{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let psCfg = config.pub-solar; cfg = config.pub-solar.wireguard-client; in { options.pub-solar.wireguard-client = { ownIPs = mkOption { description = '' Internal ips in wireguard used for cluster control-plane communication. ''; type = types.listOf types.str; }; wireguardPrivateKeyFile = mkOption { description = '' Location of private key file ''; type = types.path; }; }; config = { networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [51899]; systemd.services.wg-quick-wg0 = { after = [ "network.target" "network-online.target" "nss-lookup.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Type = mkForce "simple"; Restart = "on-failure"; RestartSec = "30"; }; environment = { WG_ENDPOINT_RESOLUTION_RETRIES = "infinity"; }; }; networking.wg-quick.interfaces = { wg0 = { listenPort = 51899; address = cfg.ownIPs; dns = [ "" "fd00:b12f:acab:1312:acab:2::" ]; privateKeyFile = cfg.wireguardPrivateKeyFile; peers = [ { # frikandel publicKey = "p6YKNYBlySKfhTN+wbSsKdoNjzko/XSAiTAlCJzP1jA="; allowedIPs = [ "" "" "::/0" "fd00:b12f:acab:1312::/64" ]; endpoint = "vpn.b12f.io:51899"; persistentKeepalive = 25; } { # pie publicKey = "hPTXEqQ2GYEywdPNdZBacwB9KKcoFZ/heClxnqmizyw="; allowedIPs = [ "" "fd00:b12f:acab:1312:acab:2::/96" ]; endpoint = "pie-wg.b12f.io:51899"; persistentKeepalive = 25; } ]; }; }; }; }