import ./make-test-python.nix ({ lib, pkgs, system, ... }: let tpmSocketPath = "/tmp/swtpm-sock"; tpmDeviceModels = { x86_64-linux = "tpm-tis"; aarch64-linux = "tpm-tis-device"; }; in { name = "systemd-credentials-tpm2"; meta = { maintainers = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; [ tmarkus ]; }; nodes.machine = { pkgs, ... }: { virtualisation = { qemu.options = [ "-chardev socket,id=chrtpm,path=${tpmSocketPath}" "-tpmdev emulator,id=tpm_dev_0,chardev=chrtpm" "-device ${tpmDeviceModels.${system}},tpmdev=tpm_dev_0" ]; }; boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "tpm_tis" ]; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ diffutils ]; }; testScript = '' import subprocess from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory # From systemd-initrd-luks-tpm2.nix class Tpm: def __init__(self): self.state_dir = TemporaryDirectory() self.start() def start(self): self.proc = subprocess.Popen(["${pkgs.swtpm}/bin/swtpm", "socket", "--tpmstate", f"dir={}", "--ctrl", "type=unixio,path=${tpmSocketPath}", "--tpm2", ]) # Check whether starting swtpm failed try: exit_code = self.proc.wait(timeout=0.2) if exit_code is not None and exit_code != 0: raise Exception("failed to start swtpm") except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: pass """Check whether the swtpm process exited due to an error""" def check(self): exit_code = self.proc.poll() if exit_code is not None and exit_code != 0: raise Exception("swtpm process died") CRED_NAME = "testkey" CRED_RAW_FILE = f"/root/{CRED_NAME}" CRED_FILE = f"/root/{CRED_NAME}.cred" def systemd_run(machine, cmd): machine.log(f"Executing command (via systemd-run): \"{cmd}\"") (status, out) = machine.execute( " ".join([ "systemd-run", "--service-type=exec", "--quiet", "--wait", "-E PATH=\"$PATH\"", "-p StandardOutput=journal", "-p StandardError=journal", f"-p LoadCredentialEncrypted={CRED_NAME}:{CRED_FILE}", f"$SHELL -c '{cmd}'" ]) ) if status != 0: raise Exception(f"systemd_run failed (status {status})") machine.log("systemd-run finished successfully") tpm = Tpm() @polling_condition def swtpm_running(): tpm.check() machine.wait_for_unit("") with subtest("Check whether TPM device exists"): machine.succeed("test -e /dev/tpm0") machine.succeed("test -e /dev/tpmrm0") with subtest("Check whether systemd-creds detects TPM2 correctly"): cmd = "systemd-creds has-tpm2" machine.log(f"Running \"{cmd}\"") (status, _) = machine.execute(cmd) # Check exit code equals 0 or 1 (1 means firmware support is missing, which is OK here) if status != 0 and status != 1: raise Exception("systemd-creds failed to detect TPM2") with subtest("Encrypt credential using systemd-creds"): machine.succeed(f"dd if=/dev/urandom of={CRED_RAW_FILE} bs=1k count=16") machine.succeed(f"systemd-creds --with-key=host+tpm2 encrypt --name=testkey {CRED_RAW_FILE} {CRED_FILE}") with subtest("Write provided credential and check for equality"): CRED_OUT_FILE = f"/root/{CRED_NAME}.out" systemd_run(machine, f"systemd-creds cat testkey > {CRED_OUT_FILE}") machine.succeed(f"cmp --silent -- {CRED_RAW_FILE} {CRED_OUT_FILE}") with subtest("Check whether systemd service can see credential in systemd-creds list"): systemd_run(machine, f"systemd-creds list | grep {CRED_NAME}") with subtest("Check whether systemd service can access credential in $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY"): systemd_run(machine, f"cmp --silent -- $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/{CRED_NAME} {CRED_RAW_FILE}") ''; })