unpack $ Text.decodeUtf8 (LBS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode res1))
res2 <- runTG sendMsgReq2
liftIO $
if res2.responseOk
then info env "notify" "Notified successfully"
else do
info env "notify" $ "Failed to notify the offer: " <> fromString (show offer)
info env "notify" $ "Response: " <> fromString (Text.unpack $ Text.decodeUtf8 (LBS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode res2))
-- sendMsgReq1 = (defSendMessage (SomeChatId $ ChatId 952512153) offerText) {sendMessageParseMode = Just HTML}
-- sendMsgReq2 = (defSendMessage (SomeChatId $ ChatId 116981707) offerText) {sendMessageParseMode = Just HTML}
sendMsgReq3 = (defSendMessage (SomeChatId $ ChatId 5781922807) offerText) {sendMessageParseMode = Just HTML}
sendMsgReq4 = (defSendMessage (SomeChatId $ ChatId 7008484163) offerText) {sendMessageParseMode = Just HTML}
msgReq = case wbs of
WBS -> sendMsgReq3
NoWBS -> sendMsgReq4
sendMessageWithLogs offer msgReq
sendMessageWithLogs :: Offer -> SendMessageRequest -> KatipContextT BotM ()
sendMessageWithLogs offer sendMsgReq = do
res <- lift $ runTG sendMsgReq
if res.responseOk
then info "Notified successfully"
else do
info $ "Failed to notify the offer: " <> fromString (show offer)
info $ "Response: " <> fromString (Text.unpack $ Text.decodeUtf8 (LBS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode res))
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ common warnings
executable berlin-scraper
import: warnings
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base ^>=
build-depends: base
, scalpel
, aeson
, wreq
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ executable berlin-scraper
, http-client-openssl
, bytestring
, katip
, transformers
hs-source-dirs: app
default-language: GHC2021
ghc-options: -threaded -with-rtsopts=-N
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ mkDerivation, aeson, base, bytestring, http-client-openssl, katip
, lens, lib, optparse-generic, scalpel, servant-client
, sqlite-simple, telegram-bot-api, telegram-bot-simple, text, wreq
, sqlite-simple, telegram-bot-api, telegram-bot-simple, text
, transformers, wreq
mkDerivation {
pname = "berlin-scraper";
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ mkDerivation {
executableHaskellDepends = [
aeson base bytestring http-client-openssl katip lens
optparse-generic scalpel servant-client sqlite-simple
telegram-bot-api telegram-bot-simple text wreq
telegram-bot-api telegram-bot-simple text transformers wreq
license = lib.licenses.agpl3Plus;
mainProgram = "berlin-scraper";
Add table
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