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<title>Benjamin Yule Bädorf</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Benjamin Yule Bädorf writes code. I do some freelance stuff every once in a while.">
<meta name="Keywords" content="webdevelopment frontend javascript node freelance nix devops vue docker">
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<img src="/cows.jpg" alt="An image of three cows taken in the dark with a flashlight. I shot this over 15 years ago as a teenager and I don't think I have the original file. All that remains is this jpg that was processed a million times, but somehow it still captures the original vibe." />
My names are Ben, Yule, and b12f and I often spend my time engineering software.
I really like cycling, cats, cooperatives, and free software.
<h2>Stuff I've been doing</h2>
My focus has often been on the frontend and devops side of things, though I'm increasingly involved in the organisational side of collaboration.
I've spent time as a frontend engineer @ <a href="https://hosting.de" target="_blank">hosting.de</a>,
frontend functional lead @ <a href="https://convidera.com" target="_blank">Convidera</a>,
and as a software engineer and design systems advocate @ <a href="https://openproject.com" target="_blank">OpenProject</a>,
in that order.
I'm a founding member of the free software non-profit <a href="https://pub.solar/" target="_blank">pub.solar</a>.
We host a single-sign-on cloud with various services. We also organize a small hackathon four times a year.
Come visit us at <a href="https://pub.solar/hakken" target="_blank">hakken.irl</a>!
I'm also a founding member of the tech collective <a href="https://momo.koeln/" target="_blank">Momo</a>.
We're professionals with experience in various parts of IT. We help you find solutions to a wide range of IT problems.
Last but very much not least, I'm a founding member of the Cologne based creative collective <a href="https://miom.space/" target="_blank">MiOM</a>.
We create affordable spaces to work, make art, and collaborate in.
<h2>Want to work with me?</h2>
I consider myself a generalist in the field of IT, though I'm most proficient in the development and operation of web applications, and the administration of linux-based cloud infrastructures.
My previous work has involved software engineering, IT consulting, designing of user interfaces, devops, linux systems administration, seminar moderation, tech writing, and barkeeping ;)
You can see some of my code <a href="http://git.pub.solar/b12f" target="_blank" title="Private Gitea. The better stuff is here.">here</a> and <a href="https://github.com/b12f" target="_blank" title="My GitHub profile">here</a>.
<summary>For recruiters, click here for some relevant keywords,</summary>
<ul class="keywords">
<li>Design Systems</li>
<li>User Interfaces</li>
<li>Web multimedia</li>
<li>Developer Experience / DX</li>
<li>Server Side Rendering</li>
<summary>and here for some relevant technologies.</summary>
<ul class="keywords">
<li>Nix & NixOS</li>
<p>Contact me if you'd like to see a conventional CV.</p>
<h2>Want to get in touch?</h2>
You can write me an e-mail @ <a href="mailto:hello@benjaminbaedorf.eu?Subject=Hi" title="Send me a mail!">hello@benjaminbaedorf.eu</a>,<br>
chat with me on Matrix <a href="https://matrix.to/#/@b12f:pub.solar" title="My Matrix @">@b12f:pub.solar</a>,<br>
follow me on Mastodon <a rel="me" href="https://mastodon.pub.solar/@b12f" title="My Mastodon @">@b12f@pub.solar</a>.<br>
<summary>GPG Pubkey</summary>
>FC62 3BBC BD26 04D5 CC9D 90BA E77B 0AAA F0D9 B76B</a>