Janne Heß 452102db8f
nixos/stage-2-init: Clean up legacy commands
We can perform most of the mkdir/ln/rm using systemd-tmpfiles
instead which cleans up the script.

/bin and /home are created by their activation script snippets

usbfs is deprecated and unused.

hwclock seems to be automatically executed by systemd on startup.

The mkswap to prevent hibernation cycles seems to be executed by systemd
as well since the provided regression tests succeeds.
2022-03-27 13:51:02 +02:00

128 lines
4 KiB

# Test whether hibernation from partition works.
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem
, config ? {}
, pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system config; }
with import ../lib/testing-python.nix { inherit system pkgs; };
# System configuration of the installed system, which is used for the actual
# hibernate testing.
installedConfig = with pkgs.lib; {
imports = [
hardware.enableAllFirmware = mkForce false;
documentation.nixos.enable = false;
boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/vda"; = [ "" ];
powerManagement.resumeCommands = "systemctl --no-block restart backdoor.service";
fileSystems = {
"/".device = "/dev/vda2";
swapDevices = mkOverride 0 [ { device = "/dev/vda1"; } ];
installedSystem = (import ../lib/eval-config.nix {
inherit system;
modules = [ installedConfig ];
in makeTest {
name = "hibernate";
nodes = {
# System configuration used for installing the installedConfig from above.
machine = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; {
imports = [
nix.settings = {
substituters = mkForce [];
hashed-mirrors = null;
connect-timeout = 1;
virtualisation.diskSize = 8 * 1024;
virtualisation.emptyDiskImages = [
# Small root disk for installer
virtualisation.bootDevice = "/dev/vdb";
# 9P doesn't support reconnection to virtio transport after a hibernation.
# Therefore, machine just hangs on any Nix store access.
# To avoid this, we install NixOS onto a temporary disk with everything we need
# included into the store.
testScript =
def create_named_machine(name):
machine = create_machine(
"qemuFlags": "-cpu max ${
if system == "x86_64-linux" then "-m 1024"
else "-m 768 -enable-kvm -machine virt,gic-version=host"}",
"hdaInterface": "virtio",
"hda": "vm-state-machine/machine.qcow2",
"name": name,
return machine
# Install NixOS
# Partition /dev/vda
"flock /dev/vda parted --script /dev/vda -- mklabel msdos"
+ " mkpart primary linux-swap 1M 1024M"
+ " mkpart primary ext2 1024M -1s",
"udevadm settle",
"mkfs.ext3 -L nixos /dev/vda2",
"mount LABEL=nixos /mnt",
"mkswap /dev/vda1 -L swap",
# Install onto /mnt
"nix-store --load-db < ${pkgs.closureInfo {rootPaths = [installedSystem];}}/registration",
"nixos-install --root /mnt --system ${installedSystem} --no-root-passwd --no-channel-copy >&2",
# Start up
hibernate = create_named_machine("hibernate")
# Drop in file that checks if we un-hibernated properly (and not booted fresh)
"mkdir /run/test",
"mount -t ramfs -o size=1m ramfs /run/test",
"echo not persisted to disk > /run/test/suspended",
# Hibernate machine
hibernate.execute("systemctl hibernate >&2 &", check_return=False)
# Restore machine from hibernation, validate our ramfs file is there.
resume = create_named_machine("resume")
resume.succeed("grep 'not persisted to disk' /run/test/suspended")
# Ensure we don't restore from hibernation when booting again
resume.wait_for_unit("")"grep 'not persisted to disk' /run/test/suspended")