{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let exDomain = (import ./ex-domain.nix) lib; in { imports = [ (builtins.fetchTarball { # Pick a commit from the branch you are interested in url = "https://gitlab.com/simple-nixos-mailserver/nixos-mailserver/-/archive/0c1801b48995ec6909e040abedaa56a64f0db430/nixos-mailserver-0c1801b48995ec6909e040abedaa56a64f0db430.tar.gz"; # And set its hash sha256 = ""; }) ]; mailserver = { enable = true; fqdn = "mail.b12f.io"; domains = ["b12f.io" exDomain]; # A list of all login accounts. To create the password hashes, use # nix-shell -p mkpasswd --run 'mkpasswd -sm bcrypt' loginAccounts."mail@b12f.io" = { hashedPassword = "$2b$05$Ak1YLaRtdBI6h0uwSIzpKuF3v9JIxRBwODrARTLSlPM8guYI1rNmC"; aliases = ["@example.com"]; }; loginAccounts."mail@${exDomain}" = { hashedPassword = "$2b$05$wWs55JDK1.LiPqKPF3egfu/3ocEQGihD7hkvLqvVsAzmKSzL0DGdi"; aliases = [("@" + exDomain)]; }; # Use Let's Encrypt certificates. Note that this needs to set up a stripped # down nginx and opens port 80. certificateScheme = "acme"; }; }