Jan Tojnar adecb00f5a
doc: Build as CommonMark
We were using Pandoc’s Markdown parser. This is non-standard and might cause issues when we finally switch to some other tool.

Since RFC 0072 agreed on CommonMark, let’s switch to that.

We will use some extensions to make the limited syntax bearable but these are official so they should be more portable.
2021-06-07 06:34:59 +02:00

110 lines
3.5 KiB

MD_TARGETS=$(addsuffix .xml, $(basename $(shell find . -type f -regex '.*\.md$$' -not -name
PANDOC ?= pandoc
pandoc_media_dir = media
# TODO: Remove raw-attribute when we can get rid of DocBook altogether.
pandoc_commonmark_enabled_extensions = +attributes+fenced_divs+footnotes+bracketed_spans+definition_lists+pipe_tables+raw_attribute
pandoc_flags = --extract-media=$(pandoc_media_dir) \
--lua-filter=$(PANDOC_LUA_FILTERS_DIR)/diagram-generator.lua \
-f commonmark$(pandoc_commonmark_enabled_extensions)+smart
.PHONY: all
all: validate format out/html/index.html out/epub/manual.epub
.PHONY: debug
nix-shell --run "xmloscopy --docbook5 ./manual.xml ./manual-full.xml"
.PHONY: format
format: doc-support/result
find . -iname '*.xml' -type f | while read f; do \
echo $$f ;\
xmlformat --config-file "doc-support/result/xmlformat.conf" -i $$f ;\
.PHONY: fix-misc-xml
find . -iname '*.xml' -type f \
-exec ../nixos/doc/varlistentry-fixer.rb {} ';'
.PHONY: clean
rm -f ${MD_TARGETS} doc-support/result .version manual-full.xml functions/library/locations.xml functions/library/generated
rm -rf ./out/ ./highlightjs
.PHONY: validate
validate: manual-full.xml doc-support/result
jing doc-support/result/docbook.rng manual-full.xml
out/html/index.html: doc-support/result manual-full.xml style.css highlightjs
mkdir -p out/html
xsltproc \
--nonet --xinclude \
--output $@ \
doc-support/result/xhtml.xsl \
mkdir -p out/html/highlightjs/
cp -r highlightjs out/html/
cp -r $(pandoc_media_dir) out/html/
cp ./overrides.css out/html/
cp ./style.css out/html/style.css
mkdir -p out/html/images/callouts
cp doc-support/result/xsl/docbook/images/callouts/*.svg out/html/images/callouts/
chmod u+w -R out/html/
out/epub/manual.epub: manual-full.xml
mkdir -p out/epub/scratch
xsltproc --nonet \
--output out/epub/scratch/ \
doc-support/result/epub.xsl \
cp -r $(pandoc_media_dir) out/epub/scratch/OEBPS
cp ./overrides.css out/epub/scratch/OEBPS
cp ./style.css out/epub/scratch/OEBPS
mkdir -p out/epub/scratch/OEBPS/images/callouts/
cp doc-support/result/xsl/docbook/images/callouts/*.svg out/epub/scratch/OEBPS/images/callouts/
echo "application/epub+zip" > mimetype
zip -0Xq "out/epub/manual.epub" mimetype
rm mimetype
cd "out/epub/scratch/" && zip -Xr9D "../manual.epub" *
rm -rf "out/epub/scratch/"
highlightjs: doc-support/result
mkdir -p highlightjs
cp -r doc-support/result/highlightjs/highlight.pack.js highlightjs/
cp -r doc-support/result/highlightjs/LICENSE highlightjs/
cp -r doc-support/result/highlightjs/mono-blue.css highlightjs/
cp -r doc-support/result/highlightjs/loader.js highlightjs/
manual-full.xml: ${MD_TARGETS} .version functions/library/locations.xml functions/library/generated *.xml **/*.xml **/**/*.xml
xmllint --nonet --xinclude --noxincludenode manual.xml --output manual-full.xml
.version: doc-support/result
ln -rfs ./doc-support/result/version .version
doc-support/result: doc-support/default.nix
(cd doc-support; nix-build)
functions/library/locations.xml: doc-support/result
ln -rfs ./doc-support/result/function-locations.xml functions/library/locations.xml
functions/library/generated: doc-support/result
ln -rfs ./doc-support/result/function-docs functions/library/generated
$(PANDOC) $^ -t docbook \
$(pandoc_flags) \
| cat > $@
$(PANDOC) $^ -t docbook \
--top-level-division=chapter \
$(pandoc_flags) \
| cat > $@