{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let psCfg = config.pub-solar; in { boot.kernelParams = [ "amd_iommu=on" "intel_iommu=on" "iommu=pt" ]; virtualisation.libvirtd = { enable = true; qemu.ovmf.enable = true; }; users.users."${psCfg.user.name}" = { extraGroups = ["libvirtd"]; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ libvirt libvirt-glib qemu virt-manager python3Packages.libvirt gvfs edk2 OVMF win-virtio looking-glass-client lgcl ]; home-manager.users."${psCfg.user.name}" = { xdg.dataFile."libvirt/.keep".text = "# this file is here to generate the directory"; home.packages = [pkgs.obs-studio-plugins.looking-glass-obs]; }; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "f /dev/shm/looking-glass 0660 ${psCfg.user.name} kvm" ]; networking.bridges.virbr1.interfaces = []; networking.interfaces.virbr1 = { ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; }; }