{ package ? null , maintainer ? null , path ? null }: # TODO: add assert statements let pkgs = import ./../../default.nix { }; packagesWith = cond: return: set: pkgs.lib.unique (pkgs.lib.flatten (pkgs.lib.mapAttrsToList (name: pkg: let result = builtins.tryEval ( if pkgs.lib.isDerivation pkg && cond name pkg then [(return name pkg)] else if pkg.recurseForDerivations or false || pkg.recurseForRelease or false then packagesWith cond return pkg else [] ); in if result.success then result.value else [] ) set ) ); packagesWithUpdateScriptAndMaintainer = maintainer': let maintainer = if ! builtins.hasAttr maintainer' pkgs.lib.maintainers then builtins.throw "Maintainer with name `${maintainer'} does not exist in `lib/maintainers.nix`." else builtins.getAttr maintainer' pkgs.lib.maintainers; in packagesWith (name: pkg: builtins.hasAttr "updateScript" pkg && (if builtins.hasAttr "maintainers" pkg.meta then (if builtins.isList pkg.meta.maintainers then builtins.elem maintainer pkg.meta.maintainers else maintainer == pkg.meta.maintainers ) else false ) ) (name: pkg: pkg) pkgs; packagesWithUpdateScript = path: let attrSet = pkgs.lib.attrByPath (pkgs.lib.splitString "." path) null pkgs; in packagesWith (name: pkg: builtins.hasAttr "updateScript" pkg) (name: pkg: pkg) attrSet; packageByName = name: let package = pkgs.lib.attrByPath (pkgs.lib.splitString "." name) null pkgs; in if package == null then builtins.throw "Package with an attribute name `${name}` does not exists." else if ! builtins.hasAttr "updateScript" package then builtins.throw "Package with an attribute name `${name}` does not have a `passthru.updateScript` attribute defined." else package; packages = if package != null then [ (packageByName package) ] else if maintainer != null then packagesWithUpdateScriptAndMaintainer maintainer else if path != null then packagesWithUpdateScript path else builtins.throw "No arguments provided.\n\n${helpText}"; helpText = '' Please run: % nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --argstr maintainer garbas to run all update scripts for all packages that lists \`garbas\` as a maintainer and have \`updateScript\` defined, or: % nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --argstr package garbas to run update script for specific package, or % nix-shell maintainers/scripts/update.nix --argstr path gnome3 to run update script for all package under an attribute path. ''; runUpdateScript = package: '' echo -ne " - ${package.name}: UPDATING ..."\\r ${package.updateScript} &> ${(builtins.parseDrvName package.name).name}.log CODE=$? if [ "$CODE" != "0" ]; then echo " - ${package.name}: ERROR " echo "" echo "--- SHOWING ERROR LOG FOR ${package.name} ----------------------" echo "" cat ${(builtins.parseDrvName package.name).name}.log echo "" echo "--- SHOWING ERROR LOG FOR ${package.name} ----------------------" exit $CODE else rm ${(builtins.parseDrvName package.name).name}.log fi echo " - ${package.name}: DONE. " ''; in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "nixpkgs-update-script"; buildCommand = '' echo "" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "Not possible to update packages using \`nix-build\`" echo "" echo "${helpText}" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" exit 1 ''; shellHook = '' echo "" echo "Going to be running update for following packages:" echo "${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (x: " - ${x.name}") packages)}" echo "" read -n1 -r -p "Press space to continue..." confirm if [ "$confirm" = "" ]; then echo "" echo "Running update for:" ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map runUpdateScript packages)} echo "" echo "Packages updated!" exit 0 else echo "Aborting!" exit 1 fi ''; }