{ pkgs, lib ? pkgs.lib, }: let inherit (builtins) readFile hashString split elemAt fetchurl toJSON baseNameOf; inherit (pkgs) linkFarm writeText stdenv writeShellScriptBin; inherit (lib) flatten mapAttrsToList importJSON cleanSourceWith; urlPart = url: elemAt (flatten (split "://([a-z0-9\.]*)" url)); artifactPath = url: "${urlPart url 0}/${urlPart url 1}/${hashString "sha256" (urlPart url 2)}"; mkDepsLink = lockfile: linkFarm "deps" (flatten ( mapAttrsToList ( url: sha256: [ { name = artifactPath url; path = fetchurl {inherit url sha256;}; } { name = (artifactPath url) + ".metadata.json"; path = writeText "metadata.json" (toJSON { inherit url; headers = {}; }); } ] ) (importJSON lockfile) )); in rec { mkBundled = { name, version, src, entrypoint, lockfile, importMap ? null, denoFlags ? [], }: stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit name version entrypoint; denoFlags = denoFlags ++ ( if importMap != null then ["--import-map" importMap] else [] ); src = cleanSourceWith { inherit src; filter = path: type: (baseNameOf path != "bundled.js"); }; buildInputs = with pkgs; [ deno jq ]; buildPhase = '' export DENO_DIR=`mktemp -d` ln -s "${mkDepsLink lockfile}" $(deno info --json | jq -r .modulesCache) deno bundle $denoFlags $entrypoint bundled.js ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/dist install -t $out/dist bundled.js ''; }; mkBundledWrapper = { name, entrypoint, ... } @ args: let bundled = mkBundled args; in writeShellScriptBin "${name}" "${pkgs.deno}/bin/deno run ${bundled}/dist/bundled.js"; mkExecutable = { name, version, src, entrypoint, lockfile, importMap ? null, denoFlags ? [], }: stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit src name entrypoint; denoFlags = denoFlags ++ ["--lock" "${src}/${lockfile}"] ++ ["--cached-only"] ++ ["--output" name] ++ ( if importMap != null then ["--import-map" "${src}/${importMap}"] else [] ); buildInputs = with pkgs; [ deno jq ]; fixupPhase = ":"; buildPhase = '' export DENO_DIR=`mktemp -d` ln -s "${mkDepsLink "${src}/${lockfile}"}" $(deno info --json | jq -r .modulesCache) ls $(dirname $src/$entrypoint) deno compile $denoFlags "$entrypoint" ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/bin mv "$name" "$out/bin/" ''; }; }