import * as d3 from ""; // Copyright 2021 Observable, Inc. // Released under the ISC license. // function CandlestickChart(data, { date = d =>, // given d in data, returns the (temporal) x-value open = d =>, // given d in data, returns a (quantitative) y-value close = d => d.close, // given d in data, returns a (quantitative) y-value high = d => d.high, // given d in data, returns a (quantitative) y-value low = d => d.low, // given d in data, returns a (quantitative) y-value title, // given d in data, returns the title text marginTop = 20, // top margin, in pixels marginRight = 30, // right margin, in pixels marginBottom = 30, // bottom margin, in pixels marginLeft = 40, // left margin, in pixels width = 640, // outer width, in pixels height = 400, // outer height, in pixels xDomain, // array of x-values (defaults to every weekday) xRange = [marginLeft, width - marginRight], // [left, right] xPadding = 0.2, xTicks, // array of x-values to label (defaults to every other Monday) yType = d3.scaleLinear, // type of y-scale yDomain, // [ymin, ymax] yRange = [height - marginBottom, marginTop], // [bottom, top] xFormat = "%b %-d", // a format specifier for the date on the x-axis yFormat = "~f", // a format specifier for the value on the y-axis yLabel, // a label for the y-axis stroke = "gold", // stroke color for the daily rule strokeLinecap = "round", // stroke line cap for the rules colors = ["gold", "white", "black"] // [up, no change, down] } = {}) { // Compute values. const X =, date); const Yo =, open); const Yc =, close); const Yh =, high); const Yl =, low); const I = d3.range(X.length); const weeks = (start, stop, stride) => d3.utcMonday.every(stride).range(start, +stop + 1); const weekdays = (start, stop) => d3.utcDays(start, +stop + 1).filter(d => d.getUTCDay() !== 0 && d.getUTCDay() !== 6); // Compute default domains and ticks. if (xDomain === undefined) xDomain = weekdays(d3.min(X), d3.max(X)); if (yDomain === undefined) yDomain = [d3.min(Yl), d3.max(Yh)]; if (xTicks === undefined) xTicks = weeks(d3.min(xDomain), d3.max(xDomain), 2); // Construct scales and axes. // If you were to plot a stock using d3.scaleUtc, you’d see distracting gaps // every weekend. This chart therefore uses a d3.scaleBand whose domain is every // weekday in the dataset. A few gaps remain for holiday weekdays, such as // Christmas, but these are infrequent and allow the labeling of Mondays. As a // band scale, we specify explicit tick values. const xScale = d3.scaleBand(xDomain, xRange).padding(xPadding); const yScale = yType(yDomain, yRange); // Compute titles. if (title === undefined) { const formatDate = d3.utcFormat("%B %-d, %Y"); const formatValue = d3.format(".2f"); const formatChange = (f => (y0, y1) => f((y1 - y0) / y0))(d3.format("+.2%")); title = i => `${formatDate(X[i])} Open: ${formatValue(Yo[i])} Close: ${formatValue(Yc[i])} (${formatChange(Yo[i], Yc[i])}) Low: ${formatValue(Yl[i])} High: ${formatValue(Yh[i])}`; } else if (title !== null) { const T =, title); title = i => T[i]; } const svg = d3.create("svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height) .attr("viewBox", [0, 0, width, height]) .attr("style", "max-width: 100%; height: auto; height: intrinsic;"); const g = svg.append("g") .attr("stroke", stroke) .attr("stroke-linecap", strokeLinecap) .selectAll("g") .data(I) .join("g") .attr("transform", i => { return `translate(${xScale.step() * i},0)`; }); g.append("line") .attr("y1", i => yScale(Yl[i])) .attr("y2", i => yScale(Yh[i])); g.append("line") .attr("y1", i => yScale(Yo[i])) .attr("y2", i => yScale(Yc[i])) .attr("stroke-width", xScale.bandwidth()) .attr("stroke", i => colors[1 + Math.sign(Yo[i] - Yc[i])]); if (title) g.append("title") .text(title); return svg.node(); } const getNewDataPoint = (oldPoint) => ({ date: new Date( + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)), open: oldPoint.close, high: oldPoint.close + Math.random() * 5000 - 1000, low: oldPoint.close - Math.random() * 2000 + 1000, close: oldPoint.close + Math.random() * 2000 - Math.random() * 1000, volume: Math.random() * 21899500 / 2 + 4229132, }); const open = Math.random() * 200; const initialPoint = { date: new Date(), open, high: open + Math.random() * 400, low: open - Math.random() * 200, close: open + Math.random() * 2000 - Math.random() * 1000, volume: 21899500, }; const baseArray = new Array(200) .fill(null) .reduce((list, _, i) => [ ...list, getNewDataPoint(list[i]), ], [initialPoint]); const createChart = () => { const svgs = document.body.getElementsByTagName('svg'); for (let svg of svgs) { document.body.removeChild(svg); } const chart = CandlestickChart(baseArray, { date: d =>, high: d => d.high, low: d => d.low, open: d =>, close: d => d.close, yLabel: "↑ Price ($)", width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, }); document.body.appendChild(chart); } createChart(); setInterval(() => { baseArray.shift(); baseArray.push(getNewDataPoint(baseArray[baseArray.length - 1])); createChart(); }, 500);